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2022-08-16 Season #20
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EDL #20
IRC: #EDL | Demos: http://demos.q2players.org
Sign ups: off
Group stage ended2010-12-12 15:15 | wision
The group stage is finally over. I would like to ask everyone to check their matches and see if all of them have been added. If there is a match missing, please let me know! Matches listed in the "Upcoming matches" section will be turned into a wo, unless they are played.

I promised everyone that you will have a chance to fix your walkovers, so here it is. Basically you can have two types of walkover losses: either you lost 0:2 by not showing up on a forced/scheduled time or a double wo 0:0 where neither you or your opponent showed up on the forced time. Here are the guidelines for these two scenarios:

0:2 loss:
If you lost by wo to your opponent, then it's up to you to get the game played. Your opponent has to agree on playing the game and deadline for the game is 30th of December. If I do not receive the screenshots by the 30th of December, then the score stays as it is. If you have troubles contacting your opponent, you can MSG me about it and I will see what I can do.

0:0 loss:
In this case you have to try to find your opponent and schedule the game and play it. The games with 0:0 score will be forced in favor of the player who will try to schedule the game! If you have troubles contacting your opponent, you have to let me know and I will try to help you out. You have time until 19.12 20:00 CET to schedule the game and message me about it. If the game is not scheduled by 19.12 20:00 CET, the score 0:0 will stay. Note that you can still play the game even after 19.12, with the exception that messaging me about not being able to contact your opponent will NOT result in forcing of the game in your favor. If both of the players message me, then I will force the players to agree on a date using my Jedi Mind Control Powers.

Please follow the exact dates and times and act accordingly! There are just too many players and I'm really busy. So try to keep it clear/quick!

Also keep reading this news, because I'm sure I will need to update it from time to time with solutions to some of your problems. Good luck!

Please do not count your points. It's very likely that they are wrong, and so could be your position in the group. I am aware of that and everything will be resolved in the end of the month. Thank you.

2010-12-16 10:04 
says niggy who forces an admin to have a w/o over his opponent, dickhead
2010-12-16 03:45 
NiGGY emo
2010-12-16 03:30 
careem has 3 w/o... kick him from the league... and fuck you careem... emo
2010-12-15 03:41 
seems they dont give a fuck about the games [my group]emo
2010-12-13 06:05 
and me too. you told me what we will play our game, but you ignoring me in irg anytime i sent you messages. same for moby. why you don't answer me in pm on edl chanel?
2010-12-13 05:33 
sonic find me on irc #edl!!!
2010-12-13 01:04 
I will idle at #edl all the time. nrk, zet, karpo, sidor click / answer me at irc and niggy fu

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