Absh1t you are trying to copy my style,little dipshit Sorry but there is nothing close to ABSH1T nicknamed by me no chance for you to be even close ,your ass has my sign a long time a go and will be last forever like a records -cant be broken My Message to you ,your big fat ass momma & your crew supporters *** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4HjsZqOaQ0 *** !!!than fuck you too all you mother fuckers fu to P.S lz continued... i really have fun making you looks like a dipshit ABSH1T I really dont know rul skillz but im sure its over yours ,i cant find your statistics btw .Dont worry you will try edl 20 About my loosing there is no problem ,like i say every time i dont whant to be a ppl ,q2 for me is just hobby. And here is your part to the scene FRODO - *** http://thedollymama.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/bozo.jpg *** njoy the ride DDDDDD Lick my Dick bitch DDD SUCK IT DIPSHIT ,ABSH1T ,FAGSH1T hahaha kurwa debil
rul is a known - good player on scene with some experience - he is mostly active on polish scene but on euro he is playing sometimes too. i think he could defeat you with cofee in hand regards.
1.Absh1t , do you ever THINK Twice in your Lifetime? Can you think? Yes im 26 old ,and my english is perfect to tell you to suck my dick with attitude, little dipshit !!! Look at yours english skillz,theyre not above what a dumb idiot you are :? kinda troll from one side,and kinda total pathetic dipshit looking for some star moment ,no you are not a star ,but i can make you famous!!! So Talking about parents...hmm can you rewind the tape to see your stupid comments ,guess you take it personal now,i really hope so DDD the fun starts here 2 .to my dear kebab - Yea its not uni problem that the entire Tr republic likes to play there rofl....but when you have win there against your oponents ,to call it shitty server ,or idiots like mrt who thinks its weird server thats insulting me very bad.And i should repeat my self - The jumping tournament was there!!! your wins against purri and pogo,where it was ....Bergon so stfu ,you should be very dumb to call it shitty server!!! (one of the most modern servers at all) 3 To dr4gun- i know man here is not the place for this ,but sometimes i need to tell what i have to tell on such a pathetic assholes who is trying to ignore the truth ! 4.st24 DD
lol? you are so retarded then...talking about parents and flaming like a kid come back to school cus your english sucks
26 years old man is flaming like this....you should be banned from the q2 scene imo. read what i tried to say again, im not talking shit about your bergshit server, im talking shit about YOU z1on cus u r flaming on players from scene without reason...stop it calm down and do it like a man, not like a pussy :/ you can put your words into trash...it means nothing at all
i didnt expect u r rly care about my words z1on. thank you so much.. u are rly fanatic of me =) i said bergon shitty server yes but its not about just ping its about our routing to bergon (where is bergon's data center..) i mean its not uni's problem or his server and i am srry i was said uni about your server. z1on, i attent one think u said to jak (Huh who was you Jak,some small jerk i beated like a shit ) so u are z1on...
Huh who was you Jak,some small jerk i beated like a shit ...So Absh1t since when youre care about q2scene... rofl and my dog is your mother she likes to suck a lot of dicks.I throw my dick up in the air and she is bit good at catching it,good bitch nice bitchy DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD !!!And who was you to talking about standarts in q2 rofl what a fag,what is your contribution to the scene-nothing .Did you know UniBG ,the man who updates Bergons servers to be playable for such a players (players is to hard for such a lamer like the kebab who whines all the time how good is ,but beathen by every1 strong elite ppl)like Coldfag ,who named bergon shitty server.If you dont respect the work of some1 who tryes to do everything to makes q2 scene not dieing in our country is personal issue for me .So you can eat my shit ,and any1 who dont respect that ,you can eat shit !!!!!!!
q2 scene is being died cus of retards like you...stop making standards of q2 scene lower, with your flamed whined shitty talking, if your own ego is being fucked up, tell it to your mummy, cry me a river
z1on , your dick is too small to be sucked give it to your dog...he li(c)kes it... however you flamed on cold you idiot. i don't care about your bergSHIT server but stop flaming on players if they are innocent you retarded kiddy shithead
huh can you suck my DD ----> Piggy ,next time when you begging me or other players to play on bergon server think about it. And some handsome info,just to pathetic mrt ,turkish bandits and abshit - DO YOU REMEMBER THE NAME OF THE SERVER WHERE WE HAVE THE NEW >OLD JUMP CHAMPION (nookie ) Yeah it was bergon !!! and yes Piggy if someone ban me its not gonna be the first time so stfu i need to go through this q2 addiction somehow
can someone ban zion for q2scene and in all servers? anyway, mrt said everything that happened... and was not vgg but pogo had great behaviour there and play n that server...
AbSH1T ,you looks like some new dumb FF clan polsky idiot~ if some turkish debil pinging there 60'70 ,thats not means the server is shit ,it means your provider is shit ,like your face abshit! Its pretty simple ,if you dont like the bergon server dont play there ,but otherwise dont call it shitty if you have no other options !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S and yes im a racist ,so suck my white ....C.... & Seed abshit!!!
yes muerte is right. but i never try to be find good server for me or try to find bad server for my opponent. we tried 3 servers he had 35 i had 55-60. just parba and shitty bergon server looks playable.. but my connection wasnt great too :/ sorry about my stupid connection but our provider is like that. And rly thank you pogo u r great sportsmen as muerte said. if u like to say "gg", gg.
Actually it was like this. While CoLD tried to restart his router and find low hop route, Niggy was trying to find server with high possible ping for Pogo Finally they start to play on Parba and after Pogo good start (mh room spawn) CoLD connection (and whole south route) died
So Pogo (always polite and great sportsmen ) decided to play on that weird Bulgarian server.
CoLD played decent game, and Pogo struggled with big prediction miss and weird movement for him, couldnt do more...