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Category: euroq2l

increasingTeam 1decreasingincreasingTeam 2decreasingincreasingPovdecreasingincreasingDatedecreasingincreasingTypedecreasingincreasingMapdecreasingincreasingRatedecreasingincreasingDwldsdecreasingCom.
¤qF vs tft4rCzi19.10.11Euroq2l #10q2dm30 (0)5890
¤Ts- vs tftMCS_FaderJok013.11.11EuroQ2L #16q2dm10 (0)6880
¤GF vs tftdnb20.10.11Euroq2l #16q2dm10 (0)6040
¤qF vs tft4Bidden25.11.11Euroq2l #16q2dm30 (0)6390
¤GF vs tftSOulbLIghter20.10.11Euroq2l #16q2dm60 (0)6640
¤qF vs tftEnZ25.11.11Euroq2l #16 q2dm20 (0)6170
¤kob vs tftEon09.10.11Euroq2l #16q2dm30 (0)6430
¤GF vs tftdnb20.10.11Euroq2l #16q2dm60 (0)6700
¤qF vs tftEnZ25.10.11Euroq2l #16q2dm30 (0)5440
¤qF vs tft4Bidden25.11.11Euroq2l #16q2ht0 (0)6490
¤tlk vs tftTeiOch20.12.11Euroq2l #16q2dm67 (1)9961
¤qF vs tftEnZ18.10.11Euroq2l #16q2next210 (1)6401
¤qF vs tft4Bidden18.10.11Euroq2l #16q2next210 (2)5782
¤tft vs tLkTaiti13.11.11Euroq2l #16q2dm70 (0)6590
¤kob vs tLkEon29.10.11Euroq2l #16q2dm60 (0)6850
¤kob vs tLkEon28.10.11Euroq2l #16q2dm30 (0)5970
¤tft vs tLkpr0to20.12.11Euroq2l #16q2next20 (0)9690
¤tft vs tLkfieber04.11.11Euroq2l #16q2next20 (0)6120
¤Tasty vs tLkhaunted24.10.11Euroq2l #16q2dm10 (0)6590
¤v3 vs tOkDavid19.1.11Euroq2l #14q2dm30 (0)7601
¤v3 vs tOkDavid05.10.10euroq2l#14q2dm30 (0)7112
¤play vs tokPogo20.2.12Euroq2l #16q2dm50 (0)10480
¤play vs tokPURRI09.5.10Euroq2l #13q2dm50 (0)7530
¤play vs tOkPogo08.8.11Euroq2l #15q2next10 (0)7540
¤3c vs tOkAg326.11.12euroq2lq2dm30 (0)9670
¤iafa vs tOkcb0y16.11.11Euroq2l #16q2next10 (0)6980
¤v3 vs tOkDavid19.1.11Euroq2l #14q2dm20 (0)7250
¤s0 vs tOkAg311.1.11Euroq2l #14q2next10 (0)7930
¤play vs tokmobius08.8.11euroq2l #15q2dm20 (0)6950
¤play vs tOkPogo08.8.11Euroq2l #15q2dm30 (0)7670
¤play vs tokshugg09.5.10Euroq2l #13q2dm50 (0)6820
¤play vs tokPURRI09.5.10Euroq2l #13q2dm60 (0)7060
¤play vs tokPURRI09.5.10Euroq2l #13q2dm10 (0)8150
¤play vs tOkPogo08.8.11Euroq2l #15q2dm20 (0)7110
¤JB vs tOkDamiah10.10.11Euroq2l #16q2dm10 (0)7880
¤play vs tokshugg09.5.10Euroq2l #13q2dm19 (1)7771
¤TAK! vs tOkMuhaha10.4.06Euroq2l #5q2next28 (1)8042
¤Wizards vs tokthaigo15.1.07Euroq2l #6q2dm310 (1)8711
¤v3 vs tOkP1mp06.3.09Euroq2l #11q2dm79 (2)8113
¤play vs tokshugg09.5.10Euroq2l #13q2dm610 (2)7582
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21

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