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EDL #20
IRC: #EDL | Demos: http://demos.q2players.org
Sign ups: off
Also Kpah leaves2006-12-13 03:48 | ph
Kpah doesnt have the time for playing edl either so he decided to leave the league too.

2006-12-15 11:01 
wision i can agree with your first comment , that was the point for me, and i wantd to mean smth like that.
2006-12-15 09:08 
hehe u actually wrote my adress down when i told it on irc to some guys emo emo emo emo emo emo emo emo emo
2006-12-14 21:21 

be careful Karim Zidaric, Pavlovci 17, 2270 Ormoz, Slovenia
I'm still Bloody Serbian and
I'm in good physical shape so i can eat kid for breakfast even if he over-burned like you emo
(without mustard or mayo) emo
2006-12-14 09:38 
wision my buddy my friend my dude ... listen emo
i can play when i have time ? sure i can ... WHEN I HAVE time .. EDL is not just about me deciding the date when i can play .. it depends also on opponent WHEN HE CAN play ... i cant promise a week in advance when i'll be able to play, and if i do that .. and i dont came couse of non-time, well they would put w/o - pathetic again, yes well its my fault signing in and going out, couse now time for universety is more important (+my girlfriend,friends,etc,ow jea and CB things), so i said my appology to ph, and he also said rather to quit the league in that case, couse delaying a league is kinda making all nervous than ...

anyway .. i hope u undestand what i wanted to say,that is not all about me ...

gl all playaz in edl emo
2006-12-14 06:23 
fle roger that emo
2006-12-14 02:52 
i think we need change EDL5 system to :

1) rounds
a) qualification round (~ 32..48 players)
b) groups round (16 players)
c) double ellimination playoff

2) add some commercial :

Each participant will grant any feasible sum on account EDL (the minimal payment - 5...10 euros).
The prize-winning fund should be distributed between the players who have borrowed first three places. If who that has communications with sponsors, the final sum can be even more impressive (here it is necessary to take an example with UDL)


Here all of us we consider, that quake2 it is game only for pleasure, but skill which the best players have got was reached by persistent trainings, so it to a certain extent work which should be estimated not only a recognition. Top-players will receive stimulus to train even more impressive, as a result spectators will receive a better show. Well and, certainly, many potentially talented players will have a desire to train more impressive emo

3) Also it is necessary to plan in advance the most interesting games and to announce GTV is, undoubtedly, will lift spectator interest.

4) It is necessary to reduce number of maps in qualification and groups roundes up to 5. It will allow to train better the certain maps in summary to receive more interesting games. The list of maps should be declared not later than two months before start of tournament, and it is better even earlier.

p.s. this all my imho emo

Edited: 2006-12-14 03:16
2006-12-14 01:37 

ooh. not in the topic theme.
i like careem's style . he's sooo good in giving those 'life lessons' for almost everyone. everytime he has some super advice ! man, i think u're doing good -> can you send a few bucks to snowish forgotten russia? about 1 000 000 $ and btw some pretty bitch of yours ? would be enjoyable too. and while so you can take an extr33me tour to Osvencim. they still have 'chill out' [gas cameras] in use for ppl like you emo
2006-12-13 22:08 
However, im preparing next european duel cup more oragnised and with some changes in rules i think emo.

And yeah, Muerte if u dont like the cup or idea then better be quiet for the next time caus u have nothing worth to say.

Plz stop licking ph,pogo and alexyenows ass and and and... AND fact is u cant realize that u are old 55 and playing Q2 AND talking bullshit here,.. DUDE!
How about familiy, your wife? Is she dead?

www.edc.dl.am emo

Edited: 2006-12-13 22:30
2006-12-13 21:37 
gipsy cup

that actually made me laugh emo
2006-12-13 21:36 
omg, i dont say anything more about it "BK's" then something else strange pop up from ur mouth!

Edited: 2006-12-13 21:38
2006-12-13 19:38 
I'm glad ph understand joke and that was my point emo
Bk's joke is for him and pogo emo

i guess anyone who play careem gipsy cup get same ability as careem:
incapability to understand simple joke emo

for them and victim who is stupid (without play careem cup) emo

ph&pogo u r doing great job in biggest EDL ever
i cant even think about say anything to offend you Bk's
u2 r my brothers in arms (same home map) and
u2 was make magic and make it possible
my duels vs arch and thg emo
thx bros

PS i still wait for that account numbers... emo
2006-12-13 18:55 
okej v!ctim emo!
2006-12-13 17:38 
eh wst, it's only muerte... don't expect too much from him emo
2006-12-13 17:25 
fps maybe u cool out! I think like slap ppl on mirc as Murerte suggest as a harder way to get ppl play, tells pretty much about him!
2006-12-13 14:24 
ok ok... i'll repeat what kicia said one more time, just for Muerte...
"ppl league is for you!"

hope you get it now...
2006-12-13 13:58 
Muerte, i pm people every week, mostly more then once so they schedule their games. so dont say im not doing anythingemo
2006-12-13 13:46 
of course im not jokin fpS emo

look what ph and pogo do: ask players to ul shots if played emo

they must be harder: slap players on #edl.q2, hountin players on other irc chanells, bring them to #edl.q2 and do public slap ... emo
if any player left, Russian Komesar AlexyeNow 3rd EDL admin will decide how long he must to play in Siberia emo

Edited: 2006-12-13 13:52
2006-12-13 11:53 
ffs dug.. can you see syanid in edl4? no.. because he knew that exams will come soon.. didn't you know that your exams will come at ~december/january? just don't tell me that you have time for XYZ #q2pickup games, but no time for edl pfff... this applies to every leaver with i-have-no-time excuse.
2006-12-13 11:33 
west, cool out. muerte just joking. i hope.. its not pogo and ph fault and others know that. somebody leave somebody stay in. we continue the league!
2006-12-13 11:09 
Muerte plz shut ur mouth for once, do u think its pogo phs fault that they leave ? U think ! And for example blaiz had bad connection what should ph pogo do about that? fu and stfu for a while sick of ur comments
2006-12-13 10:58 
yea, so many VIP's emo 1-2 edl match per week takes like 1-1.5 hour , is it that much? emo
2006-12-13 09:34 
this sweden admin couple is to 'soft' emo

did you saw anyone try to leave RDL emo
no one (if any leave, he must play q2 in Siberia for rest of his quake life) emo

Russian Komesar AlexyeNow for EDL admin !!! emo emo
2006-12-13 08:31 
kicia i agree,but well emo .. i would stay if i would had more time atm .. my exams are aproching fast, also i do some stuff on CB (tdm and itdm), like ph said, better to leave than delaying the league couse of having less time emo
2006-12-13 07:41 
its not about interested in edl or not, always was like that, u can really avoid that, but still its annoying that first ppl sign up and then doesnt play. Ppl league is for you!
2006-12-13 07:35 
lastest news:

2006-12-13 Also Kpah leaves
2006-12-12 Dug leaves the league
2006-12-05 Another dropout and a ...
2006-12-03 Kolt also leaves EDL
2006-12-02 Blaizz leave EDL

w/o: 11 (3.65 % from all matches)
so mb ppl not so interesting in EDL now as early?

Edited: 2006-12-13 07:37
2006-12-13 07:34 

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