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Match: DM vs Delita
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flag DM vs Delita flag
Date:2011-02-09 14:05
Maps:w/o, w/o
Scores:w:o, w:o

Delita disconnects along with a few cheat accusations 5 minutes into the second map.


2011-02-14 03:11 
cry me a river..
2011-02-13 08:46 
arch - delita won a lot of leagues. sadly, those leagues were only in his head.
2011-02-12 05:58 
Ehm yeh sofiene. Players leave leagues, that happens. And if you really expected that, you overestimated delita imo emo

Oldshool or not, doesn't mean much! Oldschool players can leave a game too. Adn especially in delita's case, I think he has left in 100% of his league entries. So you should expect actually that he wouldn't win his group, but leave in the middle.

Edited: 2011-02-12 05:59
2011-02-11 19:49 
sofiene: you are new on the scene so you should get use to it :p

Edited: 2011-02-11 19:49
2011-02-11 13:04 
dissapoined from a player that i thought will beat this groupe,or at least win some and show us some fun games,especially vs sArge.....but it seems like,what tei said,truth is trivial....
2011-02-10 16:47 
2011-02-10 11:17 
no i am not from uk, but i would like to live in uk and go to liverpool games emo same as manu denies liverpool titles by overspending money and buying judges, same way here you use cheats against delita and with cooperation of admins!
2011-02-10 10:58 
*TeiOch* i guess you just couldn't spot neowolf's irony emo
2011-02-10 10:38 
neo: ur from uk? Must be. Then it all make sense...or u just stupid as well. Again, truth is trivial. lol I love it. emo
2011-02-10 10:24 
another unbeliever, another heretic! come to my side, i have opened my eyes. your eyes are blind to the truth!
2011-02-10 10:18 
Abs1nt FTW !! emo

Actually he's more right than I think most would realize. why? Yes because..:

Truth Is Trivial. That's why! For most anyway..
And especially in Del's eyes. Or world? However his sight is not seen through the real world.

I think this sentence sums it all up of this "match" ..
quote: "You just can't believe someone is better than You, if is there anyone better it means he is a cheater simple"

So what? U think if ur older, more experienced, than a player he can't beat u. What does it matters. U just can't reason with the real truth...only ur own. Worse than that, u even THINK it is the REAL truth. Like I said, truth is trivial and u fail immensely here.

Aimbot? lol? yes u were in the match...but only saw it and experienced it from ur angle, so to speak. The demos are there showinf the other angle of the game, even for close examination, yet u refuse 'coz u think u know the real answer. That's just pathetic. Wow, so what about it? Some magical hit frags u say??! Wooow...even I can hit such frags, and have done so. And I'm about one of the real noobs here. emo The "lift area" hit was nothing special. DM just timed it. I have done so many times. And just coz he hitted u when u were taken Armor in room....man think for once (!) he knew u were going up there...ofc the chances are big he would hit u! Why, he knows where the armos is ofc! And thirdly, u just entered the room from the lift area and ofc u can get hit an instant like DM did. It's all timing, luck, and experience. LOL, newschool / oldscholl has nuthin' to do about it. U think it has everything to do ofc.... DM is pro player. He knows. He can. He is able to.

And what? U were better than DM. Funny u lost then. It is ur won fault, as u often say when the situations suits you, that you didn't won. U can apply all tactics u want..in the end it is all the score that matters. Can't handle it? Then quit Q2. ~the same words u like to use. It just came back to bite ur own ass whilst u never thought that could happen. It just did.

So go ahead.. quit. It absolutely does not matter......well in a sense it does. u think the scene is cancerous ...I disagree. It is when ppl like u acting like you, that brings diseases to the scene.

For now on I will only call u Del (like Delete_Me) and NOT Delita. I'm a huge FF fan / player and u do not deserve to have such name from wonderful FFT. Same coolness and integrity as the 'real' Delita from FFT ? -what a f* joke!
2011-02-10 09:59 
i'm playing quake 2 since '98, and one thing i know for sure is that crazy rails AREN'T reserved for pros. anyone can hit a crazy rail, doesn't matter if it some newb or some average player, and it doesn't mean he is a cheater!

about delita, he is mentally retarded (and i'm not offending him, i'm just stating the fact), so don't blame him for his behavior. peace.
2011-02-10 09:07 
absint, get your manners together, delita is old player, you cant just accuse him to cheat... and few dm rails were really suspicious, those kind of things only oldschool top players can hit...
2011-02-10 08:36 
stop writing essays or books here, its not a blog, league isn't finished yet so stfu, and look on better players than You, maybe You will learn something from them, and get the fuck out from here, You failed? You get owned? so get out and stop flaming emo

Edited: 2011-02-10 08:36
2011-02-10 08:32 
and stop writing about your great life, cus nobody cares about it emo make a blog and get the fuck from it. and like i said earlier YOU are annoyed medium, all-knowing gay who is using shits (aimbot , wh ) cus You know too many things about it, maybe write some examples of aimbots etc to be sure?! You just can't believe someone is better than You, if is there anyone better it means he is a cheater emo simple
2011-02-10 08:17 
Delitas, i see You know so many things about aimbots, so i can clearly say , that You are low cheater without skill, you rage quit cus good player (*DM) without aimbot pwned You when you used wh or something like that...you are poor idiot, stop explaining your low skill by cheating accusation...thats all...stfu and peace
2011-02-10 07:19 
I don't need to watch the demo because I was actually in the game you fucking idiots.

