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Match of The Week: FoJ vs vA2006-05-04 16:25 | DaHanG
I (DaHanG) am playing in this match, so I will refer to myself in third person. This will not be unusual for me, since I do this in real life.

Round V: Q2DM8, Q2DM5, Q2DM2
Match Sunday (5/7) @ 8 Eastern.

vA's expected lineup:
kickr0, Ghost9, Event, leopard

FoJ's expected lineup:
DaHanG, naymlis, krez, paradiselost

Q2DM8: FoJ > vA
This map has to be in favor of FoJ simply because of the powershield. That's what this game map usually comes down to. With pretty much all of FoJ really emphasizing the rail/powerup area. If FoJ gets multiple powershields, then the game is over. Period. If a string of bad luck, undisciplined teamplay, or vA's straight up better play becomes a huge factor, then FoJ will take a loss.

With Valiant's expected lineup (subject to change, also consider their 13 man roster) I do not see them overcoming FoJ. They really need Flarez or The_King to just rape with rail and go on a powershield rampage. It's possible that Valiant can pull off a win without these two playing, but it's highly unlikely.

Q2DM5: FoJ > vA
FoJ is in a nice position here playing arguably their best map (excluding Q2DM1 from the pool of course). All members have more than enough experience to know what they should be doing in almost every situation (except paradiselost). This and quad runs will be the key ingredients to success.

Any map with a powerup item give Valiant a disadvantage to the higher-level teams in my opinion. |D|, FoJ, +, and aR all give plenty attention to quads/powershields/invuln/etc. Meanwhile, I see valiant as a more casual ffa team that will pick it up as it goes. This, I believe, will lead to a loss on this map.

FoJ > vA 2:0
This match will be shoutcasted through this link Who will bring coverage is not determined at this point, but Sean, Element, etc. will get priorities in casting.

2006-05-09 17:28 
this obviously wasnt the match of the week ;D
2006-05-06 09:16 
good to see you guy s got shit on the ball.. i knew I could trust my crew to keep things up while I'm away. Well it's my 26th b-day today.. gonna get crunked.
2006-05-05 12:36 
yeah, I know. I was actually reading it over twice to see if I had somehow missed you mention your own name.

But it's still a funny quote.
2006-05-05 10:01 
what's funny is i didn't even really mention many names. so i couldn't do it and i'm too lazy change it.
2006-05-05 00:53 
"This will not be unusual for me, since I do this in real life."

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