There is a guy on .ru scene called "ww". About -5 net difference quitter. If somebody do not understand then I explain. When there are 5 more deaths than frags he just leaves team. He doesn't disconnect, just joins the spectators. After about 5 quits in a row he manages to get in an obviosly stronger team and actually win... After that goes "Sucked me good noobs! You all fucking lame! I owned your sorry asses!" The fact is that ww really CAN play q2 and is capable of owning, but NOT capable of loosing. When sometimes different people tried to talk sence into this guy he responded with something like "Fuck off shitheads! I am the best!".
Why I typed all of it ?! Because maybe we could somehow hook up Delita and ww... They could play together on some private server, talk, joke, have fun together. Maybe they even could make a gay couple and breed some offsprings... Like the guy from an old movie "Live till Monday" said "Happiness is when somebody understands you!" I bet those 2 guys could understand each other and leave the Q2 scene alone!
I expressed my opinion concerning Delita's condition. It's not a solid conclusion yet, but still an opinion. I think he's experiencing delusional psychosis. In other words, he truly does believe what he is saying, and every time anyone who will aggressively try to prove him wrong by providing some sort of reasoning or facts, he will just accommodate all of that to his mental schema, so the information provided won't be sufficient and elaborate enough to alter his understanding of this.
On the other hand, if he is really playing a huge joke here, then it's a hell of a lot of time wasted, mate...
- Did that make you feel better? I hope so because you do realise I can argue this the opposite way around. I think you are the one suffering from some kind of delusion.
I would like you to point me to this 'reasoning' or 'facts' because quite frankly I do not see anything credible from you lot yet and I can point you to mine quite easily. The only 'fact' you people have is that I left the Edge tournament and Quake 2, which was out of my own accord. It has nothing to do with any of you, it was my own personal choice. Anything else totally swings in my favour so you may aswell just give up.
Oh and Name, I don't need any attention. The minute you people stop replying to my posts the minute I will stop replying to yours.
I expressed my opinion concerning Delita's condition. It's not a solid conclusion yet, but still an opinion. I think he's experiencing delusional psychosis. In other words, he truly does believe what he is saying, and every time anyone who will aggressively try to prove him wrong by providing some sort of reasoning or facts, he will just accommodate all of that to his mental schema, so the information provided won't be sufficient and elaborate enough to alter his understanding of this.
On the other hand, if he is really playing a huge joke here, then it's a hell of a lot of time wasted, mate...
Is perfection an opinion or can someone really be perfect? Does perfection come from intelligence, manners, physical features, great ethics, wisdom or even to just be willing? Maybe it is a collection of all or maybe perfection is beyond posibility or description.
There is no point arguing with a guy like Delita. No matter what u write, he will turn it to something else and think he is right.
It doesn't help even if u put straight facts into his face, he will deny them with some nonsense. It doesn't help if u paste his own sayings here, he will deny he has written them or say something like "I wasn't serious" or "It didn't happen" or something similar.
Just put a picture of a dog here and he will say it's a cat emo
- Well what you write is nonsence so I correct you. If I am wrong about something I admit it, but the is one thing i certainly will not do and that is divert from the truth and delude myself just to fit into the scene and satisfy your stupidity.
- Anything in this thread besides abuse which I will not even dignify has been totally out weighed by a better argument by me. If you don't like it then don't bother replying and go and stick your head in the sand somewhere.
There is no point arguing with a guy like Delita. No matter what u write, he will turn it to something else and think he is right.
It doesn't help even if u put straight facts into his face, he will deny them with some nonsense. It doesn't help if u paste his own sayings here, he will deny he has written them or say something like "I wasn't serious" or "It didn't happen" or something similar.
Just put a picture of a dog here and he will say it's a cat
I am quite enjoying myself actually. I can imagine you are the raging type; I can just picture you on DAoC getting ganked and shouting at your screen, how sad.
I would rather spell the odd word wrong, which everyone does by the way (It's only human), than have no character, structure or creativity in my writing skills which pretty much sums you up.
Oh and by the way, you start your sentences with a capitol letter.
that's you mirr. no amount of 12 letter words will make your facade more realistic.
i already know your little geek ass is raging - that's why you still misspell your words even while having opened up in your 3rd, 4th, and 5th firefox tab
Considering the guy is attacking my English skills he should first realise that I am the English person here. He is a dumb American. Secondly he should also realise that knowledge does not make up for lack of intelligence and in this case Tiny show's just that. He may know what a 'noun' is but the guy sure as hell cannot structure an argument, if you can even call it that, and cannot write with charisma or character.
