troop dropped out due to connection issues. Confirmation given over IRC:
[13:59:53] troop [] is now known as [q2]Lord [13:59:57] <[q2]Lord> claire [14:00:25] <[q2]Lord> i still don't have internet, i can't play :( [14:01:06] <[q2]Lord> i tried my 3g at server, insufficient.. everytime lagging [14:30:53] <@claire> so you dropping out? [14:32:02] <[q2]Lord> unfortunalety yes [14:32:07] <@claire> :( [14:32:09] <[q2]Lord> :( [14:32:33] <@claire> k ----------------------------------- sakkeli was kicked out on 2014/1/14 for reaching and exceeding the warning limit for their division. All their games turn into walkovers. /claire