Forced on noone's favor.
07.03.2013 (c-12): Me and the Mr's have split up, I've moved out and not sure when I'll have connection again. I'll hopefully sort something out soon.
c12 has some personal trouble, he can't continue his games. Gl man, keep in touch!
Forced match forfeit on c12's behalf (rule
Penalty: -1 point; -150 frags; +2 warnings (rule 2.2.6 + 6.2.2)
Penalty will be down-sized to 1 warning if the game is rescheduled and/or played (rule 6.2.9).
c12 is kicked out on 2013-3-26, due to having reached his warnings limit. His matches are forfeited on his behalf (rule 6.1.6).