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Euroq2l #18
IRC: #euroq2l | GTV: skuller.net / gtv.digitalfrag.net
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Match: [m] vs [GZA]
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flag Moriquendi vs Gods of Zeus Army flag
Referee:flag Erizo
Date:2000-03-09 16:21
Maps:q2dm5, q2dm2, q2dm1
Scores:107:54, 106:114, 168:69

First map of this rounds game between [m] and [GZA] was [m]'s pick, Q2DM5. [GZA] took the very important start and got hold of the Chain/RA arena, but [m] controlled the Rail and Rocket arena and managed to keep up with [GZA] in frags. [m]Sektor played good at the RL area and [m]velho kept the Rail well. [GZA] put up a good fight and they refused to let go of the Chain/RA place. [GZA]Lamer knew his place at this map: Chain/RA he kept it really good, but it wasn't enough. Overall it was a well-played map from both clans, no whine and shit. I got to say that player of the map was [m]Sektor ending up with 87%

Next map was [GZA]'s choice: Q2DM2, on this map [m] got the start, with [m]velho catching the first and the second quad. [GZA] got hold of the RA lift, and they also managed to get the third quad. After 4 minutes the score was all tied: 16-16 but now [GZA] took their second quad and got a smaller lead. [m]Ares tried to keep the RA lift, but unfortunately no one brought him a rocket lanucher. After 7 minutes [m] took their 3rd quad, but it didn't give much. And with half the time this map was still all open with a score of 60 - 50 in favour of [GZA]. [m]Turricane did a great job on this map, and he pulled off a quad all by himself fooling two [GZA] players, but it wasn't much use since [GZA] took the three following quads. After what looked like [GZA] taking total control of the map [m]velho caught a quad and killed many [GZA] players. With only 2 minutes left [m] had made a really good catch-up and was now only about 10 frags after [GZA] and a hectic 2 minutes was to be played. [GZA] manages to keep their 10 frag lead and won this map. I got to say that man of this map was [m]Turricane with really nice stats to be in the losing team.

Now a 3rd map was coming up and after elimination it was decided to be Q2DM1 with tp 4 settings. This map started with [m] taking the room and lift area. And thy managed to hunt in pairs really nice in the start. Score after 5 minutes was 30 - 17 to [m]. With half the map played [m] had a somewhat 50 frag lead, with Turricane all over the map helping his teammates. Not much to say about this map. Moriquendi's win was never really thretened and thanks to magnific gaming of [m]Turricane on this map [m] won and Player of this map was of course [m]Turricane and that also made him man of the war.

GG [m] - [GZA]


2003-09-23 06:31 
nice one Erizo, my swedish monkey D
2003-09-22 18:26 
Nice report!!
2003-09-22 16:35 
damn it's alot of work to admin and write a matchreport about one single game!

2003-09-22 16:16 
jag suger

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