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Match: [BOSS] vs play>
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flag [BOSS] vs play> flag
Referee:flag *rl*
Date:2009-05-10 14:00
Maps:w/o, w/o
Scores:o:w, o:w

[21:17] <thaigox> put wo
[21:17] <veed> really?
[21:17] <thaigox> really
[21:17] <veed> lol why?
[21:17] <thaigox> it's 10.5.2009
[21:17] <thaigox> aka summer
[21:18] <veed> it's spring but OK


2009-05-14 09:27 
Again, again and again I read it and ure still bullshitting that CBR wasn't replaced 2 weeks after the playoffs started. Playoffs started 1.4.2009 and cbr got replaced by US 14.4.2009.

That's what u have written yourself, dick.

No wonder I got problems understanding your text, because clearly u don't even understand it yourself.

And yes, feel free to chicken out and run away when u get caught bullshitting.

Edited: 2009-05-14 09:30
2009-05-14 09:22 
read my prev comment again, and again and again...and that's the last 30sec i wasted here because of you...
2009-05-14 09:01 
Let's see the newsposts U WROTE:

Playoffs: Round 1 2009-04-01 14:08 | *rl*

Info 2009-04-14 23:07 | *rl*
We decided to switch teams. CBR - out, US - in.

See how full of bullshit u are?
2009-05-14 07:34 
cbr refused to play before playoffs even started, so you're wrong thaigo...AGAIN. you thnik you know something but reality is totally different...
2009-05-13 18:51 
"muerte you had a chance to admin 2x2 league.. why didn't you take it?"
Yeah! This gravitation scene will need you!
2009-05-13 11:07 
Oh and now I remember the first reason for delay in our match vs US. US was not even supposed to play against us, cbr was! Untill veed decided to replace cbr with US. US is not even supposed to be in the playoffs.

So now ure coming and telling me it's my fault that the game was delayed? BUUUULLLLLLSHIT ON THAT!


Edited: 2009-05-13 11:11
2009-05-13 09:20 
muerte you had a chance to admin 2x2 league.. why didn't you take it?
2009-05-13 08:22 
So now u go on about a game vs US when u have proved to be the one to blame in this game? Sure lets go. We were the ones asking all the time for US to play at start and they always said no ( at least 4-5 times). Then when it came weekend, gerppa had to go celebrate his dads 50 birthday. So that game was delayed because of us when we could have played 4-5 times per week and they only on weekend when gerppa was away. That makes it our fault?

So are u now saying one game per week is not a rule, but what? A guideline perhaps? emo emo emo

Muerte: Funny that those WO's don't happen in other leagues that often, at least not in finals. Players are the same, rules are the same considering one game per week etc...
Wonder what is different in this league and this season then...Admin perhaps emo?

Edited: 2009-05-13 08:32
2009-05-13 08:21 
1st season: w/o
2nd season Damiah/Dimmo beated HBQ
3rd season: w/o
4th season: thg/provi beated Synth
5th season thg/provi win Walkover in the final game. Sad but nothing to do about it. Purri pulled out the iag card.

didn't notice before that ever anyone mention to ban purri shg or hrz from league
with 'small' admins league is always 'small'
in seasons before HBQ admins banned maps now is time to ban players
no wonder why ds/scene go down maybe it should
2009-05-13 08:03 
yes, it supposed to be wo vs US thaigo. your memory seems to be very short. you finally managed to play that game, yes but tell me how many times me/US tried to schedule this game, also they have waited far too long but still i gave you chance to play...you were saying about that "rule" 'one game per week'... it wasn't a rule but we (wision,me as an admins) are wrong and you are right! COME ON

and it looks like it's another pointless discussion since everybody says: "white is white and black is black", and you say: fuck no, you're all wrong...bye.
2009-05-13 07:19 
Wo against Us? AGAIN, u might wanna check your facts. We won by PLAYING.

Problems vs LTU? Is it my problem that they cant field 2 players in time? Btw, I have never seen deads mate, specially not then when we needed to play. Never. Have you?

Problem vs play is clearly because schedule is fucked up and schedule is fucked up by nonother than u.

And of course it's about schedule. Would u like to play some league during summer when u signup during winter? Yeah I don't want that either.

I can't really take seriously some "admin" like u who pulls facts out of your own ass like the game with US.

What about wision? When arguing about this in irc last night, he tried to claim that there is no rule for playing one match per week so schedule is not fucked up. WROOOOOONG again, it clearly says in the news that u have to play one match per week.

One line from wision at irc when we were talking about the schedule of this league:
[10:15pm] <@wision> nobody blame you for the league being delayed

And save me the bullshit whine that the line would have been taken out of context, because it's not. Feel free to contact me in irc for the whole log.

