biah, haven't seen Sya's pov for this match, but to some extent I agree with you about being more could see that coming through very late in the match...about 10mins into the match -- too late to make a difference.
Purri knew this too and took advantage of the HUGE first frag, immediately grabbing RG, then playing ultra conservative for most of the match, keeping his distance and basically exploiting his reserve of ammo to keep Sya away from megacontrol and RG room. Shutdown.
Can't argue the Purrifying skills, but it was obvious that Syanid was way too nerveous to give a decent fight... This guy is capabel of more that this. Pitty he couldn't stay cool thus practicalyl giving this game away to purri.
ofc a review! Ahh dm1 first match and so it begins:
The well-known (well-worn) complaint about Edge begins with who lands the first frag and continues from that initial "turning point." Blah,blah,blah...yet many,many comebacks, scoring swings and wild matches on dm1 REGARDLESS of the first frag... But not at this level and not with these two particular players. Purri's opening frag at CG steps is a mini-drama of the match. He knew he simply MUST NOT give up the megaroom to unarguably, the world's most patient q2 dueler. He knew just how long to sideduck while still chaining and when to reappear and make every last remaining bullet count. Just a handful of players can pull that off.
Then for the next 10 minutes Purri scored a few "gotcha" rails but went on the conservative, accumulating massive ammo supplies and expending nearly all of it with medium-to-long range rox&chain cover fire. For good reason:
When Syanid's scrambling patience finally got him close to Purri, he outchained him and most incredibly of all, outrocketed Purri's CG at Upper GL! When do you ever see that with Purri? Stacked and chaining up close, Purri pounces on Sya eating him with bullets, but quickly dies with a few incredibly aimed Sya rox! Those 10 mins of Purri unloading ammo make sense now?
+++ Purri's uncanny ability to know his ammo count and when to move for the 1st frag, plus his hallmark suffocating map presence (denied Sya RG entire match) ++ Sya's patience and strategic scrambles + Purri's razzle-dazzle backward rjs @3:00-2:00 to score spectator frags. +++ Sya's well-placed rox at upper GL to put-down a chain crazy Purri.