Yeah, no ctf. Normal DM with lithium physics and hook. Dunno why ctf is included on start, but probably because the map is good for speedjumping.
I like this video for few reaons. Videos like PFF2 and [CSE]Chronicles are good, but when you see tenth epic quake opera like those, you've seen enough for a while. Secondly, some parts of this movie captures more intense parts of lithium very well and video is what it's said to be - pure action. No dramatic camera angles, no wannabe-epicness - fine for me.
I admit quality isn't so good and HUD should be invisible, gun visible and fov is too high, but as a first attemps this is ok video. Though I might say this only because I'm a lithium player to the end.
Anyway, I don't get the few viewer's logic of giving minuses because it happens to be lithium - are you bitter to someone/ of something or are you just damn elitistic? I wouldn't give minuses to DM video just because it isn't lithium. Funny chose to make Lithium movie because that's the mod he mainly played. Natural, logical.
Nice thing this movie is up somewhere. Thx to dimmo.
There was supposed to be longer movie featuring =3x=Unity, =3x=Rockford, [TNC]D., [TNC]Piip, and some yankeee (at least), but this is all we got.
Not entirely sure is this made from leftovers of original content or is this some test before the actual movie, but it never came cuz Funny lost all his demos and demo cuts when his hard drive broke up. This is probably why some of the content is so average - much of the better content was lost.