Good job in bullshitting, "admins".... Not so good job admining.

Edited: 2009-05-13 08:02
2009-05-12 18:29 
no i don't have a personal attitude towards you or anybody here. was i arrogant like you're now? no, i wasn't. you think it's funny asking xxx times the same fuckin question: "when can you play"? as you can see in prev. comments wision/gerdt also had problems with you, or maybe they've a personal attitude towards you too? delays...you want me to tell you how many rounds were delayed because of your team? i bet you don't. but it's not about delays ffs, if you don't want to play, you just tell me or wision: i don't wanna play; i can't play anymore, sorry...and that's it. no problem. and you're telling me that i wasn't neutral...? FGS!

problems vs US, when you didn't have time to play and i give you some extra days (and only because of poles were offline for next couple of days you won by wo

problems vs ltu (dead...)

problems vs play>


league is delayed because it's silly to put wo right after the deadline, especially in playoffs, i mean rules are rules but teams had at least 10 days (or even more) to play their game...so teams always had some extra days to play some overdue game...

Edited: 2009-05-13 04:49
2009-05-12 18:26 
thank god that thaigo is not an admin..

anyway.. just drop it rl.. he's not worth talking to at all anymore.. since he blames you (us) just because some players weren't able to play their games on time, it pretty much says something about him.. only thing he does all the time, is trying to find some excuse to get him off the hook

Edited: 2009-05-12 18:30
2009-05-12 16:20 
Veed, of course, because that's your basic starting attitude with me. You have a personal attitude towards me, when you still as an admin should be neutral towards all the players in this league.

Tell me exactly where that 90% comes? I only remember one problem with our game and that was turned into wo in our favor. So where's that 90% come from. If 90% of all the problems in this leagues come from that one game, why is the league delayed with 4 weeks? Did that game delay the league with 4 weeks? Perhaps u pulled it out of your ass like all the other "facts"?

Edited: 2009-05-12 16:22
2009-05-12 16:08 
it's not about wo's thaigo. if you don't wanna play - just tell us that! simple as that! don't waste our time, please...ofc we had some problems during this season but 90% of them were connected with you or your team...i didn't have any problems with play> or tok...strange, ha?

Edited: 2009-05-12 16:13
2009-05-12 15:25 
This league started 20.2.2009 and in news it says that u have to play one game per week and this league is max 10 games in total for one team. So this league should have ended almost 2 weeks ago and I didn't sign up to play this late. There are still 2 rounds to be played so this league is going to last 14 weeks instead of promised 10.
So whois to blame for this game not being played? Whois the real troublemaker here?
My team or admins fucking up the schedule, which they promised at the start of this league?

I would blame the admins.

Edited: 2009-05-12 15:30
2009-05-12 14:23 
that's the problem.. i didn't.. i just said that you are a troublemaker. and since you caused some trouble now (indeed.. i consider you giving this wo as a trouble), you are a troublemaker.. not mentioning the past
2009-05-12 13:22 
On what grounds do u blame me being the troublemaker in wo's?

There are tens of games that has been wo this season and u blame me for giving one? FU emo

Edited: 2009-05-12 13:26
2009-05-12 11:36 
discussing with thaigo is pointless wision, since he can't understand simple things/facts. -> 4h chat in irc couple weeks ago...
2009-05-12 10:02 
facts? considering wos? there must be something wrong with your eyes thaigo.. otherwise i don't know where could you get that from
2009-05-12 09:39 
Yeah, am I the one giving most walkovers? U might want to check your so called facts again emo

Not my fault the league is taking so long to finish and why u always blame? U could have asked the same thing from gerppa and get the same answer.

I checked my stats from this league and during these seasons my team has received 7 wo's and given out 2 wo's, this being the second. Considering the amount of wo's in this league, I think im more of a active one here. So where do u get your facts of me being the troublemaker considering wo's emoemo emo

Edited: 2009-05-12 09:51
2009-05-12 08:19 
it has nothing to do with HBQ.. gerdt is former 2x2 headadmin (if you forgot muerte) and has enough experience with thaigo being a troublemaker
2009-05-12 06:33 
with this kind of gerppa connection its better they didnt show up

jeje HBQ dont like thg...
even sparrows know that emo

i remember this wision before HBQ: he was cool guy emo
2009-05-11 17:03 
23:52 < GGerdt> yea... i told rl in the beginning of this season not to allow thg
23:52 < GGerdt> caus he never finishes
23:52 < GGerdt> when the hard games come he chickens out

too bad that i was against banning him.. not gonna happen next season tho
2009-05-11 16:10 

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