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Match: Delita vs NiGGY
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flag Delita vs NiGGY flag
Referee:flag ceba
Date:2013-03-26 15:25
Maps:q2dm1, q2dm1, q2dm1
Scores:20:9, 36:9, 15:12



[21:30:52] <NiGGY> tomorrow 20.00cet nig-mir



Missing demo(s) from Delita.

Penalty: 3 warnings (rule 3.4.2 + 7.2.6)

Penalty may be down-sized if demos are uploaded within reasonable time.


2013-04-06 16:37 
Whatever you are in real life makes no difference, nor do i care. fact is your still a knob online.

Your old fart now in quake years, and nothing you do, or anyone you beat matters at all anymore. its dead.

Your were a good player in your day, thats it.

2013-04-04 16:58 

Its the impression you give off. You come across as a complete social reject, that's angry at the world for your misfortunes in life. <- Based on what evidence? What misfortunes? I'm a university student - that's about as far from anti-social as you can get.

You can hardly make any friends online without alienating yourself, so i'm guessing it must be hard trying to befriend an actual human being. <- Again, based on what evidence? Truth is I have a lot of friends. Some from university, some old friends from high school. Some even older than that. Many acquaintances etc.

As your for skills in quake2, your good yes. But people stop caring when your contest whining starts... only when you loose and never when you win by the way. Do you seriously think anyone would wanna read a "complex guide" on anything wrote by such a unlikable person as yourself? <- Winning and losing for me is a state of motivation. Nothing more. And the point isn't whether people will or won't read it. Ignorance is bliss for most. But the point is, I CAN, and HAVE, written and contributed myself to Quake 2. What have you do besides talk shit for the last 10 years?

You see Doomeh, as stated earlier, it's not me with the insecurity problems. It's you, and a few others left in Quake 2. This is proven by the fact that you have just tried to discredit me based on zero evidence - hence you have fabricated this idea in your mind. It makes you feel better to think that I am some loser who has no friends and dedicated all my life to Quake 2. But this couldn't be further from reality.

Hardly make friends online? Actually strangely enough I'm still really good friends with a lot of 'older' Quake 2 players and people I met in other games in the past. Just seems modern day Quake 2 players are incapable of sustaining friendship with me. Isn't that strange? or maybe just a coincidence?

On a final note, I don't crave respect in Quake 2, simply because I just don't need it. Respect is for people who are incapable of achieving.
2013-04-04 13:42 
Its the impression you give off. You come across as a complete social reject, that's angry at the world for your misfortunes in life.

Even the fact that your writing a guide for a long dead game that you only play 4 hours a month and don't even have installed is just other sign that shows the state your life must be in.

You can hardly make any friends online without alienating yourself, so i'm guessing it must be hard trying to befriend an actual human being.

As your for skills in quake2, your good yes. But people stop caring when your contest whining starts... only when you loose and never when you win by the way. Do you seriously think anyone would wanna read a "complex guide" on anything wrote by such a unlikable person as yourself?

To gain the respect that you crave so much within quake, you gotta be liked by the public. And that is one thing you are not del.

2013-04-03 20:59 
ppl still reading this shit emo

" Delita:
due to the high number of violations during EDL #11, he is given a lower warning limit than other players.
limit: 2 "

There isn't a Red List for no reason, kick him already. He's done. As usual. ....

Edited: 2013-04-03 21:04
2013-04-03 06:33 
this is dumb
2013-04-02 17:28 
My llife? I play Quake 2 about 4 hours a month now. In fact I don't even have it installed at the moment.

A computer game? What about footballers? Snooker players? Swimmers? Business men? It's all just a game to an extent - being the best at what you do.

I practically already am a Quake 2 master. You can't write a highly detailed and sophisticated guide about something unless you already were. This isn't about me trying to be some kind of Quake 2 guru. This is about me just fighting for facts and what's right.

My social life is fine. I think it's you who doesn't have a social life. You see your problem is you just 'assume' that I don't have a life when you really don't know the first thing about me. All you know is that I have my own views about Quake 2... and because you don't agree with me then you automatically have to fabricate this delusion that I don't have a life. Sorry son, but that's insecurity - and now we are going round in circles, but the spot light seems to have switched to you.

On a side note. How did this 'gg niggy. Teioch, stop being a dick.' turn into Quake 2 being my whole life?

