q2dm1 strategies by Polosatiy | 2009-10-12 11:10 | Gerdt |
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For the greatest part of you all dueling on the edge is like riding a bike. You know the sounds, you know the what, the where, the when, en the how in a q2dm1 duel.
But... maybe some of you still don't have a clue how to play the bloody map. That's why I'm digging up this old article about how to play q2dm1 duel. It's old but the basics of the game are still the same as back in those days.
That's why I integrated Polosatiy's q2dm1 guide in the section of this website.
Some of you might already read it, but I'm pretty sure many others haven't.
You can check it out (and share your thoughts on it!) !
Meanwhile keep playing and be sure to check out for demos soon! |
Elimination round | 2009-10-10 11:34 | Gerdt |
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Welcome to the first stage of The Edge Duel League!
First of all I want to thank everyone who signed up! This is, once again, a proof that Q2 is alive and kicking!
We have 76 signed up players, which is quite a lot. That's why we are going to have an elimination round.
For practical reasons (to get an even amount of players in each group) we can only let 4 players advance directly into the groupstage. We apologise to those players who actually deserve a direct-groupstagespot but this is the best way to go!
Based on previous results and activity the following 4 players will skip the elimination round:
Aone Assasin Damiah PURRI
The Elimination round
The remaining 72 players are divided into 24 groups with 3 players each. The best player from each group will advance to the groupstage where we will end up with 28 players. More info about the groupstage later.
The elimination round will last for 3 weeks, which means every player will have to play at least 1 game per week. Be sure to check out the to see who your opponent is for each week.
The deadline for round I is sunday 18 oktober!
You don't need an admin for these games but if you need help with the serverchoice or other practical things, just contact one of the ops in #edge.q2
Last but not least, once again, be sure to have read and understood the of this league.
Especially this line is important:
6.6 Games from elimination and group stages don't need an admin, but screenshots and demos will be required from both players.
Be sure no to forget about it! You can send screenshots to any admin on #edge.q2 on irc (quakenet) or upload them on a website such as .
That's it for now. Be sure to join #edge.q2 on quakenet for scheduling games, scorebots, radio and gtv!
Enjoy, good luck and most important: have fun!
- the crew |
Welcome to The Edge | 2009-09-29 09:42 | Gerdt |
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Dear Quake II fans,
Our beloved game is reaching its twelfth birthday and that needs to be celebrated!
Over the years there have been many different game mods, leagues and tournaments. The most popular mode is still the duel, the 1v1. We've had many different - some more succesfull then others - leagues such ad EDL, BDL, RDL, NADL, BRDL, PTDL, PLD and others.
Many people will agree with me when I say q2dm1 is the queen of all quake2 duel maps, and maybe even the best duel map ever built. That's why I decided to have a new duel league where only 1 map will be played: q2dm1.
The goal of this league is to find out who, after 12 years of Quake II, is the best q2dm1 dueler.
are open untill Friday 9 oktober 24.00 CET. The league will start on monday 12 oktober. Be sure to read the (which pretty much copy the EDL rules) before you sign up!
For those who are too lazy to read the rules, here are few important points of the league:
- elimination round will be held if the signup amount is big enough (topplayers will skip this) - best of 3 in the elimination and group stage - best of 5 in the playoffs - tl 15 - q2dm1 only!
Last but not least we are still looking for a few dedicated match-admins! All support is more then welcome. Join #edge.q2 on irc (quakenet) for more info. |
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