DM was using an aimbot. Though I wasn't even trying in the second game made my movement most likely more predictable, still the absence of ping and unethical timing branded those rail shots at bot usage. Notice how he can't use any other weapon besides the railgun? Then he magically hit's next to impossible shots under the circumstances with the railgun. Auto aim's do not work like they used to back in 1999 were people would do 180 degree turns and hit someone. People still think they are like that and that is WHY you cannot see it. Aimbots now target certain elements, such as crosshair radius, colors, they adapt to the physical environment so they will not aim at walls were people are standing, they apply acceleration to the flick so that it looks natural.

You people simply just don't know anything so stop talking about shit you don't know. I've always had my suspicions about DM to be honest, ever since I seen him play public games and also in NDML when UK played LTU.

I'm better than most of those players still left in Edge. I may not have practice as much as them so I couldn't compete by my tactics and my play are FAR superior and it's demonstrated in that first map against DM. All he did was run all game because I knocked him about all over the map. It also proves that the aggressive newschool style does NOT work as I just ran into spammed rocks by DM constantly which gave him the very small 2-0 win. Or in a word it was 'Luck'.

In the second game I had just got so annoyed with his shitty style of play I just didn't care and kept diving at him. In the process I discovered his auto aim usage and being a true and prideful Quake 2 player, not like the fakes you are, I left the game and kept my dignity intact.

I don't regret my actions and I certainly don't give a fuck about your 'opinions' or bullshit delusional, unknowledgable explanations. Maybe Thaigo was right after all. These leagues, the admins, the scene... it's gone to shit for the true oldschool who still live by the proper Quake 2 virtues.
2011-02-10 07:12 
I dont have to write long posts, demo speaks hundreds of volumes. Those frags are bread and butter of everyday server games, heck, even I score simillar ones every day and I do not rate my skills highly. So there are 2 conclusions : either I cheat without my knowledge or you know shit about Q2.
2011-02-10 07:02 
"You know what kids are like, they are stubborn, arogant and always try to argue their side even when they are wrong."

so basically, you are kid :p

anyway, it's easy to call someone a cheater. first you should see that fucking demo from the other side. auto aimbot? that's just pathetic, DM had propably bad day bcz he really sucked with cg. and that rg shots in the room when you came from lift? that was pure skill and a bit of luck ...
2011-02-10 06:18 
what this topic is missing is short reply from thaigo emo
2011-02-10 05:33 
I notice how none of you have more than a few sentences to say. Simply because none of you really know anything about me or Quake 2.

I didn't mean any offence by that Ceba. You were just the first example that sprung to mind.

Try re-reading my post again. You will realise that a lot of your replies have already been answered.
2011-02-09 19:14 
I play for 1.5 years if that makes any difference emo

"but in comparison to the oldschool he is still nothing." emo emo emo
I just cant be bothered to play this games as serious as most people here do. And i can still frag most of players with experience 6 times bigger than mine.
And I havent quited any leagues or games, and i havent complained even once. You should learn that from me and q2 would be much more fun.
+ I doubt that any of you were as good as i am after 1st year of q2. emo
2011-02-09 16:25 
Yeah he has hes movie....but anyway even cheater like razor talks about many ppl who used color bot....so assholes if you dont have skillz&guts just dont ruined our fair game ... emo emo

Edited: 2011-02-09 16:26
2011-02-09 14:50 
dm played so bad that there must be some kind of illegal setup that he managed to win delita emo
2011-02-09 13:17 
poor brain-damaged guy emo
2011-02-09 09:19 
Seriously, just watch the demo mirr. Especially that moment just before you quit when DM somehow managed to miss 2-3 easiest arena rails when u were hopping from mg to lift like a noob playing q2 first time. Than he hits u with timed rail on lift (most common shit ever, again, your movement - going straight to room is begginer's mistake) and you quit .

