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Demo description

flag Rehash vs DaHanG flag
Team 1:Rehashscreen
Team 2:DaHanG
Type:Smackdown 1vs1
Date recorded:---
Date added:16.4.2005, 09:11
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Added by:flag rehash_ Approved by:flag Scooby Rate
This is also a match for Smackdown tournament Rehash vs dahang on q2pduel1 (aerowalks) ,


2005-04-16 14:39 
you should check out http://q2players.org/show_demo.php?id=1126
instead, even tho its a rape demo the first 5 minutes of it is crazy.. very nice rails from rigg5. haven't watched this demo, scooby's comment made me walk away
2005-04-16 10:15 
Well, there was a vote on what map to remove out of dm7/kryptonite/fury and fury got removed from the maplist. Else the maplist is pretty much influenced by maps I've seen games on in other leagues. Kryptonite is a pretty open and easy map to learn, and some players really enjoy it. http://filesource.quakeclans.org/files/maps/Q2Pduel.zip is a link to the pak with that map, and also contains some of the other maps used in trouney (ztn2+ztn3+match1+rdm2). Oldschool players seem to enjoy dm7 for some reason, that's probably why that map is in. Yet to be played a game on the map though, so I guess that tells you how popular the map really was..

Anyway, the tourney is in the second groupstage right now. Been one walkover this far, and been replacing some players in the first round due to inactivity or just people quitting. Check out the tourney site: http://inthevoid.com/smackdown/ for more info.

Anyway, I stole the idea of forcing a particular map in each round from PGL really. First round everyone had to play on chastity, and the next round everyone has to play on aerowalk. Seems like people try to learn the new maps though, so to me the tourney has been successful this far. It's near the end when things get more serious and the pressure is on we will see if it actually will finish though.

Hope for more close games in the weeks to come, and never seen so many play 1v1's on servers as now anyway.

As for these two demos they are from a game that dahang won 3-2 in the end, winning on chastity/rage/tokay's, which made him win the group. Both players moved on to the next round though
2005-04-16 09:14 
omg! did u play this map 1st time or what :/ i admire admins that they force u 2 play good maps! keep it and maybe someday u will be better on this1, its for sure great map, ive checked ur league www and its nice 2 see that u play some good maps! didnt know 1 of them, also dm7 sux but all rest r good!

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