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Euroq2l #18
IRC: #euroq2l | GTV: skuller.net / gtv.digitalfrag.net
Sign ups: off
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Players limit: 20
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Match: woc vs agl
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flag without cheat vs Always Good Luck flag
Type:Group A
Referee:flag Scooby
Date:2005-02-05 12:00
Maps:q2dm7, q2dm3, q2dm1
Scores:116:133, 139:100, 138:77

flag without cheat flag Always Good Luck
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the replay was pointless, cose both clans couldnt even find the time for it, so the score will be the same as it was before, both team will meet again 2nd time and then i will try personally 2 cary about it!


2005-02-11 13:39 
I have balls to play any opponents and with any conditions and many ppl know it
hope we will play someday, such things should be solved in games not in stupid talks!
2005-02-06 16:46 
It's not true that "both clans couldnt even find the time" We (agl) were ready to replay this match on shedueled date and time. We had players and admin (manu). woc DIDN'T agree to play on neutral server, they wanted to play home/away. But theirs home server was some fuckin' .ee server with r1q2 shit. They DIDN'T manage to change the q2 client to nocheat (which btw is only 1 allowed on this league). We waited almost 1 hour, but they DIDN'T want to start the match.
So I think situation is clear and admins will react to this kind of lame behaviour .ee players.
While I'm saying admins I don't think about empitrii who cant be neutrall. I'm also not thinking about manu. Will all respect to "one of head admins": manu u suck like a cheap hooker! Read the rules man, u have no idea about it. U tried to make us play on that r1q2 shit and only scooby's opened your eyes.

Woc: next time I hope you'll have enough courage to play match on neutral server and on shedueled time.

Flashback: I'm looking forward to rematch. We'll see if u have balls to show on server and play against us on egueal conditions, previous match didn't proove that.
2005-02-06 06:21 

yes we know that it's our foult thah U hadn't players 4 the 1st game, it is our foult that we had waited 4 U next 2 hours and U still hadn't players, Yes it's our foult that r1q2 is not alowet in euroq2l, it's our foult that only ee players play on it, it's our foult that U didn't won to play on GAMEPOINT serwers because of LAG (we had equal pings), it's our fould that U tried to made us play in ee where we couldn't play (r1q2) and we had lost about hour :E WE ALL KNOW THAT. WE KNOW THAT U ARE INNOCENT.

just look at xed avatar that's it

I don't give a shit about U and the game. U can take Ur glory WIN and put in Ur ***. U can now leave the league and play at Ur own childrengarden.

2005-02-06 04:36 
yes one more game!
next time i will play and next time someone's gonna answer for "chuj wam w dupe"!!
2005-02-06 04:10 
me262, ...
We played the game in the first place on Sunday. We tried to REplace the game also on Sunday. So what is the point in a date? If you would've told us that you couldn't play on the 3rd Sunday, then there would be sense in talking about.
2nd: It was YOU who wasn't sattisfied with the score/first admin decision/etc, so it is in your interests to search for us. But don't think that we didn't answer for any purpose. I think noone was there atm :/
2005-02-05 19:48 
2 snatch:
I was at Ur channel not once not even twice :E but nobody wontet to speak so ?

I asked here.

2nd thing, why always we have to go and find U, ask U ?

That was when we had to play 4 the first time and now its the same situation
2005-02-05 18:48 
2 me262
easier to ask this at #woc...cause I think no one visits such pages too often :>
2005-02-05 17:37 
so we are not gonna play it again ? the game i closed and woc wins ? I asked them about next date of the match here but nobody from woc had even written NO :E

2005-02-05 15:44 
smsh, 1st i wanna say that, look screens and say me that PINGS ARE NOT EQUAL!! When i bilive u, but now, i dont beive u!
2005-02-01 07:29 
WOC is it ok if we would play sunday at 18 ? (at 20 we have PLQ2 vs synth so we will not play later :/ )
2005-01-25 15:02 
just for the future:
if u feel disadvantaged by any opponent or even by an admin: contact one of the headadmins - as there are scooby, eni, mkuh or me (manu`).

it is always very hard to make a decision after the war. i read all the comments and tried to make up my mind about it (scanned screens, logs, etc.). i will discuss this matter with the other headadmins. I am sure there will be a fair ending.

You can always contact me via query or pm if anything would bother you. i will answer as soon as possible.

greetz manu`
2005-01-24 17:28 
Zloy all you said is right. I watched the demo and thats true that some from agl was talking on say and i didn't know that.
All i wanted to say that empitrii MADE us to play that late, on server better for woc (some agl players from squad DIDN'T play becouse of lag, I don't think that you would let play some worse players from woc if better ones had higher pings) And if it is ok with rules and other admins accept that, i have nothing to say.
This is my last coment here, I don't want to make dogs like maszex, flashback and veriz bark longer. I just bless you with old polish greeting: chuj wam w dupe.
respect zloy
2005-01-24 11:35 
plzz. the pings on this server were the closest to equal. other equal servers you had ok pings, but always there was someone who had ping 200-300.
While you were telling us ip's which we think weren't equal, you didn't answer to our ip requests. We lost a fucking hour on serv choosing.
Smasher, true, i asked you to play a bit earlier, cuz one of our members couldn't play. But then another thing happened: pings. I already apologized for the incident.

