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Euroq2l #18
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Match: [ttnm] vs bdj
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flag Titanium vs BaD DJ flag
Referee:flag ph
Date:2007-04-23 14:00
Maps:w/o, w/o, w/o
Scores:o:w, o:w, o:w

ttnm didnt have players.


2007-04-23 17:47 
A little report for to clear things up..

On Sunday, we started to play as planned. The server we chose was pretty equal in terms of ping.

Our home map, dm2, ended 77-105 for bdj. Things seemed to go smootly for us, until we lost control of the armor lift. After that, the Poles spurted heatedly, and the last moments of the match were BaD DJ ownage.

bdj's home map, dm3, they won with an even bigger frag gap, 93-199. What can I say.. A combination of nice tactics and a RG accuracy to die for from the Poles guaranteed 20 minutes of headache for us -- and an easy victory for bdj.

After that, we were about to start ttnm's second map, q2next1, but bdj had also fixed a PLQ2 war for that time. A slight hassle followed. They were unable to reschedule the other match and asked us to play the rest of the maps on Monday. Some of our players were frustrated by the idea and by the fact that bdj had settled another cw on top of another. I must give abc credit here, as he was very polite despite the difficult situation.

Mr. ph stepped in and concluded that it was ttnm's decision: either take w/o or reschedule. So we made a deal to play the rest of the maps on Monday. However, that's when it was ttnm's turn to lack players.. Therefore, w/o for bdj and the points to the clan that was obviously better.

Sucky thing is, after the first two maps, we could have played q2next1 instead of spending 40 minutes arguing. I was really hoping to get a victory there. For that reason too, I'm angry at how we couldn't get enough players on Monday. That was so weak. emo

I believe there was a problem with a failed model check for one of BaD DJ's, but it turned out to be nothing.

Anyway wp bdj, and big ups for ph for coping with this crap.
2007-04-23 17:04 
Just to be clear: we _did have_ players on the agreed date playing first two maps until they had to leave. We did not want to win by w/o as they appeared a lot more skilled than us, winning easily first two maps. emo
2007-04-23 16:23 
why w/o on all maps?
2007-04-17 14:04 
Pasted from their channel:
<@sweetthings`abc> playing q2 fri-sun = nolife

GL emo

Edited: 2007-04-17 14:05

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