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2013-10-07 ADL #1 is over
2013-04-09 Maps in Playoffs
2013-03-29 Special Reward Prize ...
2013-03-26 Playoff tables are ready.
2013-03-24 Playoff delay - missi ...
2013-02-06 ADL #1 Reward
2013-01-28 ADL #1 Started!
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ADL #1
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ADL #1 is over2013-10-07 10:36 | k1ra
A little bit postponed news, but better later than never, right?

ADL#1 is over, the league took much more time than it was expected and we lost shuggh during the playoff (and I didn't finish it by myself, thanks goes to welkin).

So the top3 players of the div1 are:
1. flag PURRI
2. flag IsBjorn
3. flag K1RU

And the winners of the div2 are:
1. flag ficha
2. flag nrk
3. flag MHZ


Thanks to the players for joining in and to all admins for their support!
glhf, cya next time!
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Maps in Playoffs2013-04-09 11:54 | Welkin
It seems there has been a misunderstanding in some playoff games in this league. Since we follow EDL rules, this is how maps are chosen:

4.1.5 A player may only pick one map in each match - even in the playoffs.
4.1.7 Home team (meaning the player in the antecedent position on the game's webpage) always picks the first map. Away team picks second map.
4.1.8 After having finished playing both players' map picks in a playoff game, the following two maps to play are chosen through map elimination. Whoever has earned the higher net value (own score minus opponent's score) in the first two maps, will choose who starts eliminating the remaining maps. Also, the player who did not start eliminating, will pick which map (out of the chosen two) to play first.
4.1.9 In case of a tie, the decider map is to be picked like this: For games played on a neutral server, the player who has earned the higher net value (of score) in the match, will choose who starts eliminating the remaining maps.

For the Grand Final, which is bo7, the information pasted above is not complete.
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Special Reward Prize from Teo!2013-03-29 04:52 | k1ra
TeiOch here:

"I suddenly possess this idea (have no idea where it came from :p!) about a special Reward Prize-chance for EVERY (div1+2) contenders at the playoffs.
Here's how I imagine it:

Prize consisting of Euro 22.22<- exactly.
All they need to have accomplished are,
-No further warnings in playoff stage.
-No missing of uploaded demos.
-And simply play the games (fairly trying at least).

Special requirements?
-Not really, as long as you basically stay out of the warnings when the playoffs begin, and how bad/good you play does utterly not matter.
-And since I pay the winner (picked totally random) with Paypal only, the winner must be able to send me his paypal address. If not, a new winner is drawn.
Winner will be announced publicly."

There's the list of the playoff players:


p.s. a small update 4bidden was replaced by playOk.

[21:33:42] <playok> 4bidden is giving his place for me in playoffs
[21:34:14] <playok> he asked to inform you and you need to write him just to ask for confirmation, that im not lunatic and talking shits

[21:39:40] <K1RU> r you going to give to playOk your place
[21:39:45] <Forbidden> yep
[21:39:49] <K1RU> r u sure? :)
[21:39:56] <Forbidden> yes 100%
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Playoff tables are ready.2013-03-26 18:05 | k1ra
Playoff tables are ready.

We had a little delay with it, but now we are ready to move ahead.

We start from 1/4, so it's 3 weeks more maximum, pls let's finish with it in time.

The rules are the same as in group stage except one thing, now it's bo5.
Playoff is playing with double elimination system.

Deadline for the first round is April the 3d, Wednesday, 20:00 CET.

"Now, go kill each other" (c) welk

p.s. another interesting update is coming, stay tuned.
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Playoff delay - missing demos2013-03-24 10:55 | k1ra
Hi everyone,

We still have a lot of missing demos which must be uploaded to the demo site. For some players in case of missing demos the situation may be bad - they will be kicked out due to reaching the limit of warnings. Nothing personal, just rules.
So we have decided to add 2 more days to upload all missing demos. Please don't hesitate do it.

The deadline for it is 26.03.2013 22:00 CET.
The playoff will start right after this deadline.

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