Delita's complexes are even bigger than his ego... Must be a small dick or something. Small dick usually results in big mouth and bad temper... But ofc that's only a guess ... hope we'll never know!
Ego and truth are not the same thing. No offence but I don't think you would be able to understand why I considered sarge a fishy player. Observe the demo's aswell as Isbjorns style of play... then you may figure what I mean out.
1. Because I'm better than you all. 2. Because I study the game and players like an academic studies Literature or History. 3. Because I'm a naturally gifted Psychological analyst who can usually see right through people. 4. Because I'm not only a 10 year veteran, I've also played with and against some of the best players ever and know limits. 5. Because I'm plain and simply a more dynamical and faster thinker than you.
If you really want to challenge me on those points, go right ahead but you are just walking into a battle you can not and will not win. End of arguement, role on the irrelevant childish bantor comments.
Im playing for 10 years, sArge is playing for 10 years as well. Why do you think that YOU are so privileged to judge people just like that? ... just because u have 10 years of experience? you got it wrong mate...
show me a strong proof that theres somehting fishy about him, then we can talk
@ lux0r - demos are here:
rl, you don't get it do you... I never say anyone is a cheat so if I do say something is fishy about a player then the chances are the is something wrong. I've played for 10 years and I'm a very intelligent person and I can spot dodgy players in the click of my fingers. If I'm a moron then you must be a complete wheelchair window licker because I'm 10x smarter than you will ever be. or stop acting like an english moron, or (if you're 16years old boy) you don't have to change anything in your behavior cause it's normal at this age (i mean acting like an asshole)...