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Christmas Special by Gerdt2008-12-26 12:07 | Gravgon

We've had many different kind of content on this website over the years. We've had interviews, guides, columns, previews, reviews. But the one I'm introducing you to is something special. Maybe in another season, it wouldn't have made it to this website but it's Christmas so it's the perfect seaso to give Gerdt a chance.

Quite literally, this article is a collection of various honest opinions gathered by Gerdt about his fellow HBQ team mate arch. Maybe this can be seen as an homage or a tribute to his favourite bullying prey. After all it's Christmas and who knows what might be going through people's head and heart.

>> Read this interesting concept HERE

2008-12-31 10:42 
Happy New Year!
2008-12-31 06:54 
muerte whatta fuck are you talking about?
2008-12-31 02:08 
so when is next episode
"What do you think about other HBQ|lift members, but you was afraid to say before"

im glad hbq members want to rise rating to his clan after last euroq2l emo

*rl* in hbq claw's emo
did Chemera start to pay his admin position debt emo

cant wait next quakeology emo
2008-12-29 15:48 
nope.. i'm not always right and i can admit when i am wrong of course (i know you can do that too btw, happened for both of us in the past already). if i understood your post i wouldn't ask, and clearly i can't read what's going through your mind, so no wonder i was asking again and again. but i see that it's easy to blame others if you are not able to state something clearly.

what you copy/pasted says nothing about gravgon's personal feeling or his opinion or what he thinks / wants. so where is the sign of personal blogging there?

i didn't say anything like "your wrong anyway" so don't misinterpret my words and and i'm sure that person you are talking about knows more about itself than you do (in this case, it's me) so telling you "you are wrong btw" is quite correct. if something is so obvious for you, it doesn't mean that it's obvious for others and that's also why you are not entitled to speak on behalf of them. i didn't accuse you of anything (statements are not accusations), so please, what are you trying to achieve? did you even notice that you are the only one who used the word "whine" in these comments? i just quoted you.. that's all.

anyway.. i like your normal posts and even those blogposts. all i was saying before was that it doesn't belong here (that doesn't mean i don't like it, i do!). and all i was saying now is that you are not right by stating that this is a blogpost, since gravgon didn't put any personal stuff in there.
2008-12-29 14:53 
I thought it's you who think he's always right and others (mainly me) are always wrong...Now I feel like we are on two diffrent websites tho. You're even more arrogant then I thought even if your last post...It's a matter of good manners, but that's ok for me, not that I care about it or smth...You didn't read my prev. posts so maybe you'll be able to read this1.

"After all it's Christmas and who knows what might be going through people's head and heart."

Anyway your "your wrong anyway" says everything. I told you to read it again because it obvious for others that it's a blogpost, how am I suppose to explain obvious things? I'll tell you even more, I can't see any sensible agruments, You're just accusing me of all those 'whines' about me and my 'blogging' posted by you ...'mjeh' that's even more funny...

So next time, when you'll be reading my blogpost or 'normal' post:

Gravgon: Nobody forces you to read (I hope)

...keep your comments about 'blogging' for you...theend.

Edited: 2008-12-29 14:58
2008-12-29 12:04 
congratz.. you just failed again. thank you for not disappointing me!

yes.. you are trying to criticise:
"WTF Gravgon...There were some whines about blogging and now you post this?"
"Looks like you're just impudent, saying one and doing quite the contrary."

mjeh, every single newspost. i'd like to see that emo. anyway.. my "whine" is here just because i'm bored of you thinking that you are right, since you are not. you know it, hence you are not able to point out those things i asked for, but instead of that, you just say "READ THIS NEWSPOST AGAIN" again and again.. get some sense. do you even realize that you replied to three of my posts, without saying anything which would support what you say?

you are wrong btw.. i do respect people and their work (since i'm one of those people who do things for the scene, i just wouldn't dare to disrespect them), i even respect you and your work. it's just that some of your opinions are weird and i'd like to see explanation from you, but all i get is 'you whine', 'you disrespect', 'you this', 'you that'.. actually this is also weird because you do the very same thing on euroq2l site, and now you are accusing me of doing that. so this ignorant-disrespecting-others thing also applies to you.
2008-12-29 11:19 
You're blind or you can't read, one those two things for sure. READ THIS NEWSPOST AGAIN! For me you're just ignorant who's disrespecting others and their work in here and not only here...I'm trying to criticise? WHAT?! It's YOU whos whines are in every single newstpost in here...It's hard to 'explain' obvious things to you, and if you can't understand obvious things...

