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EDL #20
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Match: APKIS vs zolton
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flag APKIS vs zolton flag
Type:Division 3
Referee:flag 4Bidden
Date:2020-11-11 15:00
Maps:q2dm1, ztn2dm3, q2rdm2
Scores:13:8, 8:18, 4:12

"So, this was the long awaited game as two best div5 players met (just watch some railgun fights, so you will understand why).

APKIS pick: q2dm1
It was a very strategical and tactical game from the beginning. Probably 8 minutes into the game and only 1 frag - really intense and mind blowing game. But since APKIS was in control the whole game, every spectators felt it is going to be APKIS map. I am quite sure all megahealths went in APKIS's favor. zolton did great at pretending he is going to attack, but never did. First APKIS frag - mid-air rocket. A true game changer. From this point, it was a one way massacre. Easy win for APKIS 13:8.

zolton's pick: ztn2dm3
What else would you expect from russian? ztn2dm3! Everything went well from the beginning for zolton. This little superstar dominated with his railgun accuracy and never left a doubt who is going to win this map. What a shame APKIS couldn't make a fight. 18:8 for zolton, and the war between those 2 little pricks was not over.

Decider: q2rdm2
All weird and unknown maps were removed and both heroes were left to fight on chastity belt. The belt is better known as railgun on this map. Control the railgun - control the belt. APKIS did quite a job to be in control - but not with railgun. It was a chaingun which kept a distance between 2 foes. However, masterclass from zolton to know when to charge and the wisdom of knowing APKIS can't hit open rail shots - easy win for zolton. 12:4.

Conclusion: Quake2 is a good game." - APKIS


2020-11-11 02:34 
We agreed to play Wednesday, 11/11/2020. Probably around 20:30 CET.

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