tomejek picked ptrip & q2duel5 and kadz picked ztn2dm2 & ztn2dm3.. Players decided to play home/away and after 4 maps tomejek with higher frag count picked his home server and kadz picked last map -- q2rdm1. I didn't follow the match really close so i can't describe how first 4 maps went, but on q2rdm1 both players showed some really nice skills and map knowledge.. tomejek with some fast frags from the start and later hiding/runnig from kadz's pretty accurate railgun. Kadz was able to close the gap from 7:1 (~5 min) to 7:6 (~14 min), but in the end, fully packed with armor and mega he wasn't able to hunt down running tomejek and his defensive rockets were deadly enough to kill kadz, increase the frag difference and insure tomejek's position as the winner of this match. I'm a bit sad that players didn't find some equal server because it's not quite fair to play last map with ping disadvantage.. but both players agreed so.. nothing i can do about it. Congratulations to tomejek for 3rd place and kadz for 4th place in DIV2.