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Euroq2l #18
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Match: [eG] vs [HBQ]
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flag ergo Gibbus vs Harry Boy Quakers flag
Referee:flag Erizo
Date:2000-03-11 03:20
Maps:q2dm5, q2dm3, q2dm2
Scores:112:113, 137:126, 101:88

9th of November, it was a cold night with low pings somewhere on a Swedish Quake2 server. Two Swedish topclans were having a Quake2 battle. The clans were [eG] and [HBQ]. ergo Gibbus was to pick the first map, not unexpected they picked Q2DM5, which they've shown to handle very well in the past. Playing for [HBQ] did: sorax,Stuff,Bubkizen and Rapid. Lineup for [eG] was: D0c,Azer,berla and Blind. Those who were following the fight via the scorebot were frequently asking "No [eG]frza?". Even I found this strange - Would [eG], without their frza, stand a chance against [HBQ] playing with 3 Swedish Nations players?
And off we went, [HBQ]Bubkizen took control of the important RA-area, while [eG] players managed to guard the even more important Rail/QUAD-area. The [eG] players took QUAD and then trying to rush the RA, but here [HBQ]Bubkizen stood, boosted to max shredding all the enemies that tried to run him down.
This map was pretty much even, with [eG] having a small lead the first 15 minutes. But then [HBQ]Bubkizen, still boosted to max and with a chaingun in his hand, began attacking the Rail/QUAD arena. And now [HBQ] caught up the small frag-ahead [eG] had and they even managed to take a small lead. But with still two minutes left you wouldn't bet your life that [HBQ] would win this map.
The concluding minute was out of breath, and with only seconds left the frag difference was +3 for [HBQ]. Time-up and the scoreboard showing a totalscore of 113 for [HBQ] and 112 to [eG], I bet the [eG] players weren't too happy.
berla ended up with 60 % effectiveness, which was best in [eG]. Best [HBQ] player was Bubkizen with an 66 % efficiency. The honourable title "player of the map" will go to [HBQ]Bubkizen, who I would say made [HBQ] win this overall even fight. GG both clans///ERIZO

2nd part of this awesome battle took place at q2dm3, which was chosen by HBQ as predicted. eG squad doesn't change, frozza stilll spectates, in HBQ Rapid is changed by Pingu. Start! First powerups on map took by HBQ but quader doesnt seem to live too long.

After map elimination (dm1, dm6, dm8, dm7) we change place to q2dm2. Neither eG nor HBQ change their lineup from q2dm3. From the very start of the match eG takes control of RA and HBQ quad pool. In fact, it doesnt change to the end. Most quads were taken by HBQ but they r killed by doc guarding MH or just doesnt encounter any enemy. eG played very wisely and mostly concentrate on massive ambushes against quad runner. Holding RA was key to winning this (written by guandi)


2003-11-09 18:11 

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