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Category: Duel

increasingTeam 1decreasingincreasingTeam 2decreasingincreasingPovdecreasingincreasingDatedecreasingincreasingTypedecreasingincreasingMapdecreasingincreasingRatedecreasingincreasingDwldsdecreasingCom.
¤Gerdt vs ReverenceReverence15.8.08Friendlyq2duel57.6 (5)122511
¤Scooby vs Rigg5Scooby30.5.06GGL Q2 1vs1 MTq2duel19.5 (2)10602
¤KaiTech vs Rigg5KaiTech13.8.05QuakeCon 2005ztn2dm34 (2)11323
¤dz.Doze vs Rigg5dz.Doze14.8.05QuakeCon 2005ztn2dm210 (3)13084
¤Aone vs rinxAone27.9.06Friendlyq2dm17.56 (9)96022
¤slonken vs ripperslonken09.10.04Friendlyq2dm18.5 (2)9152
¤Durklas vs RipperDurklas15.9.05Friendlyq2dm17.5 (6)10188
¤neveride vs ripperathorneveride16.5.03friendlyq2dm16.67 (3)10944
¤DM vs rMxDM29.7.041v1 Tourney LTq2dm17 (2)10074
¤Doomeh vs Rob*Doomeh06.4.05Friendlyq2dm16.5 (2)6923
¤Lip3r vs RoninLip3r04.2.06Friendlyq2rdm27.29 (7)86516
¤boloman vs royalboloman16.2.04ALGSq2dm17.75 (4)9034
¤Purri vs RPGPURRI19.8.07friendlyztn2dm37 (1)8172
¤zlu vs RPGzlu20.9.07Tver LAN 2007q2dm310 (1)7851
¤fpS vs RPGchase24.9.07Friendlyztn2dm38.5 (2)8022
¤fpS vs RPGfpS09.2.06Championshipztn2dm310 (3)10844
¤Hibru vs RPGHibru05.7.07Friendlyq2dm17.5 (4)11909
¤zlu vs RPGzlu20.9.07Tver LAN 2007q2duel19 (4)7974
¤fpS vs RPGfpS09.2.06Championshipq2dm18.71 (7)111219
¤Maniek vs RufusManiek13.2.05ProGamers Lanq2dm15 (2)7934
¤Lucas vs RufusLucas09.2.05ProGamers Lanq2dm17.25 (4)108611
¤CoVell vs rulCoVell26.8.11EAPDTptrip0 (0)7410
¤CoVell vs rulCoVell26.8.11EAPDTq2dm10 (0)7740
¤CoVell vs rulCoVell26.8.11EAPDTztn2dm30 (0)7500
¤CoVell vs rulCoVell26.8.11EAPDTq2rdm20 (0)7800
¤CoVell vs rulCoVell26.8.11EAPDTq2dm30 (0)7570
¤neveride vs rulneveride23.7.08Friendlyq2rdm26.33 (6)9459
¤optimus vs RZRRZR01.7.05Friendlyq2dm13 (1)7964
¤sQn vs RZRsQn15.9.06Friendlyq2dm17 (1)8128
¤UMUSTDIE vs RZRRZR16.6.05Friendlyztn2dm38.67 (3)10424
¤PURRI[+30] vs Sarge P DoomPURRI[+30]25.8.05QuakeCon 2005ztn2dm37.13 (8)149812
¤Werwolf vs ScarabeuSScarabeuS27.2.06Friendlyq2dm27 (1)7911
¤Ibogine vs ScoobyIbogine24.4.05GLADIATOR Cup#2q2duel80 (0)9721
¤Damiah vs ScoobyDamiah02.1.08NADLq2rdm20 (0)8520
¤error vs Scoobyerror08.7.03PLDptrip0 (0)8010
¤Damiah vs ScoobyDamiah29.10.07NADLq2dm10 (0)9500
¤Damiah vs ScoobyDamiah02.1.08NADLztn2dm20 (0)8240
¤Damiah vs ScoobyDamiah02.1.08NADLptrip0 (0)8820
¤Damiah vs ScoobyDamiah02.1.08NADLztn2dm30 (0)9280
¤moppe vs Scoobymoppe21.6.03Friendlyq2duel80 (0)7063
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30

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