This reminds me of goq'gavin's lastjumpsever.dm2m which is a good thing. I've always enjoyed several tricks in succession more than single-trick demos. Not cause it shows whether the player in the demo is so great or anything, but just cause I enjoy the kinda flow the demo has.
What i mean by flow is the same feeling i get when i do the doublejump from ammopak-crates to the yellow armor. The best jump ever imho.
Every quaker can now do the doublejump, which probably wasn't the case in the first year of q2. Now most can do the circle jump, and the strafe jump, and the charging jump...q2 goes through phases, and when the most recent trickjumps (like the ones we see here) become a regular thing in q2 we will reach the next phase. I'm glad this wasn't edited, everyone can do these jumps if they try for long enough and paste it on the end of another demo. Once we are all doing these jumps all the time q2 will be at a new level. WP Ross.