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flag David.Q2
Date added:18.5.2015, 21:30screen
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Rate:Rate (votes: 14)
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Added by:flag claireApproved by:flag claire Rate
A few amazing frags by our Polish friend David cut together by CSE.


2016-03-09 11:14 
I've played Q2 for over 10 years 1998-2008 and I don't remember seeing David so it was amazing to see that there is such a great player.

If you follow the instructions by CSE don't forget to turn the color space settings back to full (0-256) or else black will be dark grey etc in movies.

The movie package is very good. It left a nice feeling even after watching it 4th time. I won't give it 9 or 10 because I cannot stay out of comparing it to the old Q2 movie gems. For more DemoSquad stars you would need to raise the bar a little bit. Maybe leave some more scenes out, those that you are not completely sure of. Boost up the movie's athmosphere by selecting music that doesn't have too much monotonic sections. Then it will be easier to select scenes that fit the music. The athmosphere usually starts to die if the music doesn't seem to be related to what you are seeing. Anyway I believe that your video editing style will be blooming soon!

Thanks CSE and Simson for making this movie and also thanks to David for the show. Rate
2015-12-19 07:14 
David is just one of a kind, brah! The skill level, the desire to be better/the best, to improve, to show the people something gorgeous. I salute you my friend! I hope we will see - David.q1#2 soon! emo Rate
2015-11-11 06:20 
emo emo Rate
2015-10-16 04:28 
Some of frags are insane. Movie itself are great. Briliant job. emo emo Rate
2015-09-21 23:17 
Demos dosnt working
2015-08-21 12:13 
I would give 5, just because it is only few months old.

However I never give five! emo

Like people said it is too rail based and also too many misses during the railstreaks, so not that impressive. We have also seen the movies from Dimmo and The final act (also movies I forget after five decedes emo. This was no where near of enjoyment level of those movies. Just a plain and simple fragmovie from a game we all love(d).

All the credits to him doing this. It was still great piece of work to watch! Could we get the greatest hits of all time from some great movie maker? emo Rate
2015-06-16 11:23 
Much appreciate everyone's generous ratings on this movie! Being an amateur movie maker, I wasn't expecting such good reviews emo I guess you were all being quite generous, but thank you nevetherless! emo

Knowing David's reputation as one of the best duelers in recent times, and seeing amazing movies like The Final Act, Purri, Finnhits, Polish Frag Festival, etc...I knew there would be high expectations for this movie. Hence my biggest concern was whether I could live up to those expectations. I did my best with the limited skills and tools I had, and in the end both David and I were happy with the final product...which I guess is what mattered most. We just hoped others would like it too emo

It was a pleasure to work with David on this movie. Things went so smoothly and we had some great teamwork going, along with Simson helping with the recams. Despite family/job commitments and time difference between Australia and Poland, we worked hard on the movie for about 6 weeks straight, constantly tweaking it to be as perfect as possible, within our abilities. Despite this, a few mistakes still slipped through unfortunately emo (dark video codec issue, recam/keygrip cleanup, etc) but hopefully nothing too distracting, and all lessons learnt for next time!

Once again, thanks the comments and thanks for watching. Long live Q2!! emo
2015-06-07 02:57 
Some insane frags, liked those nades and rocket frags, also flick rails. Movie by itself aint my cup of tea tbh, could ve been better, i liked that you didnt used resample in vegas and quality is pretty good considering you used fraps for capturing at 60fps, some of the recams seems to lack full cleanup in keygrip. Guess i had greater expectations after that fine trailer but since we lack movies in q2scene i give it an 10. Btw, using vlc player as cse said fix the dark maps issue. Well done anyway emo Rate
2015-06-03 16:41 
bit rail heavy but still worth checking Rate
2015-05-31 01:59 
emo Rate
2015-05-27 03:38 
dyszka Rate
2015-05-24 08:17 
emo Rate
2015-05-21 17:56 
some really insane frags and speed by David! music, sync, slow-mo, recams are also enjoyable. cse, thanks for such a great movie! Rate
2015-05-19 15:58 
Really great movie. Music although not my favourite fits here very well adding great tempo altogether working well with frags.

I like how the whole thing imitates davids playstyle too.

Well done cse. Rate
2015-05-19 07:06 
YouTube stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8xManamnJw - see video description for thanks/credits/greetings, etc.

If the video appears too dark, it may be a codec/colorspace issue. Workaround: use 'Video Mixing Renderer 9' with Media Player Classic, or use VLC media player. Nvidia users can also try this:
Right-click desktop
Click 'Nvidia Control Panel'
In left section, expand 'Video'
Select 'Adjust video color settings'
Select 'With the NVIDIA settings'
Click 'Advanced' tab
Select 'Limited (16-235)' for Dynamic range
Click 'Apply'
Close window and restart your browser.
Video shouldn't be dark anymore.

Apologies for any inconvenience.
2015-05-19 05:55 
next level quake
makes me want to play again! Rate
2015-05-19 04:17 
Show this movie to your children to resurrect Q2! Amazing! 10/10 Rate

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