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EDL #20
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Playoffs deadlines & rules2012-12-04 17:34 | Welkin
Playoffs are finally around the corner! We hope for it to be a great ending to a wonderful season! Dare I say this was indeed the finest season in a very long time. A very low forfeit rate, well seeded divisions with many many tight games, fairly few dropouts, new features like the demo site (which is just the Messiah of websites, as Jesus himself supposedly has put it), etc. Thanks to everybody who has made this possible!

Now, to the business at hand!

Most people already know that the top 4 players in each group advance to their respective division's playoff, and for those who don't; that's the deal. All playoffs are double elimination.

Here are the games' deadlines during the playoffs:

Div 1
Dec 9, 24.00 CET: Replay of any forfeits
Round 1: Dec 12
Round 2: Dec 16
Round 3: Dec 19
Round 4: Dec 30
5-6: Currently no deadlines

Div 2
Dec 5, 24.00 CET: Replay of any forfeits
Round 1: Dec 9
2: Dec 12
3: Dec 16
4: Dec 19
5: Dec 30
6: Jan 6

Div 3
Same as Div 2.

Div 4
Same as Div 2 & 3, but no longer any chance to replay group stage forfeits.

Also, don't forget to keep the rules in mind. These are specific for playoff games:

4.1.3 Games during playoffs (except the Grand Final) are played best out of five maps ("bo5").

4.1.5 A player may only pick one map in each match - even in the playoffs.

4.1.8 After having finished playing both players' map picks in a playoff game, the following two (or four in the Grand Final) maps to play are chosen through map elimination. Whoever has earned the higher net value (own score minus opponent's score) in the first two maps, will choose who starts eliminating the remaining maps. Also, the player who did not start eliminating, will pick which map (out of the chosen two or four) to play first. The following maps in the Grand Final, are picked by turns.

4.2.3 During playoffs; non-OpenTDM servers may only be allowed if 4.4.2-9 can be set.

4.2.8 When "home/away" in a playoff game, the third map (as well as the fifth in the Grand Final) is played on the server used for the first map, and the fourth map (as well as the sixth in the Grand Final) on the server used for the second map.

Obviously there are more rules that concern playoff games (and the competition in general), but I hope you're already aware of them, as they have been in the rule sheet for a very long time now. :)

Now, go kill eachother.

2012-12-18 02:44 
TechNo bro rofl emo emo emo +1
2012-12-11 19:07 
dick, cunt, shut up, talk shit, bullshit, delusional, and whatnot. ...that is all you are saying essentially. U must have been raised v poorly......

Apparently and evidently I know more than you of QII and the Scene.
Englishmen are world famous for believing they are the most centered and important humans on planet Earth (mind: but not all) and esp. in believing their own imaginations. And no, you do not create better movies than hollywood for instance......just one thing of many thousands.
No, so u shut up pathetic englishman - crawl back to your cave and do smth that matters like starting a fire than waltz around here acting like a fool.
2012-12-11 15:34 
No actually you are both wrong. You both talk shit, especially Teioch, just shut up Teioch you dick. You don't know anything about Q2 and the scene.
2012-12-11 14:49 
Both of you are wrong, and I'm not talking about demos.

"Who would want to waste their time playing something that they have no motivation for just to then receive bullshit"

^ that is on the right track, though.
2012-12-11 14:19 
The ONLY ˝ sense u was saying Fulita was in this sentence,

"Also, demos are pretty poinltess.----(NO!) No one ever watches them----(they do!) and they just flood your hard drive with auto-record.----(ah yez I agree here, autorecord plainly sux.)"
2012-12-11 14:15 
Welk: I c, I c. It make sense when u know what it "means".

To our persistent Troll: It still hurt that padonkas kicked ur ***?
The thing remains that u'll always will be raped by many top and more advanced players. What thinks you belong there is that you are able to sometimes beat them in some lousy pracc games where they either just play for plain fun, maybe a bit drunk, too tired to really try etc.etc. Where on contrary you do the best you can....and it sometimes help! So even on ur beloved dm1 u really dont stand a chance with levels of skill above you. 'What's so funny about that?' That you think otherwise, fully believing. Jeez..

If u truly feel like q2 is so dead (which again u prove so wrong), why the hell do u still stick around beside trolling? Or wait, that must be the reason...
And why the hell do you even repeatedly participate in leagues like edge and edl that u never dare to finish? Make no sense what so ever, and it never will. Troll-failing.
Could you ever prove ur shit in official games??
1) no you would not dare to go the whole way.....coward.
2) ur pile of shit would not take u v far in any tournament.
3) stop blaming other they cheating if they even slightly rape u or take the lead, or predict a nice rocket frag on you. Blame instead on your false shit. Try to see it.

-owned by Tei once, once and Once again.
2012-12-11 12:58 
NRK: sounds like 3 in 1 (gipsy, careem and delita) in one person

What's so funny about that? Who would want to waste their time playing something that they have no motivation for just to then receive bullshit off complete newbies because they lose because of lack of practice. Quake 2 today isn't so much about who's the most talented, it's more about who's the sad fuck who plays 24/7. Move on, Quake 2 is dead and 99% of the people in EDL can't duel for shit anyway.

Also, demos are pretty poinltess. No one ever watches them and they just flood your hard drive with auto-record.
2012-12-09 13:38 
Teioch: Double elimination means winners and losers brackets. The losers bracket is not visible in the playoff tree until there are games to add to it.
2012-12-08 16:49 
"All playoffs are double elimination."

what? what exactly is this (yez i did check rules..) i don't get it? Since there are no Loosers Bracket, I don't see how it is possible for me to play any more games this Season. According to Ceba there are more, at least one more..
I lost my game in playoff, the others will advance, 2 in the final and that should be it.
2012-12-06 06:51 
sounds like 3 in 1 (gipsy, careem and delita) in one person emo
2012-12-05 14:01 
I don't want to be in the playoffs because
A.) I'm not motivated at all, since I could probably win div3 either way, and
B.) I don't want to have to go through a bunch of bullshit of recording matches I have no business recording in the first place.

Add the next person below me in the playoffs.
2012-12-05 06:02 
playOK emo

FaderMC - Honor is a small word that is difficult to fit in small people.....

Edited: 2012-12-05 08:28
2012-12-05 05:29 
add me instead of him
2012-12-04 18:46 
remove me

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