You, teioch and zion are the real sad cases here. Go get laid and get a social life.

Edited: 2013-04-02 17:31
2013-04-02 17:00 
You have to understand that this is a computer game your talking about del...

Honestly, if your whole life is to prove your understanding of how to master q2dm1 to a handful of people online guys. well your life is pretty fucked

Your a smart guy, go out and make some real life friends and enjoy life a little.

2013-04-01 12:56 
Or maybe I just come across as a educated person who understands things better than a bunch of pot smoking failures in Quake 2?

There is no debate about me being one of the most understanding and best players in Quake 2. That's why I have been writing a complex guide that half of you probably wouldn't even understand.

It's not some obsession, it's just a fact you people 1. can't comprehend, and 2. probably don't like to accept. So I think it's you people with the insecurity issues, not I.
2013-04-01 05:04 
Del, for some reason i just don't think you have much luck with anything in real life.

your obsession with being the best player at a 15 year old game is just creepy.

You clearly have some insecurity issues as a person. so the internet is the perfect place to be that person your are not...

Maybe the need to be the best at quake2 is a way of making you feel like you fit in somewhere, something maybe you lack in real life?

You do come across like this Del.. sorry
2013-03-31 17:00 
I wasn't talking about you, but whatever.

"I'm just involved" <- That's a good way of putting it.
2013-03-31 16:56 

[ok..doubt it seriously.]


I don't have time for this shit.

(+1 doomeh)

Edited: 2013-03-31 17:08
2013-03-31 15:53 
I don't know what you mean with the dumb comments, not that I care or take things like that personally.

I'm just laughing at everyone who calls Delita a troll and yet always responds to him. Like you idiots don't even know the definition of "troll". You don't have to hijack every single match with dumb comments and immature insults.

Edited: 2013-04-01 11:06
2013-03-31 13:57 
I'm a lot better looking than you doom, and no doubt had more woman.

And since when does getting laid have anything to do with Quake 2? In fact, you can always tell the people who are inept at pulling woman because they always talk about how others need to get laid. Makes me both laugh and cringe at those sad fuckers in games who go 'I'm married with kids, I bet your still a virgin'.

I've seen tons of pics of Quake 2 players, most are dorks and I'm a lot better looking than them by a long way.
2013-03-31 08:41 
Del...i think you need to loose your virginity, you know, with a female...(don't be scared everyone does it, its normal)

i know this might be hard for you tho giving your crappy luck in the looks department. But everyone deserves a chance at getting some fanny. no matter how fucked up looking you are.

maybe then you will realize that no one gives a fuck about quake2 anymore, or whats left of your mad oldskool skills.
2013-03-30 18:47 
+1 Z1on
2013-03-30 18:20 
Typical for Debilita and hes Made in China Skillz to be in LB emo Keep Rofl level up Piggy emo
2013-03-30 17:07 
typical for me to ROFL for you guys...
2013-03-30 16:56 
Typical for you two to be shit at Quake 2, and equally as bad at talking shit on here.
2013-03-30 14:28 
Typical for fader to be an *** licker.. emo
2013-03-30 13:57 
Typical for niggy to be a pussy.... emo
2013-03-29 12:15 
+1 niggy
2013-03-26 23:27 
They should rename the ignore button to 'denial'.
2013-03-26 20:36 
2013-03-26 20:34 
gg niggy. Teioch, stop being a dick.
2013-03-26 18:00 
Teoich!? whats wrong with you? If u want to argue with Mirr, use private message. Thnx for understanding...

GG's mirr! GL in next rounds...
2013-03-26 17:23 
U kidding me right?!
What, u want nice & clean messages in the match section of yours?
No, i do not understand what's wrong with u.
Everyone let this english clown screw and troll-argue around freely, but that's okay.
I won't even go into the reasons.....

(funny how u try to sound so sportsmanlike here officially on the site when u try bash nublita on the servers, and now wish him gl..... epic fail and pathetically spoken.)

tx for understanding.

Edited: 2013-03-26 20:27
2013-03-22 23:34 
I'll be in irc on Sunday.
2013-03-21 10:38 
I can play tonight... Friday and Saturday is impossible for me, and about Sunday its not certain yet, i dont know will i be able on Sunday. So please be in irc tonight...
2013-03-18 03:29 
when u wanna play that game? Can play all days starting around 20.00cet! But i have to know when u can play...

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