If people wants to read blogs, they'll get them, and if I see some whines (your whines wision ofc) you'll get this:

Gravgon: Nobody forces you to read (I hope)

as the answer.
2008-12-29 10:52 
your previous post doesn't answer my question about signs of blogging in gravgon's newspost.. that's why i asked for explanation. but since you are not able to give one, it just implies that you are talking without any real sense and reason.
for me, you are just trying to criticise or make fun of some people, while you are not really entitled to.. and you also keep failing at that, since you cannot justiyfy anything you say
2008-12-29 10:37 
Is my last post actually THAT hard to understand for you wision? I would write it in czech but I'm not a pope and I can't speak 100 languages...
2008-12-29 09:10 
I'm all for blogging, whoever may have written it. The more content on the better!
2008-12-29 07:16 
yeap.. i've read gravgon's newspost couple of times and i don't see any sign of blogging.. so please highlight them for me.

those: "I miss this..", "I miss that.." or "I think this or that.." are picked from your own 'news' and that is blogging indeed.

"Maybe I should hax gravgon's account, make some blogpost and then wait for you comment"
yeah.. do that. if not, then you are just probably afraid of that you might be wrong
2008-12-29 06:58 
Read this newspost again, then read cheim's post, then use your grey cells (ofc if you have them) and if your point of view won't change then obviously your just defending your clan member (standard). Maybe I should hax gravgon's account, make some blogpost and then wait for you comment, saying "oh nice newspost gravgon, not like those rl's blogposts"...

"After all it's Christmas and who knows what might be going through people's head and heart."
2008-12-29 04:41 
you think this is a blog post? where do you see things like "I miss this..", "I miss that.." or "I think this or that.."?
this is just regular news about non-regular interview, that's all... nowhere near blogging. so if you don't know what blogging is, don't argue about it
2008-12-28 15:28 
actually yeh, its like if *rl* wrote this everyone would be like omg omg blogging, but imo alot of things *rl* wrote in the past was not blogging but still everyone said it was blogging, probably just because it was *rl* who wrote that.

Anyway thing like interviews should always be pasted on the q2scene first page since you hopefullt people dont wanna miss it
2008-12-27 11:15 
i like those "blognews" - doesnt matter if they come from rl or gravgon
2008-12-27 10:32 
*rl* this is something else. You even post your *thoughts* in q2scene news. emo
2008-12-27 10:28 
Just for the future Gravgon, remember this post:

Gravgon: Nobody forces you to read (I hope)

..when you'll be writing some whines about my next blogposts!!!!!!!! eot
2008-12-27 10:02 
instead of being happy that someone tries to improve this site by a new feature many just complain about this item only because of personal feelings concerning the author... poor. just don't read it. simple as that.

btw: i like this idea. perhaps it'd be possible to expand it the way name suggested.
2008-12-27 09:25 
That article is like an interview, it's been posted as a column (= opinions on things). There's been other interviews posted on this website in the past, and there were news about them too.

Give me a break emo
2008-12-27 09:17 
So Gravgon, your blogging is ok but my isn't? Looks like you're just impudent, saying one and doing quite the contrary...

Gravgon:Nobody forces you to read (I hope)

I wrote something quite similar, but your (and not only your) replay was like: mjeh we want only informations on this page...or: it's first page on q2scene so it has to be 'good'...I'm just wondering what will be your replay now, joke? or... emo
2008-12-27 08:02 
ofc nobody forced us to read but still dont have double standards
2008-12-27 07:05 
Nobody forces you to read (I hope) emo
2008-12-27 05:51 
i agree with *rl*, who cares about arch anyway and if you do why post it as a news ? this should be in forum not here ...
2008-12-26 17:17 
it would be interesting to have some page for
best q2 players with photos and short info: birth date, country, city of origin, interests.

Edited: 2008-12-26 17:18
2008-12-26 14:30 
2008-12-26 14:05 
emo need tissues and a hug?
2008-12-26 13:29 
WTF Gravgon...There were some whines about blogging and now you post this?!!!!!

Edited: 2008-12-26 13:37

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