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EDL #20
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Match: eternal vs yand3x
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flag eternal vs yand3x flag
Type:elimination I
Referee:flag syanid
Date:2004-09-21 17:40
Maps:match1, q2dm1, q2rdm2
Scores:17:8, 15:23, 18:2

Surely there will be whining and accusing going on here, but here is what happened in admins point of view. Maps were decided, yand3x kicked fury, ptrip and dm3 while eternal removed duel5, dm2 and ztn3. Maps left to play: match1, q2dm1, q2rdm2. Choosing of servers started. My first proposion was to choose most equal server and play all maps there, but yandex proposed for home-away, and so we started looking for those servers. After a while yandex agreed on playing on proppfrag and eternal on playground. As for the 3rd map, we decided to come to irc after 2 maps and find the most equal server we can find.
Troubles getting started cos yandex had to go get his girldfriend from somewhere, eternal said hes going to buy some "snus".. but eventually we got to server and started. Pings were for eternal: 40 - 45, for yandex from 50 to 60. They were kinda stable till the last minutes, when yandex had lag and his ping rise up to 80. Eternal wins the map 17-8.

Next map q2dm1 on playground, where yandex had clear ping advantage on eternal. Yandex had ping from 22 to 30. Eternals ping was kinda stable in little bit under 60. Beginning was domination of yandex, but eternal got in to the game after a while and closed the cap, to 12 - 11, but then died with low health at lower rocket launcher and yandex was able to increase his lead to comforting 23-15 win.

To irc then, last map, where to play. Yandex giving ips after ips and we went through many, didnt count, but MANY servers, when we finally decided to play on hot.ee. - Surprise, server doesn't have q2rdm2. All servers where yandex had advantage, were too good for him, since we tried to find as equal server as possible. Closest to equal we found, was 2.0 in finland, where we then connected and started gibbing. Ping advantage went for eternal this time with his ~35 to yandex's 55. Both players had some packet loss but since this was best server we could find, we wouldn't let that bother. On game, eternal had upper hand all the time altho yandex was able to get him on low healt several times. With 6 minutes and 45 seconds left, on situatin 18-2 for eternal, yandex decided to leave his team giving the map to eternal. Reason: laggy.

As for the other things that were going on in irc while the game was on..

in #edl, ph started whining about ping advantage for yandex on playground and stated that rules were not equal for swedes and parted channel. Here, I lost my nerves, since we all had been TRYING to find servers that are good for both players and WITHOUT ANY favoring for either one of them: I banned him. Quick act from me, with little thinking I would have done otherwise, but what is done is done. Stuff got mad over this, and parted channel saying: Ban me from parting the channel. I didn't.
Some talking was going on on the channel after that, I removed ph:s ban since I knew it wasn't deserved, act of temper without thinking.
[OK]Pogo announced bit later, that both [lm]mikko and Stuff were going to leave the league for that ping advantage in playground for yandex. For sure some reason was for my behavior when banning ph after his whining, but only they know the truth. What I know for sure is this:
<idleph> so sucky rules, always worse for the swedes <idleph> admins sucks

Consult eternal, consult yandex. Ask them if it was admins fault that we couln't find server with 0 pings for both, or atleast equal ones. Both players agreed on playing home - away, both players agreed on using proppfrag and playground, both players agreed playing last map on 2.0.


Sure it was, how could it be otherwise. Admins are easy to accuse.

If Stuff and mikko are really going to part the league for that one map on playground, where eternal didn't have ping as good as yandex did, then go ahead, I dont really mind. It's just not good for the q2scene and least of all for EDL.

However both players, eternal and yandex were acting with respect to each other, excluding yandex's part from last map with 6:47 left on time.

After talking with eternal, he said that none of this wasn't admins fault. I agree, only fault there is you can blaim me on, was banning ph after my short temper. - Reason to leave league? Think that.


