2x2::2017 is finished | 2017-04-24 16:12 | k1ra |
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Ladies and gentlemen!
This is the final scores of the 2x2::2017 league!
Div1 1. >play  2. [rPWR]  3. IAFA 
Div2 1. qF  2. [fam] 3. KZK 
Thanks to all teams signed up and played all their matches! Blame on those who didn't play a game :/
For me it was fun to play this league. Hope everyone enjoyed it as I did :D
Special super mega thanks goes to AlexJ for awesome help in league organization.
p.s. sry dudes, this site doesn't allow to set bronze medals but we know who are the medalist :)
p.p.s. special thanks to David . He sent me all his league demos in 1 pack.
Viva q2! |
Playoff has been planted! | 2017-02-14 13:50 | k1ra |
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Hey amigos,
Playoffs tables are ready.
Div1 - 8 teams
Div2 - 4 teams
2 divisions, double elimination. Rules are the same: tl15, bo3.
UPDATE Deadline for the first round is February 26th. That means that all unplayed matches will be turned into w/o 27th.
Deadline was shifted a bit due to some changes that was done in playoff tables.
p.s. div2 was a bit mixed from group A and B due to unexpected inactivity of the majority of group B.
Enjoy! |
Added two teams | 2017-01-17 10:47 | AlexJ |
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[DV] and FE form Far East Russia
/AlexJ |
SGT removed and DRW moved to B | 2017-01-16 15:57 | k1ra |
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Unfortunately SGT had to be removed from the league (General is moving to another apt :( ). So all SGT matches turned into wo.
"Mate i am very sorry ,we must sign off the league,im moving to other town at wednsday and i wont have my pc for month or more because i cant take it with me on the bus... sorry man. when i was signin i didnt know that i will move..." /General
Team DRW as the latest registered team was moved from group A to B.
/k1ru |
2x2::2017::Is opened! | 2017-01-10 14:31 | k1ra |
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Ladies and gentlemen!
Groups are created, schedule is done.
Deadline for Group Stage is February 12th Please play your game as fast as possible, ALL unplayed games will be set as WO right after 12th of February.
Admins will check 2x2 in-match comments to chose who'll get wo. So please schedule your games in comments/irc/any other way and write it down on the site.
Rules Server settings: - mods allowed: opentdm - timelimit: 15 - ot: 2 - powerups (quad/invulnerability/powershield): 1 (ON) - bfg: 1 (ON)
Maplist: q2dm1, q2dm2, q2dm3, q2rdm1, ztn2dm3, match1, q2duel5 Map picking rules 1. Home team kick 1 map 2. Away team kick 1 map 3. Home team pick one map of the remaining 4. Away team pick one map of the remaining
In case of a draw (1-1), team with higher frag count decide who start kicking from remaining maps. Played maps are counting in map elimination.
Example: team1 kicked dm1, team1 picked dm3 team2 kicked dm2, team2 picked z3
So in case of 1-1 the elimination maplist is: q2rdm1, match1, q2duel5 And team with best frags count decides who starts elimination. The match 1. Games are played by BO-3 2. Winner-final and Super-final are played by BO-5 3. Loser final is played by BO-3
All players have to record demos and save screenshots. Email for screenshot and demos: quake2vs2@gmail.com Demo-server: TBD (but actually it will be the same system as in EDL) Cheats: Of course cheats are not allowed in this tournament: bot, wallhack, radar, speedcheat, spiked models etc. are prohibited. When caught, cheaters will be BANNED from all q2scene leagues, irc channels and q2 servers.
Allowed clients * r1q2 b7904 (version not lower than specified) * q2pro r1504 (version not lower than specified) |