BDL signups | 2008-06-09 09:19 | careem |
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English: Im finally back (CAREEM). Now we can start the league soon as possible. The players, who already signed and still want to participate in the league, leave a message that you're still up for this. All signed player who won't let know about their condition by the deadline of signups, will be erased from the signup list.
The new deadline for the league will be Wednesday, 18. June @22:00CET and the groups will be online @00:00CET.
Croatian: Evo me koncno nazad (CAREEM), sad mozemo da startamo ligu. Za ove koji ste na signup listi,a ocete jos igrati ostavite poruku ovdje. Svi igraci koji nebudete dali poruke do kraja vremena,budete izbrisani sa liste.
Vremena za prijavu imate do srijede 18. Junja 22:00sati. Grupe budu online u 24:00 sati.
IRC: #edc.q2 @qnet
Bad news | 2008-03-22 05:56 | careem |
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Police took from me (careem) everything connected with computers and internet... The deadline will be a bit delayed because im not gonna be avalible at the internet for a while (1more week) ..
Be patient... |
BDL forum & BDL @esreality.com | 2008-03-17 03:07 | careem |
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English: Kicia just added a forum section for the BDL at q2scene forum site. Feel free and post posts and comments there, all about the league. Moderators are me (careem) and sasa.
Croatian: Kicia je dodala forum za bdl na q2scene forum stranicu. Tamo mozete postati postove i komentare,sve u vezi ove lige. Moderatori smo ja (careem) i sasa
English: News about the Balkan Duel Leauge are now posted at .
Croatian: Novosti za balkansku duel ligu su sada postane na .
Signups | 2008-03-16 03:58 | careem |
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English: Signups are open and you can already signup. Those, who signed up for the cup, please idle at #edc.q2 The rules' section is under construction, the rules will be published today. We apologize for any inconvenience.
The signups are due on 19.04.2008, 24:00CET
Croatian: Signupsi su on,mozete se prijaviti sada al nemamo jos rules. Addat cu rules danas. Koji ste se prijavili idlajte na ircu #edc.q2.
Vremena za prijavu imate do 19.04.08 @24:00cet.
hf & gl |
Balkanska duel liga | 2008-03-16 02:29 | careem |
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English: Welcome to a brand new page of a brand new cup, Balkan Duel League (BDL). It is a-1-on-1 tournament for all of quakers who live in following countries: Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Greece, Turkey (Istanbul), Macedonia, Albania, Croatia and Slovenia.
We are always in need of an extra helping hand (especially Croatian and Serbian ones). If you feeling like doing some charity, contact Careem at #edc.q2. At this point, admins are: Careem (the head admin), Sasa aka guard (croatian news editor, match admin) Sovet (English news editor).
IRC: #edc.q2 @ Quakenet
Croatian Dobrodosli na novu stranicu koja se zove balkan duel liga. Ovo ce biti 1v1 liga u koji smiju igrati samo balkanci: Romunija, Bolgarija, Srbija-Crna gora, Bosna i Hercegovina, Grcija, Turcija (Istanbul) Makedonija, Albanija, Hrvatska i Slovenija. Svi koji koristite irc idlajte na #edc.q2. Trebaju nam admini, za sada smo ja (careem), Sasa i sovet. Sovet ce pisati engleski ovdje.
Jos jedan put: Admini: careem, guard i sovet (trazimo hrvatske ili srbske admine) IRC: #edc.q2 @qnet
To je to za sada.
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