the secret of that jump is to perform dj approximately at the same moment when reaching the ground with shards, that make jump a lilbit higher, just that.
What's the use cheating on a jump that IS possible? Gets beyond me.
And why approve demos of jumps that already is on the site? It's ok in cases where jumps appear in the middle of a jumpcollection, and someone upload it as a single jump. But combi already uploaded this ages ago. Isn't that why demos are approved, to make sure it's not a duplicate and/or just a bad demo? Just my 2 euros
i know that this trick is possible on gravity 800 but this demo is on 700 and like i writed before:"i only think why this demo is on ds if it's false and mnsn recognize it.... "
what's the clue in uploading tricks made on gravity 700 ???
combi at least changed gravity to 800 to secret his cheating in his nu damnyhard jump on megahealth (changing gravity value in KG doesn't affect demo)
But this one shows clear stupidity