no contact tonight, was waiting for an hour in IRC, with no feedback... if you get online, let me know if you able to postpone match on 31/10, 01-02/11.
Privet, zhdu kakogo libo otveta, sam gotov igrat' segodnya s 22.00 do 02.00 po Moskve, ili zavtra s 22.00 do 00.00 po Moskve. V , chetverg, pyatnitsu i subbotu vozmozhnosti igrat' ne budet, v voskresen'e s 22.00 do 00.00. Otpishis' tut kak udobno tebe, ili naydi menya v messengerah: Backfire na kanale q2scene v discord ili +79166213181 viber/whatsapp. PS for admins, its Russian translit of previous messages, just if my opponent not good in English.
Ok, this form do not accept cyrilic)) My contacts: Backfire on discord channel of q2scene +79166213181 on viber or whatsapp. Let me know which date is good for you.
I'm ready to play match on 23,24,25 of october. Preferable time 21.00-01.00 (CEST/UTC+2). Earlier time is possible but need arrangements. Later dates, not preferable, I'll be on low ping. Also I can play on earlier dates (19,20,21 of october) in same time intervals.