The guy has obviously looked at this argument from the wrong perspective and made up his mind before even thinking about the possibilities or likelihood of the argument I put forward. His post is obviously just a large amount of abuse with little logic or intelligence floating around in there and shows a nerdy kind of internet grudge which he should ether seek help for or just try to get out of his house more.
Tiny is actually incredibly pants at Quake 2 itself and he is pretty much a MMORPG player which just demonstrates how irrelevant his actually comments about Quake 2 are to begin with.
It is also pretty obvious that the guy has not searched the word epiphany in a dictionary.
Just has someone has an 'epiphany' or an insight into life and changes their ways, so did I about Quake 2, and quit.
Sorry Fulgore but your post is pretty irrelevant, tacky, aggressive and well... plain shite. Try again.
nice post tiny! btw like i said before Oh MY GOD ! delita ur only a fucktard ! u dont even make sence u know that ? all this shit u talk here makes me sick emo the biggest fucktard i have ever seen - DELITA
hello all, you may have seen me playing as "tiny" but my name is fulgore. i want to apologize on behalf of mirr to all of the european and foreign (to us native english speakers) players that are involved in this situation.
PLEASE --------------DO NOT------------ let his silly ass PhD Professor Assistant fool you. he is just trying to throw covers on all of your heads.
let me explain, after reading 10 of his posts he makes misspellings to words that don't even make sense. he floods his post with a bunch of stupid fucking english sentences that are not even relevant to the argument at hand.
facts: 1) he quit a tournament 2) he sucks dick at quake2 3) all he does is try to type all fancy so the majority of you are confused since you are not fluent in english
don't worry, i am here for you all. now let me begin
"Gerppa beat Jol, I slaughtered Gerppa... do the math you idiots. I quit Quake 2 for no reason other than I had an epiphany that it was a waste of my time. Delita +1"
obvious;y my buddy Delita/Mirr doesn't even know what an "epiphany" is. what this word means is that you go through a real life mind phase where something that happens or you dream about opens your eyes. so what mirr is saying is that he's masturbating his penis to his normal transexual porn and then he's like "OH WOW QUAKE 2 SUCKS IM GONNA QUIT" which is really his english sentence tricks for HE FUCKING SUCKS. he ALWAYS loses and ALWAYS rage quits. noone has a dream about quake 2 and quits it the next day, sorry buddy.
"Oh and: Delita: Quitters don't have opinions. - That does not make any sense in the English speaking world at all."
ironically, this is proper and correct english. all of the necessary structures needed to form a sentence are present. let me break it down for you, friends.
Quitters = Subject (noun) Have = Verb (something the noun/subject does) Opinion = what the quitters have (noun)
makes perfect sense to me.
see for more information
"Everything you say I will have a logical and more rational answer or explination for and the reason is because I am right and you are wrong. "
for a guy so wise.. who misspells explanation?
"bullshit, - on tournament games players play serious, - on tournaments games players try to play with equal ping
Both points are complete utter nonsence. If you don't play serious it's your own fault, not to mention everyone do play serious 95% of the time. In modern day Earth the internet is fast enough so most people have decent pings in most places and if they don't the won't be any server that will be fair which results in 'Home and Away' matches which are pretty useless."
ironically, both points are indeed facts. i know PLENTY of people who participate in tournaments and the only time their "game face", meaning playing serious, is on is when profit is involved. respect, money, etc.. noone gives a shit about pickup/pub games.. that's why there are there. that's why when i played with you i team killed you until you rage quit. why? because i had fun. also, it's spelled "nonsense" english wizard.
"Secondly, you say I am an IRC and Forum clown but yet I am the one who is talking sense here and you people are the one's who are talking complete shite."
you've been a puppet since the first time i ever encountered you. you struggle trying to articulate your thoughts via text, buddy. please stop trying to rub your penis by flashing your fancy failed english skills on these non-native speakers. btw "shite" is actually spelled "shit" - it's a common typo though, because you know the T is so close to E you could have easily fat fingered it
"Actually I am only here to troll you retards on. It's quite funny watching you all trying to argue something with inferiority and reflect your stupidity and chidlishness."
so within 24 hours mirr has realized he made no fucking sense and noone is here to back him up. notice how his "game face" does a 180 degree turn here. now he's trolling! he was kidding the whole time about everything! this is what is actually happening to him irl <-- mirr when he types
"<--- yeah by default you imbacile. What's that? I'm the idiot? bwahah!"
what is an "imbacile"? i think you mean "imbecile". do you know what that word really means or are you just trying to use it to look smart disrespecting people that can't challenge your vocabulary? let's google imbecile.
