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Euroq2l #18
IRC: #euroq2l | GTV: skuller.net / gtv.digitalfrag.net
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Match: -q2e- vs die|
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flag quake 2 executors vs die| flag
Referee:flag Scooby
Date:2005-03-23 17:45
Maps:q2dm2, q2dm6, q2dm5, q2dm2
Scores:64:168, 327:-14, 119:47, 155:90

flag quake 2 executors flag die|

I knew it will be hard game to admin with serer problems, so i decided to admin it myself! From the begining CBR cl pushed on real home/away - LITHUANIA/POLAND or swedish HARVA where pings were 20-30 vs 70-75 for CBR and german mad Hero squad with ping 50-60 vs 70-75 for Q2E - so i disagreed! I wanted to find better sollution, like a "neutral home/away" with more equal pings, unfortunately they didnt want and DM pushed still for real home/away and ReGi agreed, before it i said, "ok if u really want this fuckin home/away !? let it be but u choose server and i dont care about the pings etc its ur stupid choice" - before the game no1 argued but so typical after 1st map the arguing started, and after 2nd map the flame was so fuckin big that ive decided to change servers! It was 1:1 and still at least 2 maps 2 come, i didnt let them play more stupid games like 1st and 2nd map and finally found 2 equal serers with small advantages and disadvantages for both on both servers!

Quake2 Executors picked q2dm2,q2dm5
CyBeR picked q2dm6,q2dm2

Since it was home/away the maps was like Q2E map on CBR and CBR maps on Q2E server, as u can see it quickly lost it goal so the 3rd and 4th map was like home server/home map, and so the show have started...


1st map was Q2DM2 on Lithuanian server quake.init.lt:battle:


Quake2 Executors: regi,marcinek,god,gaav
CyBeR: dm,weedaz,prt,ecstasyn

1st map was played on luthanian server where CBR had "ping advantage..." so this was rather battle for frags than normal game! After 5m the score was 37:21 for CBR, Q2E tryed 2 fight and didnt give up even they didnt have RA LIFT (which was guarded by DM from CBR) and CBR railed them a lot @ ssg/rl areas. 10m to the end score is like 80:40 for CBR, they still have RA LIFT and finally take a bigger lead which was increasing minute by minute to finally end with 100 frag difference for CBR

Q2DM2 CyBeR wins over Quake2 Executors 168:64


2nd map was Q2DM6 on Polish server TPI: TDM #1 or #2:


Quake2 Executors: regi,broom,god,gaav
CyBeR: dm,weedaz,prt,ecstasyn

2nd was played on polish server, as u can see pointless playing of real "home/away" but... still i think it was wrong map decision by CBR. They have played, its stupid to write about it but still have to, so the game started with Q2E at RA/RG and 1st quad also for them which gave them excelent oportunity to frag some CBR guys! After 5m of running and trying to kill Q2E players they just resigned, prt disconnected... weedaz went to do something on his desktop or whatver, DM stood on repsowns while ecstasyn was running and still "playin" - he even killed once or twice some Q2E players. TOTALLY MISUNDERSTANDING!

Q2DM6 Quake2 Executors wins over CyBeR 327:-14


3rd map was Q2DM5 on Czech server ProGamers-Q2-OSP[Team]#1 or #2:


Quake2 Executors: regi,broom,god,gaav
CyBeR: dm,weedaz,dzhirbis,ecstasyn

This was probably the most interesting map, at least in 1st 10minutes! After those 2 maps the score was 1:1 and still 2 maps 2 come, ive decided that if there will be 5th map/server i will count frags differnce only from 3rd and 4th map! Nobody denied my proposition/decision so we could start. This time it was better server for Q2E and their map and so they went! I was suprised cose in 1st 5minutes CBR had a lead and Q2E looked very "confused" or "lost". After 5m the score was 18:12 for CBR but finally Q2E make 1st step to win their "advantage" - they recapture RA and push CBR to quad arena. Most of quads were taken by god or killed by him very fast, broom guarded RA well so they managed to make a bigger lead which could to be crushial if the 5th map/server would be played! 5m to the end the score is like 85:40, last minutes are sema scenario as the middle part of the game - "...killed by [Q2E]....." but finnaly 1m before the end CBR recapture RA ROOM... unfortunately it was 2 late to gain some frags!

Q2DM5 Quake2 Executors wins over CyBeR 119:47


4th map was Q2DM2 on Belgum server Telenet Quake2 Warserver: TDM:


Quake2 Executors: regi,broom,god,gaav
CyBeR: dm,weedaz,dzhirbis,ecstasyn

This was 4th map, better server for CBR and their map! They need to win this, and even win this map with bigger lead if they dreamed about 5th server with better pings for them, but how it was in real? Here u can read, RA and 1st quad for Q2E and the make frag advantage which after 5m give them score like ~40-25! This time CBR looked like lost, maybe to much pressure or their underestimated their NMY or just DM lost his "power" and CBR didnt have a leader who would push them 2 win this map! Scenario was the same for 1st 15minutes, then CBR finally recaptured RA after heavy attacks with RL + GRENADES! After they took position there Q2E easly took next quad and attacked it with SSG by goaing straight up on RA LIFT, the CBR was unlucky and fired RL under his foot... that was the sad end.

Q2DM2 Quake2 Executors wins over CyBeR 155:90


Two 1st maps were stupid! To be honest i really regret that we havent played those maps on those other servers from 3rd/4th map, it could be more inresting! Like the 2 other games that evening this game aimed for 5 mapper, unfortunately it has ended with 3:1 score same as the other games! GG both gl in future, DM asked r they r out now from EuroQ2L? no men ! still LB to come and WB for the winners of the 1st games!


2005-03-24 10:06 
marty said something that jaccko is admin of it but he left q2... so guess its impossible now
2005-03-24 09:12 
Who is admin of those CZ servers?
If they will take of limit of 3 connections from 1 ip it will be playable for us and it will be great!
2005-03-24 05:45 
q2e gaav?
2005-03-24 05:04 
and this is perfect example why real home/away is played so rare!
2005-03-23 17:51 
omg, those lame .lt ppl
mature to go suicide!

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