Edited: 2011-02-09 09:20
2011-02-09 08:52 
you are living in fantasy world... outplayed ? what does that even mean ? attacking with full stack and dying ? if you are such an old school player, you should have understand my tactics. I made a good laugh from you for the scene emo And about the aim bot - watch my demo, i did not hit a shit and if did ? then you would call me how ? emo you are pathetic... aimbot your ass
2011-02-09 06:39 

My name was never Delita. It was just a name I used around the time I played Final Fantasy Tactics because I liked Delitas style and story. I've used lots of names in the past from games and films. However, Delita stuck because at the time I played for Clan Stealth who also at the time merged with the dutch clan ALS which basically put me in the spot light and thus people now know me as Delita. My real Quake 2 handle is Myrmidon (mirr) and before that it was Nemesis (Nem^)

As for this match, I stand by my choices. I should have won that first match and I totally outplayed DM in it. The second game I was so annoyed I just couldn't be bothered playing people who can only press backwards and spam rockets. The second match I also clicked onto DM's excessive aimbot usage, and before people start whining, yes it was an auto aim, there is no doubt in my mind.

You people really don't understand that cheats are used daily in Quake 2 now and by players you would least expect. Over the years, cheats have become much harder to detect and the evolution of players makes hiding them even harder as now with the rise of fast internet and deluxe soundcards and headphones, people take that players aims and sound abilities are natural, but they are well and truely not.

Lots of newschool players can do unreal things in Quake 2 which is the first step to spotting the hackers. Do you really think players start playing 3 and 4 years ago and can compete with purri etc? Wrong. Take Ceba for example, he has played for a couple of years and he improved but in comparison to the oldschool he is still nothing.

Think of it like this. If I were to aquire cheats and use them. Probably undetected, thrashed a bunch of people. Then I would turn around and say... 'I just used a wallhack and an auto aim on you all'. You would seen realise that you don't believe people cheat because you simple cannot see it. This isn't a bad thing, it is just because you simply don't pay attention or do not have the experience to see these things. A player like me knows what is bull shit and what is not because not only have I played for a long time but I am naturally a duel player so I focus purely on understanding the opponents mind and what he is capable of.

I will no doubt get flamed for this post but I don't really care. I'm giving up on Quake 2 and the scene because it has become cancerous. Though some players are holding on so tight they will not admit it, you know who you are. I am also quitting Edge even though I still have the opportunity to progress to the next stage.

1. Because I don't believe leagues prove a damn thing anyway. I think true skill is judged by those who 'know' not that those who strive to prove.

2. Because the leagues and Quake 2 is riddled with cheaters. Yes it is..

3. Because I have better things to do with my time, like working on my mass amounts of essays than babysit a scene of kids. You know what kids are like, they are stubborn, arogant and always try to argue their side even when they are wrong. Ultimately they end up in a shit storm, just like the Quake 2 is doing to itself. See a pattern forming here...?

Myrmidon.uk emo

Edited: 2011-02-09 06:43
2011-02-09 06:28 
Abs1nt: don't drink Absinth and type emo
2011-02-09 05:15 
Dude, you make no sense at all Abs1nt..

Delita = Delete emo
2011-02-08 06:01 
You are absolutely right emo we are all from one big "family" but some kind of players had been adoptive as a children, and because of they behaviours, they should be exiled or separated emo i mean ofc Delita (c) who called aone/dm/thaigo etc cheaters emo purri,dami and syanid are the biggest cheaters in q2 scene emo

Edited: 2011-02-08 06:01
2011-02-08 05:14 
hehe, so basically, who anyone is, is nobody's business, unless they're from the same family as eachother. that makes alot of sense, absint. :p
2011-02-07 18:59 
of course with all due respect to Your family, it was just an example, peace emo
2011-02-07 18:57 
zorre emo don't be so inquisitive emo i'm not from Your family, so question is simple, for You im noone emo
2011-02-07 14:25 
once again delita proofed , hes not able to be a man :/ emo
2011-02-07 14:18 
Who is Abs1nt wich seems to have something to say about everything 100 times over?
2011-02-07 14:16 
2011-02-07 13:51 
Hmm delita ,where is emo :? but you 2 can http://www.therightperspective.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/STFU_and_GTFO.jpg !!! hahaha
2011-02-07 12:38 
delita plz go f... with your cheats emo
2011-02-07 09:41 
england best!
2011-02-07 06:42 
like expected
DM DeliteD Delita
2011-02-07 04:49 
Handlng pressuring is NOT, I repeat, is NOT a skill. (c) delita

2011-02-06 19:13 
DM 2 - 0 pussy ;d
2011-02-06 19:12 
dm, you have got very weak - low sensitivity aimbot, i guess it works only on blaster huh? emoemoemoemoemoemoemoemo
2011-02-06 17:42 
demos on demosquad emo

Edited: 2011-02-06 18:38
2011-02-06 17:40 
i want to see him against sarge emo
2011-02-06 17:30 
fuck yeah ;d like i said emo gg DM emo show demos plz
2011-02-06 17:04 
fucking awesome! emo
2011-02-05 08:19 
the score is unquestionable ;d the question is how big is that rape emo

Edited: 2011-02-05 08:20
2011-02-04 07:28 
aaand ?

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