Pogo...thats my point..provi plays aggressive just because he can..I mean his skill is way beyond neverrides ! But versus players in purri/damiahs division he play defensive..
Slayer have you seen provis demos vs stronger opponents? He plays WAY more def than neveride ever did in this demo against the likes of purri and damiah.
First of all ..to play this aggressive (provi) requires shitloads of skill, but to play defensive...man that is a thing even I could manage to do..and if the other guy is holding ra+rl only thing to do is to take it back..?! No matter if it cost u 1-2 frags..probably u will gain on it (if not the other guy is starting to play polish style)
And please realise that whenever there is a big skill difference between two players, it's easy for the better player to play agressive.
I don't see neveride playing too defensive either, he just dies and well... dies again
Player's skill has more to so with the skill to know what to do in a given situation, sometimes it means agressive play, sometimes defensive. Overall this map supports agressive style though.
Convincing play by provi, neveride never had much of a chance. Looking forward to see how far provi wil make it, he looks very strong after watching these 3 demos. Aggressive style, awesome aim and he pretty much seem quite strong on any map.
I would guess anyone's play is influenced by the opponent. To play overly aggressive versus a player who has control to the degree provi has in this demo (complete control of ra + rl), will maybe get you some frags but in the end you'll most likely die twice as much. well played and good luck in next matches.
This was rape in its true meaning, polish guy (as usual) playing very defensive..running shooting, running shooting (call it strategical or whatever retards) doing the best he can to prevent the other (this time provi) guy to rape him...and provi just crushes this looser. I just love when a skilled aggressive player ownez a defensive less skilled player. Not only is this a victory for provi, it is a big win for the aggressive q2 playing style. GG PROVI. And pls ffs die all u defensive boring players...u kill the fun of the game!