2004-09-24 06:46 
yes, "if that is true"
that's not true.
30 vs 60
2004-09-23 12:36 
"he wouldn't play with 50 ping vs my 45"

If this is true, that's just ridiculous!
2004-09-22 15:04 
Actually, I said that I wanted ergo as my server if it necessarily had to be a home-away game, but yandex didn't want to play there as he pinged 65 to it. So I thought, the hell with it, if I agree to play on proppfrag then maybe he won't mind a little disadvantage when it comes to picking the third server...
But as stated before we had to go through countless of servers to find a neutral one (he wouldn't play with 50 ping vs my 45), and among these servers we eventually got to ergo, where he turned out to have ~50 ping and not 65 as he said earlier (no, I was far too tired to call him a liar).
Finally we ended up at 2.0's server, where both of us had pl, and with 6-7 minutes of match remaining he left the team, saying something which I don't remember.
Anyway, I've never wanted, and I'll never want to have someone babysit a match of mine in a computergame. That's why I didn't involve syanid, and that's also why no admin is to take the blame.
2004-09-22 13:35 
great thanks to syanid for waiting.
the only trouble of this match was FUCKING RUSSIAN CONNECTION.
no other problems. fairplay.
proppfrag was laggy too for me
GG anyway
2004-09-22 13:07 
if someone is giving you servers to pick from, and u agree to play on on of them, why should that another player search more servers for you? eternal agreed on to play on playground, no more servers were needed to be found? If eternal says to servers: NO, not that. NO, thats not any better, NO, also that sucks, wont that force another player to find something more? Do you expect that you get full list of all possible servers to pick from? Usually, unless you haven't noticed, servers are been tried one by one.
2004-09-22 10:29 
and what should he have picked insted?
2004-09-22 10:22 
eternal should have only said that playground is not playable for him, and we wouldn't have played there. For sure he knew it was worse for him than proppfrag was for yandex, but I didnt see any arguments on that. If player approves server that other players suggestes in this home-away system, I'm not going to interfere in their decisions. Rules are that players find servers they want to play in. Admin can force server only if players are unable to agree where they are going to play.
2004-09-22 09:43 
"in #edl, ph started whining about ping advantage for yandex on playground and stated that rules were not equal for swedes and parted channel."
"<idleph> so sucky rules, always worse for the swedes"

"Pings were for eternal: 40 - 45, for yandex from 50 to 60." <- eternals server

"Yandex had ping from 22 to 30. Eternals ping was kinda stable in little bit under 60" <- Yandex server..

do i really need to say so much more? offcurse i get angry if u ban ph for just telling the true...

and did eternal choose any server at all? really.. maybe he "agreed" with the server but was he allowed to choose any? what i heard yesterday Yandex choose all servers eternal was just allowed to pick between 2 servers or something.. and both sucked.. "wow eternal is from sweden.. he have a good isp he should not be allowed to choose a server then!"
(ehm have i heard that before.. oh ye right everytime we have a game vs someone outside scandi!!!)

and about ppl saying that admin sucks.. well maybe becuse you are the one that should make sure everything is fair and that was not fair.. but still i don´t think syanid is the one to blame.. its more that yandex... but admins need to step in if it is like this..

btw dhope
"And remember kids, quake 2 is a computer game"
offcurse that is why it should be fun for everyone =) and not like this

oh well bla bla bla sorry about my eng and so on..
2004-09-22 07:19 
Just for the record: don't take my comment about stuff and mikko as definate, hear what they have to say themselves. Wouldn't want to be guilty of having them removed if they changed their minds.
2004-09-21 21:10 
Well, this concludes most of it i guess. However, I don't feel yandex was treating anyone with any greater respect, dragging one other around through 10-20 servers, looking someone where my ping would be worse rather than his better (almost laughed my ass off though, when he accused me of being a 'fucking liar' as my ping on our third server differed by 5-10 from what i said on irc).
To blame the admin though, would be completely wrong, as I never really told him how reluctantly I agreed to some things. Personally I would blame yandex, basically for being an ungrateful prick, and also myself, for trying to be nice to people who doesn't deserve it.
Anyhow, this is all very silly and I hope this is the end of it.

Visa ballen
2004-09-21 19:07 
come on girls, cut the admins some slack
Especially ph. Where does this (paranoia?) "rules, always worse for the swedes" come from ???
The preaching of miko in columns on q2scene.net.... now he does this.... ridiculous.
sya is right " It's just not good for the q2scene".
And dhope, well said.
btw eternal won, don't disrespect his victory.
2004-09-21 17:43 
Children on flames again...

I fully agree with eternal, syanid isn't the one who is to be blamed for this. And I think that one who disses in the middle of the match complaining "lag" deserves not only one ban but permanent ban to future edl competitions. If one cant act like adults should, one can leave. And no-one will be missing, rather, feeling happy.

And that "rules are not fair to swedes" -- c'mon grow up.

And remember kids, quake 2 is a computer game, it's not about your house, money, family, friends (i hope).
2004-09-21 17:34 
mhm yep.. admins are always guilty ;]

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