Teioch, do you know how easy it would be for me to just make a pak and a config, practice quake 2 for a couple of weeks then rick roll every big mouthed noob here ?
Well, I can tell you, it's very easy, but also a waste of my time.
nublita: yea u say no one reads but referring to yourself. That, if you do, or try argue with me, I'll always end up raping u here. U may rape me in the games, I'm man enough to acknowledge my skills based on gathered experience of the game (i never pracced for any pro level!) - not based on self-esteem lies and self-conceited facts of delusional proportions. Faint never admitted nor denied anything about any hacks. Just because he finds most likely pointless discussing that to a Troll that has already made up his mind - hm? - does not substantially prove any involvement of the unjustified assertion. Faint, plain and simply, have given you no support at all to give you the right of such proclaiming. 1 in 64 billion is the chance that he hacks and did so in these games. I can't say for shure, yet is way more likely than your unconsidered course of reasoning and accusation.
Give it a rest, troller-maker. Or find another dealer...... [End of story.]
jesus, go wipe off those tears already. in order to have nublita's posts make sense, imagine him articulate his words whilst crying out loud desperately and hurtful. like a spoiled child u know....that lost his favourite lollipop: uuhhuuuuu *nonsense* uhhuuuuu
the same level of shit. seriously read his posts like that, u'll read straight through him.
oh yeah, son, we all hail you! the EDGE master. but playing quake isnt about talking ur way to victory and claim unsupported skills by pointless self-originated so called"proof" of yours youir mouth of shit is producing. If SOMEONE, you are the delusional one. But i know u cant see it ofc. ur guard has already stopped reasonable arguments. U live ur own pathetic world. Fact is, yes, you are somewhat good player, average in a sense (close to noob on some maps! ) and happen to beat tired div1 class or div2 class players on late evenings etc. in any real tournament they would slaughter you to pieces. Ur so scared to meet eg. purri, damiah or david on the edge in a league like this. So how can you even remotely claim you are the master all shall fear? I fear only ur lame shit, that's all. Even I if i gave into the game like i never really did, and gren playing on more stable ping and bit more practice, i'm almost certain we would crush you too. So this is so stupid and lame.
well anyway, FACT IS, you're in the end just a somewhat good english-pathetic player who is missing many steps from our evolution and still worship gods like in the ancient times - namely yourself: the god of quake 2, knowing everything, master on one map that will ever matter, shitting on anyone dare crossing my paths! And that is as far as you can go.
Be respectful... is that a joke ? All I got in the last 7 years on Quake 2 is idiots giving me shit because I was just better than them and they didn't like it.
And yes I am by far better than everyone left in Quake 2. Players now have no concept of how to play the game properly or refine the whole standard of play.
Quake 2 players used to command a lot of respect, now they are just all whiny childish clowns so they don't deserve respect, especially from someone with my Quake 2 knowledge.
Dont u think that you are talking quite ostentatiously?.. Yeah you are good-great player, but saying "better than everyone in Q2" makes you unnecessary! Please be respectful and get respect from others... Anyway, first map was great game, 3rd and 4th was good game too...
Losing because your opponent cheats would make anyone mad.
Gonna say he doesn't cheat now?
Well I have a lot of evidence that he does. And were is your proof that he doesn't?
Oh and on a side note. I played that game with no config, no pak, hardly any warm up and I hadn't been on a Quake 2 server in 4 weeks... and I was still obviously the better player.
nublita was telling how bad he would rape faint in the playoffs and teach him a lesson! omgish! u couldnt even frag him in one of the game. faint is easily 10x better. Now that's a fact!
He had to finish the games, bezel, coz other wise he will be kicked out of the tournament. soon enough though, he will loose his temper and bye,bye! i was hoping on this match thou, perhaps on the last map.