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EDL #20
IRC: #EDL | Demos: http://demos.q2players.org
Sign ups: off
Playoffs details2012-05-04 16:11 | Welkin
If any Polish player needs help, check this out: scenaq2.pl/playoffy-edl

1) Deadlines & scheduling

The scheduling of a match follows the same system and rules as previously, as explained in section 3.2 in the rule sheet, but with two exceptions.

1) A match can not be scheduled later than its deadline.
2) Matches will never be forced.

This means that if the players are unable to agree on a time and date, and the match is ultimately not played before the deadline, then it will turn into a w/o.

The w/o will go to whoever gave the other player more options of when to play.

If neither player provides times and dates in a comment on the match webpage, it will result in a double w/o, giving the next opponents free rounds.

All deadlines take place on Wednesdays and Sundays, at 24.00 CET!

The exact date for each match's deadline, is written out in the description on the individual match webpages.

The deadline for the first game takes place on Wednesday, May 9!

2) Game details

5.1.3 Games during playoffs (except the grand final) are played best out of five maps (bo5).
5.1.4 The grand final is played best out of seven maps (bo7). The winners bracket winner only has the advantage of picking the first map.
5.1.5 A player may only pick one map in each match. Even in the playoffs.
5.1.11 After having finished playing both players' map picks in a playoff game, the following two (four in the grand final) maps to play are chosen through map elimination. Whoever has earned the higher net value (own score minus opponent's score) in the first two maps, will choose who starts eliminating the remaining maps. Also, the player who did not start eliminating, will pick which map (out of the chosen two or four) to play first. The following maps in the grand final, are picked by turns.
5.1.15 Games prior to semi-finals (a.k.a. 1/2 finals, in both brackets) may be played without a match admin being present and involved. 1/2 finals and so on may not.

3) Warnings in playoffs

7.2.3 During playoffs, forfeiting one map in a match may result in one or two warnings. If the map was at least 80% complete by the time of the forfeit, only one warning may be given.
7.2.4 During playoffs, forfeiting more than one map in a match may result in three warnings.
7.2.5 Any forfeiting in semi-finals, the bronze game, or the final, may result in any number of warnings.
7.2.6 A warning may be given for every single demo not uploaded accordingly to 3.4.2.
7.2.7 Multiple warnings may be given for every single demo, from a semi-final, the bronze game, or the final, not uploaded accordingly to 3.4.2.
7.1.6 Before the season is announced to be completed, any participating player can receive warnings for any activities related to the league. Meaning players can theoretically be kicked out of the league even after having finished their last game.
7.1.7 A player who is kicked from the league, forfeits any potential prize. The prize will be saved for next season instead.

There are two groups of players in the playoffs. Those with less than the allowed number of warnings, and those with more.

People with less: As soon as a player hits the 8 warning mark, he is no longer able to receive prize money. This prize money will instead go into upcoming seasons' prize funds. If a player reaches the 8 warning mark, he is transfered down into the following group.

People with more: Those selected to continue playing the EDL - in spite of their high number of warnings (as mentioned more in detail here) - will have a 4 warning limit, meaning they get kicked out after the 4th warning they receive in the playoffs. This also applies to those from the previous group, who enters this one.

4) Admins

Each admin will be responsible for one division's playoffs. This is your go-to guy!

Div 1 - Welkin
Div 2 - Ceba
Div 3 - norman
Div 4 - IsBjorn

Of course, all admins can register match results.

2012-05-14 21:04 
hehe...if they follow the same on edge almost none will be left to play. emo

But in edl, yea, they should...

Covell dropping i don't understand... there is much price money involved, that should be enough motivation! He certainly had a chance to go far.
2012-05-14 18:59 
hope edl rules about deadlines will work, not like in edge #3. as i see it work for covell here =) admins made rules and dont following there. gj admins emo
2012-05-05 04:02 
fiz with 25 warnings is the winner of warnings!

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