@name: read your comment when you posted it, but I gotta hand you your props:
your phrase "..burned down damiah's castle" has stuck with me and completely illustrates in just a few words what was to come in the next two matches.
wish I could read you in your native language, given your literary imagination.
*nerdy writer sidebar ALERT!* name, if you're interested in this, your original "burn the castle down" metaphor is what the British poet/playright T.S. Elliot called an "objective correlative."
Let me break that down: your phrase "correlates" or associates with such a specific image for all those reading it -- the "objective" part -- meaning you've written something that all readers understand in a very particularly visual way and "get" it.
next stage of q2 ! everything was on timers weapons mega armors just sick !!!!!!! never seen such performance outstanding game by puzzi !!!!!!! 823713 / 10