Imbecile refers to mental retardation, as well as a type of criminal.
everyone here accurately expresses themselves and i see no criminals here.. so how is imbecile the word you should use to describe a type of player posting here?
as i continue reading his posts, all i see is a bunch of long words that make mirr sound smart when really he's saying absolutely nothing. what is the point? like i said, this is mirr here -
have a nice day everyone and once again i apologize for having such a stupid english speaker trying to act superior here. he is no different than you are, if you guys had a league in polish, spanish, russian, etc and that was the main language used mirr would look even dumber than he really is.
this is mirr here
look at this image, look at his image that careem posted, and lastly look at his actual posts. GG noob mirr
not really.. you just didn't respond to any of the things i pointed out and just started to insult me and brought some "i'm gonna own you" stuff.. well.. that's called selfowning in real world .. which you seems to ignore sadly
"Answered myself to what question?" read again.. i have a hint for you.. look for the question mark
"I'm talking about having the ability to beat Jol you simple minded moron." noone cares about what you think about your ability.. since you can't prove it because you keep losing to above average players it means that your thinking is wrong (but i'm sure you won't see it so don't bother figuring)
"why would I think I would lose?" because i think you're not that dumb after all
"Ooooo! Spending 2 minutes matching me against a player is really a stressful time limit. You spend 2 minutes sorting it, I spent a week waiting for it." you've never been admin on q2scene so you know nothing about how much time it takes to run a league.. you are the one saying "take a step back and look at this whole thing" so please do that.. admins took their time to make a nice league for all the players and now you left it, which means that it's not nice anymore since not all players are participating and not all worthy players are in the league
"I told you arguing against my points is totally futile, Don't even bothing trying again because I will just own you again." i'm waiting for that..
"Do you actually think in tournament games people will be harder to beat or something? Tournament matches are no different than any other besides they just have a name." "my game vs Jol where I didn't even really try very hard" there you go.. i'm glad you answered yourself emo
- Answered myself to what question?
"Beating Jol was not a problem for me at all. Beating anyone in that group wasn't a problem besides maybe Aone." *BEEEEP* wrong.. sorry to tell you, but you didn't beat jol!
- I'm talking about having the ability to beat Jol you simple minded moron.
"Ask yourselves this, If I intended to beat Jol why did I agree to play on a server with over twice his ping and a deattached config?" since your explanation failed i guess it's because you knew that you're going to lose so you decided to play there so you have something to whine about emo
-Yeah, I knew I was going to lose? Incase you didn't notice I tend to think I am one of the best DM1 players the ever was so why would I think I would lose? Not to mention that the evidence highly supports that I would have beat him easily. Don't contradict yourself in future.
"Wasting their time?" of course you did.. admins wasted their time in putting you in the league, scheduling your matches and for what? for nothing, since you left ???
- Ooooo! Spending 2 minutes matching me against a player is really a stressful time limit. You spend 2 minutes sorting it, I spent a week waiting for it.
I told you arguing against my points is totally futile, Don't even bothing trying again because I will just own you again.
"Do you actually think in tournament games people will be harder to beat or something? Tournament matches are no different than any other besides they just have a name." "my game vs Jol where I didn't even really try very hard" there you go.. i'm glad you answered yourself
"Beating Jol was not a problem for me at all. Beating anyone in that group wasn't a problem besides maybe Aone." *BEEEEP* wrong.. sorry to tell you, but you didn't beat jol!
"Ask yourselves this, If I intended to beat Jol why did I agree to play on a server with over twice his ping and a deattached config?" since your explanation failed i guess it's because you knew that you're going to lose so you decided to play there so you have something to whine about
"Wasting their time?" of course you did.. admins wasted their time in putting you in the league, scheduling your matches and for what? for nothing, since you left
but now.. don't take thaigo's 15mins of fame in here.. thg nub!
delita's sad look in the picture remembers me some guy from UK: his wife left him, he lived in a wagon in a factory building and tried to run production line without success for years... he payed the bills with his brothers money and put him to the bankruptcy as well...the factory was so shitty, one day he almost got hit by bolt from power supply box...
...but every evening he made a grand after work meeting and tried convince as he has new strategy and will run the line tomorrow for sure... o and he worked for m5 as as spy..., and so on and so on.
omg this song is sooo saad... it makes me wanna cry.... oh no its over, I have tear in my eye.... look what you've done... Delita r u really leavin'?????
