(as promised to Delita in my EDL page comment) Quite a match -- nasty, bare-knuckle fights for MH room control for most of the match, with just countless Myr rox and surprisingly strategic bursts of CG from rinx. Myr made oldskool use of the map's obstacles: popping out to damage, then cover, reposition, then fire again. Spamming rox at both room exits, rinx never got comfortable with MH control to think about going for RG. After over 10mins, rinx had a several frag lead but Myr's chess pieces were in position. [** NOTE ** Here's why q2 duel time lim>> quakelive duel time lim] At around the 6min mark, Myr's sound stalking paid off: reaction rj up to SG room for a nice rox kill, then RG in hand, several more frags to cut lead to one. Rinx hid well, but some +walk ninja tactics and a few crisp rjs, Myr finally found rinx in the SG hall...along with some serious luck(he limped away from rinx's crouching rox with 12h!) Under a min with a one frag lead, Myr put on his running shoes and held off some last ditch CG to win. ++ rinx's CG movement -- smart and well-positioned. Nice rox dodging. +++ Myr's patience, rox attacks and weap switching - nifty rjs too