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EDL #20
IRC: #EDL | Demos: http://demos.q2players.org
Sign ups: off
1/4 finals2007-01-28 18:52 | ph
We have reached 1/4 finals which means that we only have 8 players left. Some players are more expected than others to reach this quarter final round.
V!ct!M has surprised me by reaching so far and i think wision also has surprised by knocking out 2 good players, Gerdt and Pogo. Purri and fps had a hard
1/8 game to reach quarter finals. Both won 3-2 vs their opponents. Purri knocked out thaigo in a very even game, won the last map with 1 frag. Fps beat Aone
in 5th map aswell though it wasn't that even in the final map.

Here are the quarter final games:

flag Turricane - flag provi

The first game is a finnish duel between one of the favourites to win EDL flag provi and another good finnish dueller flag Turricane.
I think it will be an even game but provi will be the winner in the end.
Possible maps: dm1&rdm2 for turri and dm1 and ptrip for provi.
Prediction: 1:3 or 0:3 in favour of provi.

flag purri - flag V!ct!M

The second game will be a game between flag purri and flag V!ct!M. Purri is a big favourite to win this game tho i think V!cti!M can surprise here with one map win.
Possible maps: dm3/dm1 and ptrip for purri and dm3 and duel5 for V!ct!M.
Prediction 3-0 to purri, possibly 3-1.

flag zorre - flag wision

Third game will be between flag zorre and flag wision. I think zorre is a favourite in this game after having beaten wision 2-0 the in group stage pretty easy.
Possible maps: dm1 and rdm2 for zorre and dm3 duel5/rdm2 for wision.
Prediction 3-1 or 3:0 to zorre.

flag Damiah - flag fpS [3-0]

The last game will be between last year winner flag Damiah and the player who took second place in RDL flag fpS. Damiah is a favourite here and will probably be to hard for fps to beat.
Possible maps: rdm2/ptrip for damiah and ztn2dm3 and ztn2dm2 for fps.
Prediction 3-1 to damiah if fpS manage to win on zt2 otherwise it will be a 3-0 victory for Damiah.

When you have scheduled your games please tell an admin as soon as possible so we know when you are going to play so we can get gtv to your games.

The deadline for these games is 4/2 21.00 cet.

2007-01-31 23:18 
3-0 to zorre
2007-01-29 06:44 
So it's safe to say we'll see Provi vs Purri and zorre vs Damiah in semi-finals. Not bad at all, not bad...

2007-01-29 06:06 
No, DE sucks! For the reasons ph and Pogo said!
2007-01-29 06:01 
3:2 for wision =)
2007-01-29 04:36 
this predictions on the main page are not a good idea in my opinion emo
2007-01-29 04:25 
You can reduce number of ppl in groups stage , so u will have more time for DE playoff.
Nubs (like me) are not needed in EDL emo
2007-01-29 04:16 
Another reason against DE is that it makes the league longer and results in many games where the players will be much less motivated. Since we had quite a few w/o's already i think many of those games would never get played and only serve to make the leage last way too long. But we'll see next time emo
2007-01-29 04:03 
and my opinion - so great Tournament as EDL must be with DE in playoff emo
2007-01-29 03:41 
we decided to not take double elimination since we think that it isnt luck if someone wins in best of 5 maps. I think u cant win 3 maps on luck and therefor the best players will move on to next round. But double elimination can be something for next season Alexyenov emo
2007-01-29 02:58 
why not Double Ellim in playoff ? emo
2007-01-29 02:52 
my best skill ? emoD it wont help me. in my present shape - its unreal to prevent rape..
2007-01-29 02:17 
fps !
You must show your best skill now!
2007-01-28 20:47 
final: Provider vs. Damiah.
2007-01-28 20:23 
Well, I think the later in the league the really even, extremely high-skilled matches come, the better! purri-thaigo could have been a great final game for example.

Edited: 2007-01-28 20:24
2007-01-28 18:58 
pretty one sided matches.. i just don't know if it's good or bad :/
anyway.. hf

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