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Euroq2l #18
IRC: #euroq2l | GTV: skuller.net / gtv.digitalfrag.net
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Match: [OK] vs [HBQ]
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flag Overkill vs Harry Boy Quakers flag
Referee:flag dIem
Date:2005-04-27 15:00
Maps:q2dm1, q2dm2, q2dm3
Scores:142:163, 64:165, 115:163

[Harry b1tch Quasimodos] versus [Overkill]

At first I'd like to thank the participating players who made this job very easy for me. The server thingie was done very quick and all players we're in time on LM Battleground server. HBQ chose DM2 and DM1 as maps while OK took DM1 and DM3. I didn't want to watch DM1 two times consecutively and so i forced the order of the maps DM1, DM2, DM3, DM1.

First Map – Q2DM1

HBQ started well with taking over the Lift and MH position while OK tried to frag them out by standing on balcony of the water area. Every time they succeded in railing some HBQ guys in MH, OK tried to take over the MH position, but especially Castic at Lift/MH was doing a really great job there. Eternal was the only man on OKs side who could sometimes do some serious trouble there.

Score after 5 minutes – 42:35 (HBQ)

The positions didn't change a lot the next 5 minutes, but OK was very clever with provocating infights in the arena, where mostly 2 OK guys with MG/SSG we're attacking single HBQ players. So the gap didn't became that high. Zlonken was the man of these 5 minutes with great defending actions at MH room.

Score after 10 minutes - 80 – 66 (HBQ)

Then Zlonken prepared himself for doing some serious damage. With nearly all weapons he increased the lead with some amazing killing sprees.

Score after 15 minutes – 121- 103 (HBQ)

No OK had to do something and it was once more Eternal who overran MH room and secured all necessary positions for his mates. The gap became smaller and smaller and...
... thx to Castic for winning this map. With an extraordinary attack 3 minutes before the end he took back the MH position. Now OK didn't have a real chance to come back into play.

Final score 142:163 HBQ

---^_o_^--- ---^_o_^--- ---^_o_^--- ---^_o_^--- ---^_o_^---

Second map - Q2DM2

I was playing HBQ with eatSlugs in the round before and i knew how good HBQs teamplay was on this map, so I hoped OK could take the RA position at the beginning. But the start couldn't be much worse for OK. HBQ took
1)RA Lift
2)First Quad
After a very fast rampage of HBQ they had a very big lead of 17-3 after the first minute. And it became better and better for Gerdt and his swedish friends. They locked all positions on the map including RL lift. The next 2 Quads fulminated in grenade hails. Maybe thats why the score wasn't „that high“

Score after 5 minutes – 46 – 19 (HBQ)

Gerdt and Sek we're holding the RA lift very good, but I couldn't understand why OK didn't try to get it back by doing ladder or rocket jumps. Sek was only camping at the top oft the lift while Gerdt took one armor after another with some holiday trips to visit his friends of OK. The gap increased a lot in this time.

Score after 10 minutes – 81 – 36 (HBQ)

Nothing special here, just pure fragging :)

Score after 15 Minutes – 126 – 44 (HBQ)

In the last 5 minutes the playing style became more and more FFA. It was only Sek who tried to hold his perfect score with 0 deaths. Camping at RA lift may be easy, but it's not that funny with just 13 health for over 7 minutes. I couldn't believe that he didn't die a single time, but 13 seconds before the end he finally died :-(

Final Score 64:165 HBQ

---^_o_^--- ---^_o_^--- ---^_o_^--- ---^_o_^--- ---^_o_^---

Third map - Q2DM3

OK had to win this map after the two losses on DM1 and DM2 if they wanted to get in the next round and the map began very good. Invul and first Quad where taken by OK while HBQ tried to hide at Rail / MH area. They did that job quite good and we're able to strike back at SSG position after 2 ˝ minutes. Great job here by zlonken and Castic!

Score after 5 minutes – 52 – 43 (HBQ)

I just missed the second invul, but I think it must have been OK because the score was nearly equal now. OK met at SSG position while HBQ once more tried to attack from rail position.

Score after 10 minutes - 80 – 61 (HBQ)

This time it wasn't that easy for both clans to get the next powerup. The next whole 90 seconds they were fighting really hard under Invul. OK tried to get up by ladder jumping, but mostly a lava bath or a grenade suicide action of HBQ was the end. Finally it was Pogo who took Invul. All positions we're cleared out of HBQ peeps – Eternal was the man of these minutes with a great job at SSG/QUAD position. 2 minutes before next Invul would have spawned Lauri made a RJ and camped there (maybe not knowing when next Invul would come)

5 Minuten – 114 – 93 (HBQ)

It was a really bad idea of him because HBQ knew that they now had the chance to overrun the rest of OK team. For nearly 2-3 minutes it was 4on3 and the gap became higher and higher. When Invul finally spawned it was allready obvious that OK had lost the third and final map. Lauri tried to find some HBQ guys but they did very well in hiding. Anyway Lauri had one very nice action. He met an enemy at MH and tried to frag him. But the HBQ guy wasn't that dumb and jumped straight towards Lauri an both fell into Lava. Lauri did not have any roxx left, so he made the only thing he could do: Make a double on the dying HBQ player straight out of the lava =)

Final Score 115:163 HBQ


Both clans had very skilled single players, but in the end it was the great organisation / teamplay and maybe also a bit the appreciation of „what-to-do-in-this-second“ of HBQ that made the difference. GG both clans and good luck in the next matches!


2005-04-30 06:57 
Good report!
2005-04-28 17:01 
ah and could plz some of you add the demos at demosquad?
castic dm1, gerdt dm2 and zlonken dm3 would be great
2005-04-28 16:59 
thx a lot. and because you we're so nice to, i just added my aircraft squadron!
2005-04-28 12:47 
nice report d00d

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