doomeh, +1 all the way. But I'm afraid what you're doing is useless. I've been there....
He's a corrupt player and person who plagues games (officials incl.) and the scene itself. He deserves to be kicked. He is the cancer of the scene. Imagine a scene without him. Empty to some..... Peaceful to me.
But why keep feed him? Time to stop doing that. Do like me, just ignore him. Trust me, all trolls die this way. Whether they like it or not, believe it or not. It's the perfect antidote!
Time to ignore & kick-ban this liar - and all this crap we shall not be missing!
Wrong again. Players achieved stronger aims from the development of modern technology. Such as faster and more available internet. The introduction of gaming mice and high end gaming equipment. On top of that, aim mostly comes from experience, so if they aim a lot better then they just play too much. All that playing and still not very good... tut tut.
No one likes me? Who's that then? You? Teioch? Who the fuck are you people... bunch of nobodies. A lot of people like me, because they are open minded and look past what happens in Quake 2. Which is nothing to begin with either. I mean seriously, what have I done in Quake 2? Left a game once. So have you, so have hundreds - if not thousands of people. Childish dick heads in Quake 2 make a big deal out of small things because it is the only way they can get attention and satisfy themselves because they are incapable of doing it on an actual server.
The few people that dislike me are either 1. Just complete kids who can't think anything better up other than dishing out abuse. (these are usually the cunts who get their teeth knocked out in reality) or 2. People who just can't accept that way I say is truth. It's logical and its provable, just like in my previous post.
Nearly all old school players would look at me in disgust? I doubt that, otherwise they don't care about the game they used to love either.... and don't forget, you make out like it would effect me. But really it would be me looking at them with disgust, and that's a lot more significant - since I am the truth bringer here.
Sorry doomeh, but again, no cigar. Maybe it's time to just give up and stop replying.
nowadays players have better aim and more aggressive game play. they don't need a total understanding of the game to win. your oldskool skills (which are pretty fucking boring might i add) just cant hold up against the game play of today's players anymore.
Honestly, you're (<- i'm learning) a creep. no one likes you, and you have become nothing more than a little entertainment to whats left of the quake2 community.
Nearly all the good oldskool players would take one look at you now in disgust.
If pathetic is being right and just then some of the greatest people in history must be pathetic.
In fact - fuck it. I'm gonna end this now.
I got beat in this game, yes. That's what the score says - and that is no doubt what you will say the 'truth' is. But this isn't the truth, this is fact.
The truth is that in reality I lost because my net graph was back to back with red lines, or packet loss as it's called. This is pretty much unplayable circumstances and will most certainly hinder a game that requires a lot of precise factors.
Now lets weigh up all the factors. On one side, UMD beats me 3 games to 2. On the other side, I have mass packet loss, hardly any playing time in the last few months, in incomplete config, and not to mention that I've butchered a lot better players than him in my time.
I don't know about you people but my logic tells me to believe the weighted side a lot more than a simple loss. Any one with control over their own concious knows that 1 or 2 games doesn't prove anything in Quake 2. Take Padonkas vs Zion for example. I know for a fact that Padonkas is a much stronger player than Zion, but he had a bad day - and I'm pretty sure he had a hangover too.
Now let's weigh some more factors up here.
We now have people like Zion in positions of the Edge league they shouldn't be in. Why? Because they are winning games that they wouldn't if the circumstances and environment was correct.
Result = We now have a somewhat corrupt and inaccurate reflection of great dm1 players. But because most Quake 2 players now are new school and don't REALLY understand Quake 2 duel. They accept the crap they see in tournaments and then run around servers dishing out crap which quite simply isn't true.
A great player isn't someone who performs in a game. A great player is someone who understands it to its fullest.
I wouldn't even bother trying to argue against this as it is raw logic broken down into it's simplest essence - or to put it simple, you will just fail.
Welcome to reality folks. How does it feel to live in the real world?
Besides the game vs Isbjorn - tell me what game I didn't play with either no config and pak or mass packet loss? Not to mention no practice when you people play 24/7.
Edge league doesn't mean shit, I'm just better than you.
Learn the facts before you start criticising you idiots.
AlexJ - I have no idea what shit you are chatting. You're an awful dm1 player. I've watched your games and the only reason you have gotten as far as you have is because you got put in the easy brackets vs noobs like zion. Padonkas should be where you are now.
I was forced to play every game in edge league with either mass packet loss or no config and no pak and very little practice time - and it is still very evident that I am 10x better than pretty much everyone in the league.
UMD is an awful dm1 player as well and I am quite convinced he was using a wallhack in those games which I will be investigating myself. He spent the whole game spamming rockets from the lift and running away from me. I had room control 90% of every game which shows that I was clearly the better player. After getting completely sick of dying (and already losing 2 games I should have easily won) to back-to-back red lines in my netgraph I just left. Had enough of unfair play and unfair corrupt tournaments. This game should have been replayed at a later date. The game vs faint should be replayed too because I would have easily crushed his skull with a bit more time to fix my quake 2 up.
Sorry, but I didn't lose this game - nor the game vs faint. I was cheated out of them.
PS: There is a rule of thumb in Quake 2 - The player who wins the first game is usually the better player. Because neither players suffer fatigue in this game.
Why was Nublita allowed playing anyway? He was freaking Red-listed, meaning after 2 warnings - which he had previous to this match - he must be kicked! Really, what do we have a Red-list for...... to be forgotten ? I smell corruption..
Now he was kicked out of the league anyway. The mystified extremely powerful Edge Master was denied. The [falsified] Legend could not hardly survive the playoff at all. This is so stupid it's beyond laughable.