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Euroq2l #18
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Match: s0 vs folk
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flag skill zero vs folk flag
Referee:flag biah
Server:dediz [20 fps]
Date:2010-02-18 14:30
Maps:q2dm3, q2dm7
Scores:123:149, 156:170

As I already mentioned, can't write reports on my own team games.... but a little overview still.

Game was delayed a little. Server was picked by Careem with a condition that if they picked another one, he would disconnect. s0 being in a position of a favourite in this game agreed to play on Dediz [20 fps]. During first map Cleaner's ping jumping 80-300 with pl and [amb] alone could not oppose folks on quad, so quad was pretty much lost to folks. Same time masteris and corpze could not cooperate properly at rail and both held it at shards... Score in pentas was 3:1 for folks. Even despite of all the s0 disadvantage score was even through out the game. Only during last minute folks managed to lockdown the rail and spawnraped their victory here.
(sorry for a s0-sided report ... I was pretty much in the game myself so couldn't really track folk players' positioning)

dm7 started after a delay and some argueing on the server. s0 wanted to change to MHS, folks didn't. corpze dissapeared after dm3 so AlexJ had to fill in for him (with ping 90). The only thing that saved s0 was Cleaner's ping going back to normal. Then at some point in the middle of the game AlexJ got some "packets bla bla bla" error and got constantly kicked from the server. By that time corpze came back and pitched in at SSG/Hyper thus strengthening s0. And again an even game during about 18 minutes and a sudden push by folks in the end.

Me personally would mark lux0r the man of the match for a very confident game at dm3 and an almost complete lockdown of rocket launcher at dm7, which made a difference in battles for RA posetion. Also s0 lost their TP due to a number of very different reasons which I won't "whine" here today.

Here is a temporary link to lux0r's demo. Waiting approval on DS. Careem's demo is waiting for Careem to send it...


2010-02-22 17:06 
Nice game Folk emo i didn't expect u will won this game emo but GG
2010-02-19 16:03 
playing on that 20fps server fucks up the aim totally, dont know if its better with low ping since my lowest i can get atm is like 65. during that game ping was like 85.
2010-02-19 15:56 
because my pc reboot alone
2010-02-19 14:41 
Indeed he could since dm3 is edwin's fav and best map. Why he didnt? emo
2010-02-19 12:57 
Only edwin could replace Cleaner ... others ping
2010-02-19 10:55 
Sorry for delaying a game. My car got broken in the middle of fucking nowhere. I was waiting a machanic to take over. Afterwards he gave me a replacement car.

About the game. This was my 1st quake game after a very terrible day. And 1st Quake2 game after our last official game. Lord bless my m8s! They played really well and i was really suprised.

About cleaner, yes he was much much weaker at 1st game, but he was really unhitable. I was asking in the beginning of the game if cleaner can be replaced cos of his lag, but noone did not respond. emo

However, s0 is clearly the best clan in div2 and for sure they will win all their next games.
2010-02-19 09:24 
i was looking forward to watch dm3 even try to fix it with usual tools but didn't work...
i guess is main problem 2times bigger data coming from that server and what frames your q2 decide to record/show
with packetdup problem is just bigger
because possible packetdup on that server is 5

but now u can imagine what ppl with slow/bad connection 'feel' on that unfinished beta 20fps server

no wonder why is cleaner "accused of cheating" after review his demos on that server

btw luc if u look from brighter side emo u already have slo-mo frags for your future movie: Fraged by lux0r emo

Edited: 2010-02-19 09:30
2010-02-19 07:22 
Ahha didn't look through it emo shitty 20 fps server. Try timescale 2 and it will run with normal speed but will be still weird emo
Now I guess you won't get the demo approved on DS ...

Edited: 2010-02-19 07:25
2010-02-19 06:51 
It's amazing that cleaner even with that ping/pl was clan frag leader... so that ping/pl turned him into above average div2 player I would say emo of course with his normal ping we would probably loose dm3, but never the less we played maybe our best game on that map so I think our victory is well deserved...


btw I never asked someone, why are my demos in slow motion? emo is it cause of server, or cause of me?

2010-02-19 06:34 
nice one folk
2010-02-19 04:47 
Well ... I thought as neither Cheimera nor Niggy didn't take part in the game (ofcourse due to the unplayable ping) this didn't matter...
2010-02-19 03:36 
wp! folk gg! emo
2010-02-18 20:43 
haha good report! Like it... Telling the truths... but you forgot to say that NiGGY had 350p and cheimera had 90... Anyway, not vgg but gg... Well done Luxor... Really good on dm3...
2010-02-18 18:04 
dm3 emo
Dean M.
2010-02-18 17:52 
2010-02-18 17:45 
emo emo emo emo emo emo emo

Edited: 2010-02-18 17:46
2010-02-18 17:27 
GG folk wp !
My grampa allways tell me " never play without warm up , never play with pl's and never play without biah :>>

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