This time I tried drinking before the match, but surprisingly(!) that didn't help much either. Guess I should have sticked with practicing? Unfortunately, my demos won't work (at least on my spooky ancient Q2 installation), or else you would have seen - besides my being raped - incredible RA2 moves and awesome jumps (OMG I did the hyper jump 1st time ingame!!!). Two minutes before map 2 FuXeR's mom pulled the internet cable or something like that, but we agreed that 40:1 is enuff for both of us without replaying the other 13 minutes (Cataclysm was waiting)
Hell...what was I - the old fart being me - even thinking when I signed up?
Oh, and yeah, kudos to FuXeR, who had been <strike>getting on my nerves</strike> eager to play since I've had my first match (and only one this year) and for clearly being the better player!