The thing about observers saying positions. As playa told me, some one from agl told "WODA" and i got killed (I didn't notice that though). And !PLAYA told VODA too, and made my killer get killed.
Overall, woc acted lame, but only because of previous experience (NB ).
2005-01-24 07:14 
surich and ss_janek ********

BTW: agl dont argue, remember AGL= always good luck...
2005-01-24 04:19 
1st: date was Scheduled 21:00 CET thats only thing what i KNOWED. I am the clanleader and i decide when we play. U have to talk with me.
2nd: maybe he asked to play earlier but read 1st asnwer
3rd: i was only one who had ping 200 and i used to say I play the game like Schedule says 21:00 CET or we play home/away
4th: we didn't agreed? u were who didn't agreed with servers (talk with admin empitrii) first u wanted to play in server where we had pings 100+ and u had 30 and soso sure we don't accept.
5th: because we didn't had equal server there were 2 players who had 40-50 pings and we only searched for good server because of ur whine when u wanted to play in server where u had 30 pings and we had 100 pings and we searched for the good server but nothing were ok for u
6th: empitrii found a server like u see in screens and whats wrong there? u have better pings there or u don't? LOOK SCREENS not ur screens where u had dl or whatever after the game started ur ping changed to 60
7th: we plaied with a admin(empitrii) and its allowed to play without admin anyways just have to send screens. And (some ppl were telling current players positsions?) ROFL are u stupid or something? positsions? u know thats a bullshit what u talking. Man its 4on4 we don't need to know ur positsions we know them anyways. WE HAVE SAY_TEAM command and we have our spots where we play in and we say where is the enemy!
Don't shame urself u have already done with that but don't shame more than u have.
2005-01-24 02:26 
So many words. And for nothing
1) Just take a closer look @ the screenshots (yes, those which are above)
If you learned maths, it would be easy for you to calculate a simple average. And I bet it wouldn't show that we had lower pings than you did.
2) look @ the screens again. Observers chasing you? Where? When? One observer in 2 games out of 3? Wow. That should've really distracted you.
3) Flood is a distraction for everyone, no one said we had appreciated it. So bug off
2005-01-24 00:51 
skill > ping
2005-01-23 20:04 
xed proove that you're telling true
I can show that i have right:
We wanted to play here:
You made us play here:

Screens don't show ping of our other members which should play but becouse of ping 200 just couldn'r

I would never listen to emp if i knew that he is your "friend". (game on your server or w/o)
2005-01-23 19:48 
nah ... pretty messi text:p some beer and angry:p i wnated to say : .pl clans wont play without ping advantage sry about my english, never learned it like u saw:p
2005-01-23 19:42 
lol, nice comment. 1) neutral server means to u ping 30 vs ping 100? 2) we finded neutral server, both had ping 60 but u disconnected, dunno why. 3)before game u had pings like 100+ etc and when game started then wouu happend a miracle and your all player pings lowered 20 or smth. 4) like u see on screens, u had better pings than us. .pl clans just whine too much and wnt ping advantage. nb got it. wont happen it again. Just mine perse lammas!!!
2005-01-23 18:41 
Of course i have demos, irclogs and screenshots which show pings.
I've been just told that "admin" empitrii is from the same country as woc as well as !playa

I tried to conntact scooby, before the game whilie we were having problems but he had pol-nl ndml match (gg pol) and i didn't wanted to disturb him. I just please to take a look at things which happened today and eventualy decide sth.

Thiss comment is also warrning to future woc enemys: you'll have a lot of trouble with game against them.

ps. sorry for my english i'm 2 tired 2 think now
2005-01-23 18:35 
First of all I want to say that we don't want anything to change. I leave decision to admins.
I'll start with some facts:
1st this date and time was choosen by woc, we agreed becouse they said that they cant play other date
2nd two days ago zloy (from woc) asked me to play earlier: 19:00cet becouse they couldn't later. I agreed, I told other agl members to be earlier
3rd woc couldn't play at 19:00 becouse 2 theirs players have ping over 200 on other than .ee servers so we agreed to wait to 21:00
4th till 22:00 we were trying to find neutral server, but woc did'n agree to servers where conditions were simmilar to both clans (CL of NB told me that they had the same problem with woc)
5th at 22:00 apeard an admin "emitrii" or sth and told us to play or w/o for woc, we found good servers for both clans but woc didn'g agree becouse ONE of our members had 40-50 ping and all other players (woc and agl) had 70-80
6th emitrii found another server (agl p100-120 woc 70-90) and told us to play there or woc get w/o. He didn't agree to play 1 map on each server (home/away)
7th we playd without admin, with observers chasing us and flooding (some ppl were telling current players possitions)

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