Rul: Delita: or mayby u writted this story cos nothing else come to your (empty?) head. U can loose a game and quit and stfu, or win and then start to overrate your self, not both ... mayby u just sayd too mutch, and match witch jol was one big "shadow" for your "q2 end" (and first of all u have to start playing some official games to make THUNDER quit, cos for me ur just a some nickname who like to talk mutch)
Delita: or mayby u writted this story cos nothing else come to your (empty?) head. U can loose a game and quit and stfu, or win and then start to overrate your self, not both ... mayby u just sayd too mutch, and match witch jol was one big "shadow" for your "q2 end" (and first of all u have to start playing some official games to make THUNDER quit, cos for me ur just a some nickname who like to talk mutch)
OK lets look at this in detail. What am I being accused of?
- Quitting the tournament and Quake 2 because I got beat by Jol: I can sum this one up pretty easy. I chose to leave the tournament of my own free will even before I played Jol, I just hadn't told anyone till after the match. The fact that I chose to play Jol on a highly unfair server where I pinged twice as much as him aswell as the server being set to the 'tdm' config which I didn't even have a folder for in my Q2 directory shows that I didn't intend to win at all. Secondly Gerppa comfortably beat Jol with fair conditions and I can quite easily beat Gerppa in fair conditions, this plus the original scores of my game vs Jol where I didn't even really try very hard in shows that the chances of Jol beating me under fair circumstances is highly doubtful. It's possible but chances are pretty low. Third aspect I will address is the fact that I personally chose to leave the tournament and Quake 2 meaning only I know the reasons for this decision. Basically to put it simple, if you people are trying to tell me why and did something then you are only proving you are suffering from delusion, selective memory and insecurity.
Over all, majority does not give rise to truth Thaigo. So where is your argument?... or are you just going to continue with these childish comments?
It's called a delusion. It's an entertainment watching him trying to prove the point so passionately and rationalize the idea that is simply not true.
But why some of you are trying to convince he is wrong when he is right, only to himself - the guy does truly believe it. My only concern is that he is delusional about his superiority in Q2. I'd prefer be brain-fucked about being some super spy or a dude who can have all the girls he wants.
Actually it's entertaining for me watching you all bring up piss poor arguments and deluding yourselves into thinking that I am the deluded one. It's as simple as this:
Sovet + rest of q2 scene - No rational argument, no logic, no relevance in perticular to anything I have said so far = random delusional comments.
Delita - Structured argument with lots of weight. Relevance to the inquiry. Obvious facts = Sane, academic, mature comments.
It's called a delusion. It's an entertainment watching him trying to prove the point so passionately and rationalize the idea that is simply not true.
But why some of you are trying to convince he is wrong when he is right, only to himself - the guy does truly believe it. My only concern is that he is delusional about his superiority in Q2. I'd prefer be brain-fucked about being some super spy or a dude who can have all the girls he wants.
P.S. But jokes aside. Delita, if you do need to talk to someone (even about being misunderstood by the quake peers), be brave and take the first step. PM and I'll direct you to good mental health professionals in your district. I do have some contacts in the UK.
Actually delita's league only begins when he quits. He then embarks upon a mission as impossible as winning the league: trying to convince people he 's not a quitter for quitting.
Actually delita's league only begins when he quits. He then embarks upon a mission as impossible as winning the league: trying to convince people he 's not a quitter for quitting.
ahaaaaaaaaaaa... so you planed this beautiful end of Q2 career in advance?? niceee... emo
I suppose you could say that. The main reason is simple though, isbjorn told me Jol was really good and I was quite intrigued to see his play and so I thought, what the hell, lets just play one last game before I quit.
Over all I expected this to happen, it is just the nature of the brats in the Quake 2 scene. Truth is... even if I didn't play Jol I still would have gone lots of abuse whether I quit or not.
This whole scenario is just like the Jol match, I have the power to swing it any way I choose. I may just vanish and no one here will ever hear from me again, or maybe I will just stick around and manipulate you all some more.
Durklas: Oh MY GOD ! delita ur only a fucktard ! u dont even make sence u know that ? all this shit u talk here makes me sick emo the biggest fucktard i have ever seen - DELITA <-- Uhuh.
da-be-da: imo,ragequit is far more understandable than just starting goofing around when u see u cannot win,specially on official match
there is nothing to be a shame of doing like damiah "ok,i give up,ggs"
Beating Jol was not a problem for me at all. Beating anyone in that group wasn't a problem besides maybe Aone. I let Jol beat me and left Quake 2. Ask yourselves this, If I intended to beat Jol why did I agree to play on a server with over twice his ping and a deattached config?
