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EDL #20
IRC: #EDL | Demos: http://demos.q2players.org
Sign ups: off
Idiot's Guide to EDL2015-10-05 13:32 | claire
Groups are up, schedule is up, we are currently in round 1, START PLAYING!

For those new players who are unaware, and the old clueless players, here is a quick and dirty guide to EDL. Remember, you're still responsible for reading (and understanding) the rules, but here is an abbreviated version of the procedure:

Idiot's Guide to EDL

1. Click on the schedule and find your next match based on the round dates. Click the "---" link to the left of the match and leave a comment when you can play. Specific dates/times. Once you decide on a date/time you can message and admin on IRC or email us at quake2edl@gmail.com and we'll put it on the calendar. Notifying us is not really necessary, but nice if people want to watch.

2. Show up in IRC or on a predetermined server a few minutes before the scheduled time.

3. The home player (listed first (on the left)) gets to pick the first map. The away player (listed second (on the right)) gets to pick the second map. If a third map is required, you take turns kicking remaining maps until one is left. The player with most frags decides who starts.

4. Before starting any map, start recording a demo ("record demoname" in console). Every map of every match you play must be recorded. Don't expect the server to stuff a record command to your client, not all of them do. "It didn't record automatically" is not an excuse. You can bind it to a key if it's really that difficult.

5. At the end of every map while the intermission screen is up (the scores) take a screenshot. This is your F12 button by default. Again, don't expect the server to stuff a screenshot command to you automatically, not all of them.

6. Once the match if over both players are responsible for emailing all of their screenshots to quake2edl@gmail.com with a quick description of the match (who picked which maps, what server you played at, any problems you ran into, etc). Both players need to do this, not just the winner.

7. Once the crew adds your match results on the website you'll receive an email containing a URL to upload your demos. You are expected to do this promptly.

2015-10-26 22:46 
2015-10-06 13:28 
no match playd ...... emo
2015-10-05 15:02 
yeah close enough emo
2015-10-05 15:01 
2015-10-05 14:34 
emo emo
2015-10-05 13:52 
Awesume summary Claire. emo

...about 3. "The player with most frags starts."
Isn't it: Player with most frags decides whether to begin kick or not?

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