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Euroq2l #18
IRC: #euroq2l | GTV: skuller.net / gtv.digitalfrag.net
Sign ups: off
Transfers: no
Players limit: 20
User's clans: on
Match: > vs -q2e-
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flag play vs quake 2 executors flag
Referee:flag manu`
Maps:q2dm2, q2dm1, q2dm3
Scores:141:103, 226:65, 208:60

This evening's session was filled with the question whether team play can stand Polish teamplay without its star player purri. Let's find out.

1st map: Q2DM2 - Tokay's Towers (map choice: q2e)
Line ups:
play>: frozza, senti, mobius, squix
q2e: Br00m^^, god, Regi, ivers

After restarting the map by not having set up the right timelimit play came out like a raging dog. They took over control and managed to take the lead. The score was 38:21 for play after 5 minutes. But q2e tried very hard and they were rewarded. Halftime and the score was 70:61 still for play. With 6 minutes left at the clock it seemed that q2e was able to bring their comeback to a happy end - score was 91:85 for play. But then play stroke back ... very hard. In the following 2 minutes play showed how to deal with opponents even if purri would not play. So we remind the score at 6 minutes to play: 91:85. 5 minutes to play: 104:85, 4 minutes to play: 114:91. play did not let q2e come back again and managed to win the first map with a final result of 141:103 frags.
play 1:0 q2e

2nd map: Q2DM1 - good old Edge (map choice: play)
Line ups:
play>: frozza, mobius, senti, iron
q2e: Br00m^^, god, ivers, Regi

play taught q2e a lesson in playing 'The Edge'. There was never a doubt on who is number one on this map. MH and rail were nearly the whole match time under play's control. After 2 minutes every play member got his rail in hands and ... . Again q2e tried hard but unfortunately it was of no earthly use. play simply was much too strong for them on q2dm1.
play 2:0 q2e

3rd map: Q2DM3 - The Fragpipe (map choice: q2e)
Line ups:
play>: frozza, senti, mobius, squix
q2e: Br00m^^, obuch, god, Pigmej

First quad and invul went to play and they used both items wisely. 19:1 after only two minutes spent on the third map in favour of play. And things went worse for q2e. Nearly every quad was taken by frozza or squix while senti kept rail clear. As on Q2DM2 and Q2DM1 the well known 'black-belt-carrier', our lovely scandi ninja showed that play does not have just one starplayer. I think frozza was key player on all maps for play's undisputed victory over q2e.
play 3:0 q2e

wp both clans.


2004-10-31 05:40 
LOL!!!! gg play
2004-10-26 13:57 

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