Oh MY GOD ! delita ur only a fucktard ! u dont even make sence u know that ? all this shit u talk here makes me sick the biggest fucktard i have ever seen - DELITA
You people started it pal, next time maybe you will learn to be more open minded and think about what people say and why they say it in future before running off your mouth.
and delita: you've lost all your matches so saying: "I've owned far more talented players than what's in this tournament before" makes you even bigger idiot than you actually are (doubt it's possible but...) <--- yeah by default you imbacile. What's that? I'm the idiot? bwahah!
ps delita u could play group stage to the end instead wasting time on this comments
Actually I am only here to troll you retards on. It's quite funny watching you all trying to argue something with inferiority and reflect your stupidity and chidlishness.
You people probably think you have something here but take a step back and look at this whole thing. I quit a tournament, you people automatically assume I quit it with rage from being beat by Jol, that's called a selective memory. Then you people think you can judge my skill level with no knowledge of me, Quake 2 or the players; that is called delusion.
muerte: "whatever he do thg will be remeber as one of best quake2 players ever"
and delita: you've lost all your matches so saying: "I've owned far more talented players than what's in this tournament before" makes you even bigger idiot than you actually are (doubt it's possible but...)
whatever he do thg will be remeber as one of best quake2 players ever
u will be remeber as irc/forum clown
Ok, Thaigo is no where near one of the best Q2 players ever, maybe it's you opinion but it is not a fact unfortunately for you.
Secondly, you say I am an IRC and Forum clown but yet I am the one who is talking sense here and you people are the one's who are talking complete shite.
Now if I am wrong please correct me.
And Thaigo, The people who quit are the people who don't have anything to prove. I've owned far more talented players than what's in this tournament before. So what makes this tournament so special?
no doubt delita established himself as q2scene clown, but to keep audience entertained he needed more jokes then classic "I'm the best q2 player in the universe"
Delita wrote: When does quitting a tournament make you an any worse player? Maybe I quit the tournament because it was to easy to begin with, which I did, so wouldn't that make me the best player?
No, it makes you a quitter and nobody likes a quitter
Wasting their time? Now that is fucking rich! That makes me laugh... How is gods name did I waste their time by leaving the tournament? My time was wasted by 1. playing in a tournament full of fucking beginners and 2. waiting around for days on end for people to even play me.
If you left the tournament do you think I would be harassing you over it? NO! I would respect your decision and determined you had your own personal reasons.
-7 is lame but delita owns everyone...also, wasting our (gerdts, wisions, mine etc) time isn't so funny (atleast for us), so next time do not sign up if you don't want to play,'s not only to delita...just respect our work here, please.
bullshit, - on tournament games players play serious, - on tournaments games players try to play with equal ping
Both points are complete utter nonsence. If you don't play serious it's your own fault, not to mention everyone do play serious 95% of the time. In modern day Earth the internet is fast enough so most people have decent pings in most places and if they don't the won't be any server that will be fair which results in 'Home and Away' matches which are pretty useless.
Saying people plays serious in tournament matches 1. Just shows that people don't understand the actual objective of the game to begin with and 2. Just sounds like an excuse because they suck to begin with.
I am just disappointed with Delita cause he ended the tournament in a way that everyone expected it when he joined it... nothing unexpected happened
Quitting Q2 is maybe the best decision... store it on some DVD or smtn and maybe some day if you'll be lucky to have grand-kids you could teach them something
Playing Jol had nothing to do with quitting Quake 2, how many times do I have to type it before you read the sentence properly? Or are you just plain stupid and do not understand it?
When does quitting a tournament make you an any worse player? Maybe I quit the tournament because it was to easy to begin with, which I did, so wouldn't that make me the best player?
If you are gonna say anything else Thaigo, make it relevant atleast.
Even when I don't play Quake 2 I still own it. I beat Gerppa almost 20-0 if I remember correctly which means I would have beat Jol no problem to. I was actually thinking to myself 'This guy would be easy on an equal server' when I was playing Jol.
Do you actually think in tournament games people will be harder to beat or something? Tournament matches are no different than any other besides they just have a name.
Everything you say I will have a logical and more rational answer or explination for and the reason is because I am right and you are wrong.
The minute you disregard the truth you start living a lie, and I know the truth. -Briggs, P., 2009.
Exactly where did you slaughter gerppa? Here it shows 2-0 for gerppa. Was it a random game or tournament game? Random games don't mean shit. And even if u did beat gerppa, it doesn't mean you would be better than Jol... For such a smart guy, ure kinda idiot
If you quit, you no longer have saying in here. Make sense now?
Gerppa beat Jol, I slaughtered Gerppa... do the math you idiots. I quit Quake 2 for no reason other than I had an epiphany that it was a waste of my time. Delita +1
Oh and: Delita: Quitters don't have opinions. - That does not make any sense in the English speaking world at all.