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Player Spotlight: Syanid2016-10-23 14:48 | claire
Let's get to know more about some of the players in our community. First up, Syanid

(Thanks to myrmidon^ for asking the questions)

Start by stating your name and how long you have played Quake 2 for.

My name is Jaakko Hakalahti. It is very Finnish name and also very difficult for foreigners, as no-one ever writes it correctly. I started to play Q2 actually about a month after it was published, even though I had no PC at my home. We used to stay after school and play together with some of the local guys on school PC class on LAN. Of course those PC’s back in the day had no 3d graphic cards, so you may say that Q2 was reborn the day when we got our hands on Voodoo 3D accelerator cards. Anyway the story is too long to tell, eventually I got PC to my home (200MHZ Pentium + Orchid Voodoo2) and I used to play with bots and occasional local LAN’s, as I didn’t have proper internet connection for years. Basically because of the lack of connection I never got to play with the great players from early days, which would’ve been awesome. Anyway I’ve been playing more or less since then, more in beginning and less approaching today obviously.

You have been placed in group 1A this season. How do you feel about this group?

Group is OK. I’ve played most of these guys before, but for some of them I have no clue what kind of players they are / what are their strengths and weaknesses. I just hope there won’t be issues with servers, I seem to have shitty ping pretty much everywhere and this may be a problem for me this season.

Do you feel you are capable of making it to the bracket stage?

If you asked this question a few weeks back, I would’ve said no. I’ve had too long breaks in past years that it feels awfully hard to get back on the horse again. I don’t have much confidence in my game yet and I tend to make stupid decisions when playing, but I’ve made some steps forward in these past few weeks so I kind of expect to get out of the group. I’ll be disappointed if I don’t.

You’re known very much as a family man these days, with little time to practice. Do you feel this largely affects your performance, or do your many years of experience make it easier to shake off the dust and compete on minimum practice?

I think my many years of experience is my downfall in this case. I expect from myself that I can play the game like I know I can, but right now I really can’t. This makes me frustrated while playing. In the practice games I’ve had I don’t really care at all how many frags I give away, or if I win or lose. It’s all about just re-learning the metagame and especially re-learning the movement and aim. I am much happier about a game I lost, if in that game I could feel like I made the right decisions and was able to move around without getting stuck to corners on map; than about a game which I win but executed my movement and aim badly. Winning a game while playing like crap is as enjoyable as peeing in your pants in winter, sure it feels warm that second or two, but you haven’t really achieved anything other than wet pants.

You tend to know the EDL maps very well (I’m not sure where you stand on the new map, One Must Fall), and this gives you a nice advantage against some players. Do you feel that it is important to know all the maps on an equal scale as opposed to being super strong on one map and weak on another?

I don’t think anyone has much advantage over others when it comes to maps. Everyone knows every map. This season it would be good if you knew every map on equal scale (or that you would be equally good one every map), because of the pick pick –system. With kick kick pick pick you were always able to remove the one map you didn’t enjoy playing, which is not possible this time around. I didn’t vote for maps (as I didn’t really care), but I must admit I am not happy about ptrip not making it this season.

What do you consider your strongest attribute as a player?

I generally can run the map pretty well, I mean I can play the items. At least that’s what I used to be able to do :)

Do you get nervous before official games? And if so, how do you cope with it?

You would think that I didn’t after so long time, but I do. How to cope with it? I don’t know, you tell me. I think it’s perfectly normal to feel nervous when you’re about to test yourself in some way (applies to real life as well as in computer games).

Do you have any pre-game rituals or lucky charms? For instance, I tend to wash my hands thoroughly before official games to remove any grease or sweat.

No rituals of any kind. Maybe avoiding any kind of ritual is my kind of ritual? Everyone should do what they feel like they must. My biggest concern is to have a distraction free environment, which is sometimes a challenge with my kids around.

What place would you be happy finishing in this season?

Well obviously a podium place is a good thing, but really this time around I’ll settle for any position as long in the end I can say that I felt like I played OK. Last time that I played in EDL I ended the league with some of the crappiest performances I had that season.

And finally some fun facts/trivia about ‘Syanid’ for your fans:

How did you originally get into Quake 2?

A friend of my got a copy of it and installed it on school PC. I tried it out and got hooked. I must say that I was terrible at it in beginning, as I had not ever played any fps game before, but it was fun. Biggest challenge was to move and aim at the same time, but that improved over time. We also play duke nukem 3d and shadow warrior, latter being extremely fun :)

Who is your favourite Quake 2 player of all time?

Well obviously the favourite player depends on what era of the game we are thinking about and also what game mode we are talking about. Let’s just mention a few in no particular order: Shub, Malle, Deuce, Darec, Esho!, Nikodemus, provi, rascal. I’m especially fond of Q2CTF, which I always loved, but never really had time to get into.

What is your favourite movie or book?

The Shawshank Redemption is my all-time favourite movie. I’ve read quite many books (used to read about a book a day during course of a few years in my teen years (adds up to 1000+ just in that time period alone), but I like fantasy books the best in general and nothing else I’ve read really come close to epicness of the Wheel of Time.

What is your favourite song?

I don’t know, I don’t really listen to music a lot. If I do it’s going to be a battle between 90’s europop/trance-whatdoyoucallit? – e.g. Imperio or E-type or similar, and metal music, such as older In Flames or Insomnium. I can’t really name one particular song though.

Do you have a favourite quote?

No, I don’t really care for quotes, unless it’s something particularly funny. But I’ll answer this question by saying that best quotes I’ve heard originated from a unique mind of Matti Nykänen (use google).


2016-10-24 08:19 
the proper inverview's headline:
"It feels like wetting pants on winter" -— Syanid states for his gaming skills

Edited: 2016-10-25 16:14
2016-10-24 05:48 
Great interview emo Was fun to read! GL sya this season! :p
2016-10-24 04:00 
n1 gj)
2016-10-24 02:55 
Good interview. I always enjoyed reading interviews on this website.
2016-10-23 23:16 
I must repeat myself :

"Reasons because Syanid didn't won EDLs make me to respect him even more"

I could imagine Syanid shape with Purri connection and hardware over years, and time spent practicing Quake2 like Damiah in time EDL #3

But there is no "fantasy quake2" so i must say enjoyed reading interview with Syanid, husband, father of 3 kids ! and great gamer
2016-10-23 22:55 
Nice idea about interviews and nice job. Thanks for yours time guys. Was interesting to read this.
2016-10-23 17:27 
Nice article ! Keep it up Myr emo

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