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EDL #20
IRC: #EDL | Demos: http://demos.q2players.org
Sign ups: off
Official time zone2011-11-08 06:27 | Welkin
This was just sent out to all participants on email:

It seems we've had a couple of misunderstandings after this weekend's forced games. People seem to have different opinions about what time they are supposed to show up. Now we correct this.

The official time zone of EDL is CET (Central European Time), meaning UTC+01:00. All timestamps on the website and in the #EDL logs, are therefor in CET.

To be able to view the timestamps on the EDL website correctly, you need to make sure you have the time zone set to +1:00 in your q2scene account.

How to do this:
1) go to www.q2scene.net and log in to your account
2) click on "info" (in the profile box on the left side) or "profile" if you're on the EDL site (also in the profile box on the left)
3) set "time shift" to +1:00 (image)
4) click on "save"
5) log out and log in again (won't work before you've done so)

While you're at it, why don't you set an email address as well, making it possible for other players to reach you more easily?

Added to the rule sheet:

1.3 Official time zone is CET (Central European Time), meaning UTC +1:00. All timestamps on the EDL website and in the #EDL logs therefor follow CET. To be able to view timestamps on the website correctly, "time shift" needs to be set to +1:00 in your Q2scene account settings (click here for tutorial).

[pushed the old 1.3 through 1.9 down one step]

2011-11-09 08:07 
duco: the reason that pops hasn't been removed, is that a player has to deliver the resignation himself, and not through another player. it should also be done straight to the head admin or by email. sofiene received some kind of message from pops, but to me it's a bit uncertain what he meant by "i leave forfeit [...]". was he talking about a game in specific, or all edl games?

however, he has received too many warnings now, so he will most probably be removed on nov 14, as it says here: http://q2scene.net/scene/index.php?op=art&id=58

also, your match result versus pops is all ready up since a long time, and adjusted in your favor. i don't know what you mean by explaining the match progress.

also (second edit :]), all players agree to the rules by signing up for the league, as the rules state.

Edited: 2011-11-09 08:10
2011-11-09 07:55 
@Welkin (+admins):
lamer PopS still hasn't been removed from Div3 east.
As i already e-mailed and told to Sofiene + you in IRC: we played our game (first 2 maps) and then koldduel1. After a lot of whines about rdm2 and then on koldduel1 he left during the 3rd map. Can you remove him from the league.

Same happened in Euroq2l: http://q2scene.net/euroq2l/index.php?op=descr&id=67995 . New clans/players signing up should confirm on IRC that they aggree to the rules and the maps BEFORE signing up for a league. This behaviour ruins leagues
2011-11-08 07:18 
It doesn't work for all aspects of the Q2scene website, but it makes the timestamps for forced games correct, which is much more important.
2011-11-08 06:45 
Im not sure it is correct.

Your post is published 12:27 for me while i have +0 changes in my q2scene profile.

According to some sites with time on world its proper with CET (now its 12:46).

While i make a change in profile +1 then your post is mark as 13:27 what is impossible because now its 12:46 CET.

Edited: 2011-11-08 06:46

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