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EDL #20
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Match: Provi vs Lucas
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flag Provi vs Lucas flag
Referee:flag syanid
Date:2005-04-24 17:00
Maps:q2dm1, ztn2dm3, q2rdm2, ptrip
Scores:26:2, 30:3, 8:10, 97:2

After defeating polish newcomer cs3^, provi gets to play with another polander, Lucas, who has been around for a lot longer time. In irc provi already seemed to be confident about this game and as we can see from the result, he was right. We all know how good Lucas can be, but in this game he really was powerless to stop finnish railmachine provi.
Lucas lost the "sim-card" throw(previously I used matchbox to decide who gets to start kicking maps) and he kicks dm2, m1 and ptrip in that order. Provi chose to drop duel5, fury and dm3. Ergo seems to be good for both, as Lucas has ping ~40 and provi ~35. We start with dm1 since it's the default map on most servers. Ok, I must say I dont remember so many things from the game, but I'll tell you some things I do remember. Provi controlled the megaroom most of the time. Lucas was sneaking and trying to make attacks, but mostly he was fiercely stopped by provis counter attacks. Lucas did manage to get provi on low health seweral times but killing him was a different story. Provi just refused to let go of his life. He build up his lead frag by frag and no matter how bad Lucas tried, provi was unstoppable. Game felt more tight than score 26:2 looks like. Very nice game from provi here.

Ztn2dm3 was next map and in different story in here. Provi hold the red armor and megahealt and managed to rape Lucas so bad in first 9 minutes, that score was already 16:-1 before Lucas was able to kill provi for the first time. That frag didn't count for much, because it didnt take long for provi to steal the red armor again and take control of the map. Also some spawnfrags made the score more comfortable for him. Lucas manages to kill him 2 times more, but in the end provi takes what's his, map win with huge frag difference 30:3. At this point it felt like this was going to be easy 3:0 for provi, but you can never predict the future.

Most exciting map started, q2rdm2. Mostly known as the "nordic" map, making it more provis homemap than Lucas's. However, things did not work out for provi in here. Lucas did amazing job stealing megahealts from provi. I didnt count and I dont know, but it felt like Lucas took like 90% of megahealths and with help of that, pulled out a nice lead. Also luck was at Lucas's side(rl frag @ railpipe, falling down from chain with 1 health left). Provi just couldn't kill him! After Lucas's 10th frag, provi took the control, but Lucas is master of playing time. Provi never got close enough to do enough serious damage to take him down and time just run out no matter how hard provi tried. In the last minute provi finally manages to kill him, once, twice, three times! But Lucas makes such a nice runaways that forrest gump himself would be proud of that!
Timelimit kills provis hopes for getting to overtime, and Lucas takes his magnificent win in here. Very nice map, very nice playing from Lucas. Score 10:8.

Provi has advantage to choose a map and I dont think he thinks twice when he picks ptrip. Ptrip is a map of insane scores and that's exactly what we get. I must say that score would have been a lot nicer for Lucas if he would have just played until the end, but he chose to give up in last minutes of the map. First 10-12 minutes were really nice game. Provi proved that he's capable to beat Lucas here even when Lucas plays his best. Provi had the red armor and rl under his control and left only combat armor and rail&ssg for lucas. That's not enough against skilled player with 100/200 and all the weapon arsenal in the map. Lucas totally gave up in last 3 minutes and gave provi extra free frags that whole time. Provi thanked and spawnraped Lucas until clock stopped him after 97th frag. Provi advances and Lucas is out. Score 97:2

Now, after defeating 2 polish in a row, provi will meet his 3rd in the final of Loosers bracket. This time in the line is Assasin, the very same Assasin who sent provi to loosers bracket in the first place. This time I dont think that will be as easy as it was back then, but I'm expecting for a _really_ nice game. Provi has confident from 2 raped opponents and a mood to kill that person who humiliated him with depressing 3:0 score and he wants to give some of asswhooping back. Assasin on the other hand - as a winner of their first meeting - has upper hand on the spirit, he knows he can win. This will be exciting match and decider if there will be POL-FIN or FIN-FIN final in season 2 of EDL. Stay tuned! :)


2005-04-27 20:08 
Nice report syanid! GG Provi and gl vs. Assasin!
2005-04-26 06:26 
wow ptrip !
2005-04-26 03:36 
nice report, and nice games. Provi looks in pretty good shape
2005-04-26 03:08 
yea nice report sya
2005-04-25 18:19 
One picture worth more 1000 words, but this is realy nice report syanid


provi man what u eat for breakfast
2005-04-25 10:52 
Well Scooby, what's the point of an allstar match if in theory can assemble such teams every night? It's just the same thing. And don't give me any: "But not all can play then and then", it will be the same with the exhibition match. I understand it's more difficult to gather those 8 great players and play one night, but the principle is just the same.

What does purri vs. assasin have to do with this? All check said was it will be difficult for assasin to reach the exhibition.
2005-04-25 03:51 
gheez scooby , hold ur horses, was just an observation
I was looking at the table saw provi now meets assasin, then that winner meets damiah , and that winner plays the exhi. match vs purri.
I was just thinking all best duelers (who you'd predict to come through) came through the draws. The 4 remaining will have some tough fights. And yes i think assasin has the least of chances. But my remark was also in response after the provi vs cs3 and lucas matches. Provi seems hard to beat. Than ass would face damiah, which will be very hard for ass. And yes, i give provi more chances vs Damiah than ass (depend what maps a little). No need to get so defensive. I wasn't making ass ridiculous or smth. I think he's a very good player (he can adapt very good).
But hey if u thought i was... wth i dont care.
Your response says more about u than about me.
2005-04-25 03:39 
whats the point of an exhibition match vs purri if "u" can play him almost every night? and he has played vs him few times and every time purri played with ping 20 and assasin 50 cose "ur purrifier" didnt agree to play on equal pings... dude its just pointless ... peace!
2005-04-25 03:37 
hehe , its a looong way for assasin to play the exhibition match vs purri

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