Test game on a new "TDM" MOD. Download the file and check: accuracy and stats info in the end of the game, hand 3, hud, id and much more! http://tdm.glt.pl
oh, so now a feature that's been in battleground forever is suddenly cheating?
btw i'm not "complaining", just expressing my opinion so they can make tdm better
It depends on what version you have played, version 0.7 (aK vs XA version) is not released yet, but you can play on it: kubus2.rulez.pl:27910. V0.6 was very buggy tho.
I've just played once on a tdm server, but i got the impression "not finished". Lots of overflows, and one guy who overflowed and then came back was invisible on scoreboard even though he was there. Also i don't like that id doesn't even show names of enemy.
TDM has potential, but is not usable in it's current state imo
Yeah, game was totally screwed up, but it was first 4v4 ever played on that mod, which Harven and me finally made. This is v0.7, you can test it on kubus2.rulez.pl:27910.